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Everything posted by AlphaGrunt

  1. Honestly I prefer the navigation and general use ability of the mouse and keyboard (hotkeys galore!) I can move the mouse a half inch and be across the screen as apposed to having to physically move the pen from one corner to the other. Plus you (or at least I) end up using the keyboard anyway because that is where all my hotkesy are. The tablet only allows for a limited number of hots :/
  2. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16909 I reach frustration very quickly with this tool... Andrew can we get some love for this tool! It's got great potential it's just to damn crazy!
  3. I only use coat for manufacturing purposes (along with others in my circle). The 1 problem we constantly battle with is that we cannot scale the stl by a certain percentage. For instance in my CAD package if I create an stl it gives me the option to scale that stl based on a percentage ie. 101%, 102%, 103% etc, etc. The reason for scaling an stl in this way is because you have to factor in shrinkage not only from the print but for the casting as well. Upon export could we please get another dialog box for scaling?
  4. While I have an extensive background in cad software and am familiar with warp and bend tools, 3DC's Warp is by far the most awkward tool I have encountered in 3D coat so far... It's actually driving me nuts because it's so inconsistent! For instance, simply taking a sphere and pulling it into space (off center of axis) and hitting the "To X", "To Y" etc the model does not always update???? You have to keep clicking around and come back to it in order for it to register that axis, or you have to change the camera view if you notice that the tool is not updating and then it will update... Also, there is no "reset to zero" which makes this tool even more of a pain, something I've noticed on a number of other tools. A "reset to zero" should be on EVERY tool to increase efficiency/productivity. Not to mention the tool only seems to work correctly if it's sitting around 0,0,0
  5. Actually if I just hold down the RMB (on pen) and motion left or right off the model it just zooms. Perfect thanks Javis.
  6. I can't seem to set it up to zoom for some reason. What method do you guys use for zooming when using your tablets?
  7. Awesome!I'll be following this! Thanks for sharing
  8. Yes the strokes were different than with the mouse for sure. Now I'm debating keeping the thing..do you enjoy using it? Do you think it's better than using a mouse?
  9. AlphaGrunt

    Le vieux Marin 2

    Kargall might be the best sculptor I have seen in 3d Coat yet. If there are better out there, their not sharing but hats off to work like that. We need more talent like that to help 3DC grow!
  10. Anyone have this working with 3D coat? Any feedback? I just got one for my Bday yesterday and messed around with it in coat for a few minutes and it didn't feel quite as natural as with the mouse but I'm sure that is a comfort that comes with time.
  11. Ok....well that's terrible news.. Just to note, even with 'stroke expansion' turned off it STILL does not inflate or expand the surface simply by holding the mouse button down, was that functionality taken away too!?? Thanks Carlosan
  12. He does say "inflate clay is more subtle now" perhaps that is his subtle way of saying "Sorry dudes it just doesn't work like that anymore!?" Carlosan? That video was made in a 3x version, care to elaborate or upload how that is done in a 4x version? Thanks
  13. Still with Al on this. The brush doesn't work ANYTHING like you're showcasing in the video????? I'm using version 4.1.17 and when I mirror my settings to yours STILL nothing? With inflate brush selected and settings per your suggestion you still have to keep clicking the mouse button when clearly in the video you are just holding the button down and the space is filling. Not only that but it's also only inflating towards the camera and not in every direction like you see in the video. The expand tool is no different?
  14. Thank you for the help Javis. If I use DX does that still leverage cuda?? I'm in GL now and have never really had any issue to speak of. I've never EVER had coat crash on me?
  15. I'm with you in that I don't like to be in surface mode..in fact I try and avoid it at all costs. Voxels are just cleaner for me and my purposes 90% of the time. Very strange that they would just completely change the functionality of this brush though don't you think? Carlosan can you shed some light on this??
  16. Hey guys, thanks for trying to help, none of this solves the issue though... :/ I get the same result when I open the bust model and messing around with it smoothing etc. I just don't understand how everyone is not seeing the same problem I am? I HATE SURFACE MODE Carlosan, I do not see the clean surface option? Is that suppose to be accessed through the RMB action??
  17. Hi and thank you for the help Javis. 1) I completely understand what you're saying about using surface mode rather than voxel mode for this purpose. Probably the number one reason I avoid surface mode (aside from voxels being awesome) is that the smooth brush completely stinks in surface mode compared to voxel mode :/ Here is an example and if it doesn't work the same for you I'll make a video but I've made a post about this before. Open the bust, increase resolution and add a texture, go to surface mode and smooth it all back out with the smooth brush. Now go back to voxels and smooth HALF the bust with the smooth brush again. See the difference? 2) I've updated and I do see the brush & strokes option I was looking for thank you! On a related note I have two gtx 780s should I be using open GL or direct x? I understand how to bounce between the options I just need to know which I should be using?
  18. This will be super useful thank you Javis!
  19. Two easy ones for you pros 1) I split my model (in voxel room) so that I can have part of my model more dense than the rest. How do I then combine the two without a crazy seam? Or is this just how it is and I have to try and manually smooth the two parts back together? 2) My "options" tab is gone? How do I get it back? The one where you can set the jitter in a brush etc
  20. So that inflate tool is awesome but I cannot get it to work anything like that? It seems like you're just holding the mouse down and the space is filling but when I do it I have to move the mouse back and fourth and it only builds based of the normals facing the camera? And the voxtree extrude works exactly the same? Is there a setting I'm missing because I tried to match what I saw in your movie there with zero success...
  21. Awesome Thank you Carlosan!! I'm absolutely loving coat!! One last simple one for you..How do I center my model in coat space?
  22. When I import a model it ends up being way off in some distant corner most of the time. I don't know why since my model is in the center of the program upon export but is there a way to select the item in the voxtree and have the camera auto zoom on it? AND how do I get my geometry in the center of Coats world space????
  23. How did you get that pattern on the skin? I'm doing a similar project with scales and I have no idea how to get the scales on the entire object like that? Javis do you have any tutorials of this?
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