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Everything posted by 3d_sculptress

  1. hi, Jake...thanks....I've always used HP printers...the printer I have now is a HP Photosmart 2575v- 300dpi --All In One (Scanner, Copier, Printer) I can just stick my HP EasyShare camera card in it n download all my pics, too. (I think mine ran about $300.00 when I bought it about 2 years ago, but HP has their printers on sale right now)....but as for Ghostdogs thread, where's it located ? (which forum category)
  2. so sorry..i didn't see your question until just now...if Phil's suggestion doesn't work, u might try this...if you were to try n smooth the seams, it would probably just make them worse, of course, if the seams are indented,,(or if they're already lower than their surrounding areas) but if they are indented, you could use the 'increase' tool (at a very low setting ...around 10 on depth and 10 on smoothing) to enlarge them, then use the smooth tool (at a very low setting) to smooth them back out, then it just might do the trick.... if the seams are 'raised' tho, (higher than their surrounding area) again, i would try smoothing at the lowest setting.(around 10 on depth and 10 on smoothing) if the smoothing doesn't work, u could try setting increase on 'invert tool action', then set it at the lowest setting.(around 10 on depth and 10 on smoothing) ..inverted increase gets out alot of seams for me that smoothing won't.
  3. ha, he looks similar to how the first phase of the model I'm working on now looked ,,started to go ahead n go the space look, but went another route instead,,,but yea, he's looking great..look forward to seeing it progress...
  4. thanks, kay_Eva & haikalle...yea, I've always wanted to design my own jewlry, and figurines, etc.,,so now I'll finally be able to do that, I'll be able to turn the designs I really like into real jewlry, cause there's more n more companies on the web now that will turn any 3D object into a real life object, for a reasonable price...so that'll be great. I was trying out the new muscle tool when I created the 'spear'...used the muscle tool to create the feathers. still gotta experiment with it alot more, of course, but I think it'll be very useful...and I haven't used the curve tool at all yet, but will be exploring it so that I can bow/curve my wings, etc.. I love the freedom of being able to go into 3DCoat and just play and explore. one of the best investments I'll ever make, imo. well thanks for checking out my art and your feedback is always welcome.
  5. just playin in between the serious stuff...
  6. he's looking good (imo) are you going to add more veins, wrinkles, etc. to his forearm and bottom legs sections ?..just curious...n i like the 'skirt' design n cloth ...did you create it in 3DC ? looking forward to more updates on this.
  7. hi, Phil,..thanks for all the vids...I just learned alot while watching them..(n your orc looks great)....so how do you like the new muscle tool ? I haven't downloaded the version that has it yet,,but am looking forward to working with it.
  8. thought I'd leave you a link to the ear models that I just finished ..I posted the first ear model after watching 3dioot's and then posted another set of ears in the same thread after watching LJB's tutorial...it does seem to get easier each time,,and the easier it gets, the swifter I'll get,,same with you, I'm sure..... First Try at Ear Sculpt (previous post;Head/Face Sculpt from Sphere) thanks for the Ear Tutorial 3dioot ! here's a link for a demo that I created for a 2D paint program..(the first link) .the second link goes to a 3D vid I made while playing around with iClone.(and one of iClone's models) ..I'm looking so forward to eventually animating the models that I create in 3DCoat...but like you said, practice n more practice... .
  9. hi, LJB...I just finished watching your tutorial and creating my first set of ears...may need some fine tuning, but best I can do for now....now I guess I can just save the ears in a seperate file from the head sculpt, then use them on other models,,morphing when necassary..that will help alot....well now I'm gonna focus more on the structure of the head, then I'll go to the body phase,,,well, thanks again for the tutorial
  10. hi, IKHandel.....as for the method I mentioned, Phil (philnolan3d) just left a vid link yesterday, he said that 3dioot did an ear tutorial a few months ago: http://www.vimeo.com/5134607 and LJB just created a vid this morning that you might want to check out... here ...both vids may be very helpful, I know they were for me, cause they cover several areas that I wasn't really accustomed to yet...and you may want to run a seperate thread titled ''Tutorial Needed--retopo ears and surrounding area'' or just mention it to Phil or 3dioot, n I'm sure one of them would be glad to create the vid......(n as for my online name,, it's kinda like callin a mouse a lion, right now, lol,,but you know what they say, ''if we dream (&work) hard n long enough, it just might come true )
  11. thanks so much LJB...I figured there was a way to attatch the ear to my head sculpt, but really wasn't sure about how, so I was just gonna rebuild new ears for my head sculpt ,but this will save some wear n tear on me n my stylus.........I'll keep your comment/info that you just left earmarked, (pardon the pun,lol) and look forward to watching your vid....thanks again.....
  12. ok,...finished watching the tutorial and finished the very first ear sculpt that I've ever done...it doesn't look exactly like 3dioot's, but as long as it looks like an ear I think I'm doing real good for now ....(thanks for the tutorial, 3dioot ) . . . . . ......,......
  13. just a foundation base..will fine-tune as I go...not sure if this will wind up male or female .....would probably need to thin down nose if went female route I've never sculpted ears before...so am in need of an 'ear tutorial...plse leave info if you know of any.....thanks . ....
  14. hi, IKHandel...I'm still new to alot of this, but I did find that we can use the move tool in the sculpt room (radius at 15 ...depth and smoothing at 100%) to pry the ear out from the head, then afterwards, use the smooth tool while pressing shift to seperate the back-side crease of the ear even more (optional).......(u can use the move tool to move it back closer to the head after detailing or leave in position)....hope this helps.
  15. hi, leigh !...just finished reading all 11 pages of this thread,,totally inspiring and informative, as I'm sure that all the vids and webinars will be that I now will go back and retrieve from this thread...it goes without saying that your artwork is just fantastic, and so is your creativite flow....really makes me look forward to learning the sculpting workflow process....hats off to ya, maestro
  16. just finished this Tree-Sprite...again, just playing with ideas... ..... . . . . . .
  17. just playing around with some ideas n having fun with my newly purchased gem of a program. I love 3DCoat so here's one of my ideas ; a ''Celtic Tree'' ,.......this is just a 'foundation' for now, ...I created the human head from scratch (from a sphere), then added spikes for the tree branches/limbs/roots/vines...but here it be .... . .(click on this thumbnail for the larger view) . . . . .
  18. got it !.. ...everything went great,,thanks for all your feedback
  19. hi,,just a newbie here, but I like your idea,,especially the 'access to change the picture to new one' option...would also be nice to have a forum gallery,,,,
  20. thanks James n Tony, Crystal,.......I'm headed over to my 'special link' right now...the only other thing I was wondering about was that when I downloaded the trial, it installed 2 versions, a 'DX' version and 'OpenGL' version, but I'm assuming that I'll be able to just paste the serial # into both versions,,and all will be well ?
  21. hi, Phil...na, it's really easy to work with..I painted the little doodlebug that I'm posting,,and I know how to work with diffuse and opacity maps,etc,(especially in iClone and Curvy3D),,but I just haven't gotten use to 3DC's workflow yet... (so I need to watch alot more tutorials. )
  22. wasn't sure where to post this, but I want to take advantage of the $50 discount that's being offered ..(thanks, Andrew!) ,so I'm going to purchase 3DCoat in the next few days...just wondering if I need to uninstall my trial version before installing paid version....and could someone leave me a link for the newest stable version ? I'm presuming it will have the new muscle and toothpaste tools ?..hope so..well thanks for any feedback on this. also wondering, I received this email when I downloaded the trial version,,but since I received it on 9/1/09, am wondering if the special link will be for the newest stable version ( with the new muscle and toothpaste tools included) ?... ////////////// email from 3DCoat ; We are happy to offer you a $50 discount to purchase 3D-Coat Full Professional version throughout the 30-day trial period at the special rate of 235$. Here's your special personal link to make this purchase till 01 October 2009:
  23. just playin while learning this program.. ...I really like the fact that we can use the spike and snake tools while building our model
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