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Everything posted by JoseConseco

  1. Painting/filling with bpr material with uv mapping won't work. Box mapping works ok. Serious bug if you ask me...
  2. New smoothin is amazing! Smoothing uneven geo was one with my biggest problem in 3dc. Just see below for yourself. Andrew, maybe someday you will be able to fix ugly mesh triangulation that is now caused by LC brushes - I described it in detail in this post.
  3. JoseConseco

    Thug 2

    From the album: Randomnes

    Another shoot. Made in 3d coat. Render in zbrush.
  4. JoseConseco


    From the album: Randomnes

    Made in 3d coat, render in zbrush. Some post in PS and FilterForge
  5. About small tweaks that would speed up workflow, I wish Andrew added copy/paste options to pbr material editor settings - for layers and thextures. In place on right mouse click : I reported feature request here
  6. Actually installing newest 3dc fixed this problem. Did you try to delete 3dc folder in mydocs? I also installed 3dc to new location in program files. If everyghing works ok I will mark it as resolved.
  7. JoseConseco

    Male Bust Study

    nice. I hope to see more
  8. I is just me, or preview is broken now for most of pbr maetrials? Texures are not rendered in preview. Also this orange wood shader looks bit weird on model, compared to reference ball. But maybe it is just matter of mesh difference.
  9. Mighty Pea, yep PBR has quite a lot small bugs here and there. I hope they will be fixed for finall release. I reported most of them to mantis.
  10. JoseConseco


    From the album: Randomnes

    Another pbr
  11. Awesome. Just one click fill? Anyway i seems sampler tool, doesn't pick glossines and metallnes values.
  12. Andrew, in latest release, UI color of all the value boxes is not themable any longer. So now I got dark font on dark background and it is hard to read. Any way to fix this? Prevously it was ok - see how it looked in previous builds (before beta5)- http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16870#entry114615
  13. Just that I wont forget. Features to fix preferably asap: 1. Current tesselation algorithm is unable to work well with very low poly meshes eg. cube -it makes cube shrink and deform (blender doesn't have this problem, but sculptris suffers from it too). See below simple cube sculpted with LC brush(dosen't look like cube any longer) : Also there seems to be problem with uneven triangulation of mesh on edge of each brush dab. See below I made 2 strokes with LC brush with hi spacing on left and low spacing on right. First dab, at beginning of each stroke, looks great (better than blenders or sculptris). But then mesh gets corrupted and there are areas of higher triangle density. This is fine until you want to smooth it out. Below I marked in red how bad mesh surface looks after smoothing geometry like the one above. So I learned to not use smooth brush in 3dcoat, and use polish brushes to fix that. But this is not solution, just workaround. I really wish I did not have to spent my time fixing ugly bumps one mesh like those anymore. Somehow blender and sculptris both manage to get even mesh distribution on each brush dab. To sum up I wish 3dc have better better mesh triangulation algorithm, that works on low poly meshes and gives nice even mesh distribution. 2. I would love to have all 3dc surface brushes to have option to work in LC mode. Just like in blender or sculptris where user can enable dynamic tesselation for all the surface tools. I especially like how rapid1 and rapid2 brushes work, and it makes me sad I cannot combine them with LC. Sorry for lots of images.
  14. PBR is great. There is a bug when filling with leaks material, with LMB. It is destroying metallness of base material. See below - fill with button press vs fill with LMB:
  15. JoseConseco

    Funky robo2

    From the album: Randomnes

    Testing 3d PBS on older project. Texturing is too easy now...
  16. JoseConseco

    Funky robo

    From the album: Randomnes

    Testing 3d PBS on older project. Texturing is too easy now...
  17. Nice vid, Javis. But I wish you have used something more complex than sphere to show new shader masking stuff.
  18. All materials have Fresnel. This sentence makes no sense, because Fresnel defines how fast reflection is increasing from middle to edge of object, and yes it always 100% at edge. So you can have low, medium or hi Fresnel value and in all those cases you would have 100% reflexion at edge. To debug your env map reflection problem, It would be best to use chrome ball, to see if it is reflecting any of skybox image. you can use just simple glossy shader for that. Try reading this http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2014-shading-course/hoffman/s2014_pbs_physics_math_slides.pdf After page 45 there are examples of different kind of materials - metals (copper, aluminium, gold), nonmetals (plastic,water,dimond) and all of those are using Fresnel equation to define how light is reflected from surface. And in all those cases reflectance at edge goes to 100%
  19. Malo - for me seems you do not have environement map reflections set up corectly. There is no eg. sky reflection on your gun in blender render. In your SD render fresnel reflection is visible, but in cycles not at all.
  20. Artamn, Cycles is physically based rendering engine for sure, eg. see here. What you posted is just another realtime PBR rasterization example, but it is not as accurate as Cycles path traced rendering. Actually guys developing Frostbite engine were using Mitsuba (another renderer similar to Cycles) as reference,when they were developing PBR based materials for their engine. Malo, it seems that BSDF = BRDF + BTDF (I checked that in wiki), so actually blender can easily simulate Substance Designer, Marmoset and other BRDF based materials, because It is suporting both BRDF + BTDF. But the same thing is not true in reverse, so eg. marmoset cannot simulate refractions. My point is - it is not Cycles that should try to emulate 3dc, SD or Marmoset material, because it is already more advanced that those - see this pbr. here, where guy is emulating PBR BRDF. It is 3dc, SD and others that are trying to catch up with cheap aproximations, to raytraced rendering engines like Cycles, Mitsuba or Arnold. Anyway, I hope we will be able to simulate fresnel in 3dc, which is important for all dielectric materials (nonconductors) like wood, bricks, marble, etc. And then metalicity should be just 0-1 switch to change from dielectric(nonmetals) to conductors (metals). And one more thing - actually node setup made by this guy covers perfectly all dielectrics and conductors, so this is good reference of how it should be done. Bu it suppose if 3dc has to be compatible with Marmoset and SD it may be not posible
  21. I just tested this rougness/ metalness in cycles. Roughness is just mapped to glossy roughness, metallnes is maped to fresnel. So the higher the fresnell is the more metalic it looks. I made it twice once for white gloss, and once for red gloss. For me it seems Andrew test was looks ok. But I hope we will be able to color spec and diffuse separately so we could receive results similar to first image too.
  22. JoseConseco

    Le vieux Marin 2

    Cool. How did you made stripes on hat?
  23. JoseConseco


    From the album: Randomnes

    Sculpt, paint in 3d coat, render in zbrush with LightCap.
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