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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all, I'm really enjoying the smart materials, but I keep running into a snag. When I initially open 3DC and start working, selecting a smart material brings up the preview options at the top as well as a twirl down preview window to see the material applied to my model - sounds normal right? This works great, but if I inadvertently close the preview options (which also closes the preview window) then select another smart material, the options pop back up, but I can't for the life of me get the preview window to come back! I've looked at and clicked on everything I can think of to figure out the trick, but the best I could do was to get it to return when I open the smart material editor. Better than nothing, but it only stays as long as the window is open, and I have to close/reopen the editor if I want to try another material, which can get pretty tedious. Any ideas on how to call that preview window back permanently? Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone, i really new in 3D Coat, i just learn how to make own smart material and its look awesome. Then my question is, how to generate thumbnail with various shape like this picture below? There are default sphere 3D Coat shape, inverted default 3D Coat sphere shape without a midle hole an the box shape. Thank you Edit: For the inverted and the box shapes, i downloaded the smart materials from the 3D Coat official websites here http://materials.3dcoat.com/
  3. I have having some very annoying issues with shader preview icons not previewing correctly (see images). At first it was happening with the Metal shader previews... which I have just put up with in the hope that they would be fixed after updating the software, but they are still not displaying correctly. Now my Polymer previews are also doing this after last night when I right clicked one of the Polymer shaders and either clicked on either Rename Shader, Construct New Shader or Edit Permanent Shader Settings (I can't remember which one). At first it was just the one preview that was not displaying correctly, I read the thread, https://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22839-solved-shader-preview-problem/ so tried right clicking and clicking Refresh this Preview... no luck, so tried right clicking and selecting Refresh All Previews... which caused ALL the Polymer shader previews to display incorrectly. Any help would be appreciated!! I am still a new user so maybe I just did something wrong? Really love this software though for the main part! Thanks guys.
  4. Hi! I made a model of human model. In the retopo room I used Autopo and then i manually edited some faces that got wrong. Now i want to edit the UV, according to tutorials there should be a red 3d mesh in the UV preview window, but not for me. There is no UV preview in the UV room either. What is wrong? is this a bug or does the UV exist but is so messed up by the autopo that it can't be renderer? I heard something about that a 'face' are not allowed to have more than 4 edges. could perhaps that be the problem here? Some faces only have 3 edges while other have 4. Thank you.
  5. Hello forum, this is my first post so excuse me for my realy stupid question ) So, I tried to repeat this lessin about masking and freezing. But I can't find stamp preview window just like in attached photo. In video - when lector choose Fill tool, that window shows automatically - but not in my case. My config: version 4.7.11(GL64) MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555) iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)
  6. I have a small problem with the preview window. Im not sure if its a bug or something else...happens wen using stencils after smart materials. Preview opacity and viewport is turned off. take a look: https://youtu.be/gorDkw1C4ow
  7. I haven't been using 3D Coat very long so I'm more than willing to admit operator error here, but I've been playing with building smart materials and I'm very excited about what's possible, yet I've run into this frustrating hiccup where the smart material preview looks terrific and detailed, but when I try to fill that texture to the layer, the result looks horrible, blurry, and splotchy. I though that the resolution of the texture might be the issue, but I'm getting the same problem even with 8k textures. Is there a reason that this is happening? What am I doing wrong?
  8. Is there a way i can replace the checker grid/texture on my retopo mesh, with a custom texture. Edit: ah found it. select mark seams tool, and you will see a box defaulted as "simple checker" (in the tool options box along the top of your screen), drop down the list and select custom checker.
  9. It's the same even on default material (for example metal_rusty), so it's not my material's fault. I've attached the mesh that I've used here. TestMesh.rar
  10. Im having this issue where i cant really see what im doing because the viewport and the render room, is not showing me the correct visual representation of the PBR material. In contrast, the PBR Material Previewer works wonders and it looks how it is supposed to. Is this an BETA problem or is it just me? I added a picture of what i mean as an attachment. Yes, i have tried everything and read everything, even work with the lights!
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