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Found 11 results

  1. Is there a way to observe the mapping / wrapping of a stencil on the target mesh in full prior to actually transferring brush strokes? with camera view you get to see the stencil much better for things like sizing, rotating, etc. I want to be able to position the stencil exactly against the mesh. Thanks
  2. Replacing the MAPPING node with several 'XYZ Vector Slider' nodes - would be helpful - give more finite control if it were possible to configure the maximum-minimum values with an IMPUT data-value at each end of the slider. See attachment: Replace XYZ
  3. I'm new to 3dCoat and searching for the best way to do good, clean well-aligned UV Mapping so that the borders are synched-up perfectly (doing figures). The other posts are a year old, and most of the pages are NOT FOUND - I'm open to hearing suggestions and seeing links for the best clips on these subjects! Thank you -
  4. Hi everyone! When I uvmap, sometimes certain meshes are doing this strange thing of having one or more polygons plain grey. They also don't show on the UV map islands! I've encountered this problem twice before: once, I solved it splitting a polygon that had several vertices in more, simpler polygons; and the other time it was a rectangle and I just couldn't get what was going wrong. I've no idea on why this is happening (in this specific case is also a triangle, so it's clearly not a matter of complexity) and I'm attaching a screenshot to show you the situation! Thank you for your support!
  5. Texturing is central to 3D. From UV to UDIM to Ptex, it is easy to think one technology has just displaced another, but the reality is more complex. UDIM UV mapping has enormous popularity for texturing in the face of much newer systems such as Ptex (which works very well in its own right). While Ptex may still yet win the texturing heart of pipelines around the world, it has not yet become the dominant force. The article at FXguide UDIM is a way of creating a single linear number that identifies each integer block in UV space. You do this by defining a limit on the number of patches you can use in the U direction (the U-DIM) and then resetting U to 0 and incrementing V by one after reaching that number. i.e. fill in all the patches up to U=10, then go back to U=0 and go up a line in V. In fact, while UDIM could use an U base number, 10 is now the default and almost exclusively the only number used. The UDIM number starts at 1001 with the U=0,Y=0 being 1001. //note: Proper UDIM support in 3DC was implemented after v4.5 BETA4
  6. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there is an easy way to stack islands when they have the same element, like in this example, I made a tree with many leaves and the UV map would look like this: http://i.imgur.com/A72DcZL.png So if I would do that manually I had to scale and move every single island and it would not only take a long time but also never really be accurate (http://i.imgur.com/mjWIKHf.png). Is there any way to do this better? Or at least a way to scale all the islands equally so I'd only have to move them manually? If not, maybe in another program like 3ds max? Thanks!
  7. so i got 3D coat to trial out making skins for CSGO. when ever i saved the texture on photoshop it kept doing this :/ any help? thanks
  8. I'm finding that exporting a displacement map is not getting the results needed. As you can see in the picture from Blender, the displacement map is all pixelated and useless really -- it doesn't add any additional depth or anything. What am I doing wrong in this process? Here is my workflow: 1. Unwrap object 2. Retopo room > file > export retopo object 3. Retopo room > bake > bake into normal map for per pixel 4. Paint room > textures > texture baking tool 5. Input: Choose the .obj exported from step 2. Thanks much in advance! Here is a link to the .3b file.
  9. Hi, i used the auto seams feature and unwrapped... the uvs turned out to be incredibly disproportionate. The only reason I can see for this is that I have made an incredibly large tri/polygon... but the twist is i cant find this polygon. If there were an invert selection function for the retopo room i could test if this idea is correct but i cant see this function, whut should i do?
  10. Hi, was wondering where the displacement mapping gets used. Specifically characters and assets? I know this is used more I believe in Landscape, for game engines etc... Is this used more in movie making software like 3ds max Maya for characters and assets? Is there possible realtime deformation with game engines for characters? idk... Or actually is it just better for rendering with some 3D models? Is that it....
  11. Can someone tell me how i auto uv map an object which currently has no uvs, on 3.7 i could just select the auto map finction but now ive no idea... by the way whenm i click the uv tab i cant see the model this may be a problem or it may be how its meant to be. thanks
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