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Dmitry Bedrik

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Everything posted by Dmitry Bedrik

  1. I will write brazenly right here. Finally, add the ability to edit the scale of curve points with a hotkey, rather than a boring mouse size transfer. I'm not interested in adjusting the size of the mouse to the size of this section of the curve each time, while the spline is rarely symmetrical with respect to the center of the brush.
  2. I'm tired of explaining that with splines created in the retopology room, and when working with a Tube / Array with these splines, you can subdivide the mesh along the curve on the fly, and there are no such bugs that I photographed above. I do not need to go every time to the room of retopology to perform this simple operation. This is a bug, and it needs to be fixed. I have already tried all these tips, they do not help. It's like drinking an aspirin with a severed head. And I need to import the spline mesh that I need into the retopology room, and from there already into splines - I also tried it - and it also does not work. Once again, before I get disappointed finally in the technical support of the program and in the program itself - you used the spline that I sent, with the Tube / Array tool, and tried to subdivide the layer, the same button you recommended to me, and you saw what comes with a mesh? I write once again, already in the fourth, that it was absolutely clear. With splines created from the cropped cube, which is quite long, considering that the cursor can not remove the edges except by the will of the gods from old galaxies, because although the cursor hits the edges, it removes adjacent edges or does not delete them at all splines, the mesh along the curve is subdivided adequately and correctly. With exactly the same mesh, but imported from maya, blender - problems begin.
  3. Have you tried the spline that I sent?
  4. And I wrote this in the first post.
  5. I'm using this button that you specified. And it is option who issues such a bug. However, splines created from the room of retopology, in which it is terribly inconvenient to work, do not cause such problems.
  6. Splines made not in the 3d coat, although in the burned format, can not work properly in the program. It's disgusting. The problem and screenshot to it, I described above. Do something. Splines in subdivision begin to round at the edges. Just try use this spline and subdiv it. cubetry.mtl cubetry.obj
  7. I'm using a spline with the Tube / Array tool. If you do not use the mesh subdivision, everything is ok, if you subdivide it, these bugs appear.
  8. I created my spline in Blender and got this here when trying to increase the resolution of the mesh in surface mode. The edges of the mesh are even, how to deal with it, if there is not such a problem from the room of retopology (creating something there I find extremely uncomfortable)?
  9. How do you imagine that? Unfortunately, in 3d coats such simple things are not yet developed, and switching between several images will not work.
  10. Oh no, just see how the curves work in Blender. There you can create a profile of any shape with a curve, and already this profile can be started along the desired curve. Everything is interactive, changing on the fly. You want a square profile, you want a round one, whatever you like, and at the same time there are changes. The movie about creating alpha from the model is the decade before, when we were just learning to create films like Godzilla. Poking in an uncomfortable way (namely the creation of a profile), supposedly it is, use it - this is not something that will attract new users to the 3D coat. But if the developers are simply LAZER, so tell me, and I will lag behind this question, forget about the 3d coat and I will use alternative products. Because I asked about creating alpha profiles directly from the editor of curve brushes, I wrote about three months ago, the only answer I received was just now. I'm sorry if I seemed rude to you. But it seems that only in this way something is shifted for the better. This RELEASE video relates to what I wrote about alpha textures, but it shows the advantage of creating a profile for a curve - from another curve. The plinth (or anything else) from this clip can be changed interactively. I can try a bunch of options right on the fly, without a tedious and NON-EXTREME export model, when I move this or that chamfer, or groove, a couple of centimeters to the side.
  11. Add the ability to create brushes using asymmetrical curves. You are welcome. This allows you to create alpha textures in seconds, without wasting time on the dull export of the mesh and its subsequent baking. And more often look into the branch of bugs.
  12. A simple rule. Voxels for the basic form, Boolean operations and other. Surface - for working out details and drawing shapes. Voxels are similar to cubes, which however, have finite dimensions (rests on the performance of the system and / or the engine of the 3d coat itself).
  13. My Wacom tablet creates ragged strokes when using a toothpaste tool, however when using the mouse the stroke is smooth and clear. Any idea what and how to set up?
  14. не понимаю как там писать. не входит через логин\пароль от этого форума.
  15. How do I move / copy a group of sub-layers to another layer, except one at a time?
  16. Объекты с РАЗНЫХ слоев по прежнему могут влиять друг на друга. Непонятно тогда, в чем вообще смысл слоев. Ведь в 2д редакторах инструменты воздействуют лишь на данный выделенный слой. Нужно добавить настройки "скрыть\показать все слои" и "Включить\выключить призрачных режим всех объектов".
  17. Не понятно, каким образом работает сортировка кистей.
  18. Я считаю, нужно сделать плоскость с галкой "Создать на плоскости" сделать другого цвета, чем красного, и более прозрачной. Очень уж она мешается.
  19. Хм, это уже неплохо. Спасибо за подсказку.
  20. Это не работает так, если вы ВНЕ этого меню. При ОТКРЫТОМ меню, когда оно НЕ НУЖНО, оно работает. Сами попробуйте. Любые. В принципе любые. Например назначить показ радиуса кривых, если работать с чем-то вроде зубной пасты. Один-два раза срабатывает, а после не работает, притом хоткей якобы то висит то не висит. Даже не при выходе из программы и открытии новой сессии, а во время текущей.
  21. В программе нередко горячие клавиши слетают или же слетают сразу при назначении. То есть раз вызвал что-то, оно сработало, а дальше нет. Нет уж, пусть вначале нормальные связи программы со своими же собственными настройками сделают.
  22. ЗАЧЕМ это вообще возможно сделать? Признайте уже что это БАГ, который НУЖНО ФИКСИТЬ. Добавьте кнопку "показать\скрыть" референс на одну единственную кнопку, чтобы мозги не делать людям. А так надо доползти мышкой до меню референсов, потом клацнуть, потом скрыть-показать, потом закрыть, потом вернуться к своим делам. Это нормально разве? И сделайте так чтобы рефы можно было видеть в зависимости от настройки либо при любом виде, либо только в виде сверху-снизу и прочее. Так реализовано это в Блендере, например. При всех прочих недостатках именно такие мелочи там реализованы очень хорошо.
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