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z1rome's Sketchbook


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Hi all, my name is Brian.  I've dabbled in 3d for years, but never had the time to get completely serious about it.  Still don't honestly, but I fit it in when I can.  I consider myself a novice still, but I have a good foundation to work with.  My sketchbook won't compare to most of the ones on here, as there are some great artists in this community and I'm a noob to 3DCoat.  But here goes!


Here's my first real sculpt after messing around with all the tools for a day.  Didn't get too crazy as this is more about practicing on retopo, detailing, baking, texturing.  Not for anything particular just trying to figure out a good workflow for myself.  Hopefully I'll have a cooler looking finished render for you guys to check out soon.  Anyways, any critique is welcomed and I'll see you soon!





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Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.  Hopefully I can get to the retopo in the next day or so and move on to the fun stuff.  It's not my strong suit, I feel so slow during that phase.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you :-)   I'm having a tremendously hard time with inspiration these days.  Think I'm might have to reacquaint myself with drawing to exercise that side of my brain for a few months then return to sculpting.   


How do you guys stay inspired?

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Some sort of air/space craft I'm working on.  Few different software for this one but 3d-Coat is involved.  Still working on my textures/materials, and the final image will be in space most likely.


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