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Kiev: The Legend in Your Hands


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Hello everybody,


Share with you my first work in 3D-Coat. Coat is a really fantastic program and is a great 3D tool! 


My aim was to create the advertisement  booklet of some retro product. The booklet you can view  going by the following link (more graphics in high resolution): 




Some my explanations and comments you can find here: https://yadi.sk/i/xSXYHurUX28XL


With best regards,







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Oh, thank you!


This encourage me for further work. Actually, this is my first 3D graphics. Merely worked early  with vector graphics. Have to learn a lot of stuff. Very challenging and interesting.

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Very nice. Post it into your free forum gallery. Then we can feature it if you like.



Can you tell some more technical infos? Where the image was rendered, textured etc.

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Dear Taros,


unfortunately I didn't manage to upload the screenshots to my gallery. I tried all steps here http://3d-coat.com/gallery/my-gallery/%C2'> on the step3   nothing happens. And the gallery does not attach to my account :( Here I attached the old screenshot of purely detailed body.


But I don't think that screenshots will tell you a lot. I split my model into many groups and each of the group I created in separate 3b file and then exported. The final composition I edited in 3ds Max and rendered there with some basic paths. Now I think that I needed to reduce the saturation a little bit. Textures I did in 3D Coat with the use of prepared masks but since I am novice I did not know how to use and export the normal maps. So the texture of engravings was duplicated by hand during the retopology. Slightly ugly, i know. 


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Dear all,


I think I understood how to upload the gallery. Previously I tried to upload the screenshots. Now the set of pictures is in my gallery.



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