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Everything posted by E.V.

  1. Hi, I noticed you have checked the "invert tool" option, this inverts the behavior of the current tool, could it be the cause? I use 3DC Textura (not the full version), just wondering.
  2. I use wacom/intuos and it always get weird or simply do not work when a new driver update is available (not saying I experienced your issue but maybe it is related). Then I have to restart Windows so it installs. If you use custom settings in the wacom interface I highly recommend saving a backup of it, it helped me a few times to just restore it because the tablet got weird (with no new updates available).
  3. I noticed an amazing improvement in the download speed here for South America (Brazil) after the switch for AWS, that's super fast! Thank you all!
  4. The title should be changed as the problem is not EXPORTING but instead IMPORTING. 3D Coat exports very well, very customizable for PBR workflow, it saves a lot of time. Maybe the Unreal forum has more well "Unreal" users who could help, as the issue lies in the import part. I understand your frustration, I don't know Unreal but in Unity it is no big issue creating materials for existing textures (with a few C# lines), I remember founding very good documentation for Unity. Now for Unreal not sure it is the case: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/RenderingAndGraphics/Textures/Importing/ https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/RenderingAndGraphics/Materials/
  5. E.V.


    Textured using 3DC Textura \o/

    © evargas 2021. All rights reserved.

  6. it's worth watching, this series helped me a lot while learning to use the app!! Very good series!
  7. E.V.


    Shoes textured in 3DC Textura, also used for the tattoos. Great software to work with, good results fast!
  8. E.V.


    © Copyright © 2021 evargas. All rights reserved.

  9. Is there a file hash info (MD5 or something)? I did not find one in the page, that could help verify the file integrity after download.
  10. The title could be rewritten to " Affinity Photo: Sync layer crashes if layer with no name" Yes I'm not using PS but it works surprisingly well I should say, I just have to be careful of always naming the new layers. If I need it to be editable for later I can always save a copy in Affinity native format, no problem. I'm pretty happy with this feature and how it integrates well.
  11. I forgot to mention, try to add a layer with no name (empty name), that's what Affinity adds for me automatically in some cases, and in all these cases it crash... This I reproduce even with the example objects.
  12. Hi, you are right I tested today with one of the example objects it works fine. Sorry for the false alarm. Although it still happens on a more complex project, and sometimes instead of crashing all other layers disappear. Do you use Photoshop? I use Affinity Photo so it may be related to how it exports too. I will try to understand better and send the bug reports before adding more news.
  13. While using the Edit/ Sync layer w/ ext editor to make some edits in external app I sometimes add a new layer by mistake. When this is the case it always crash 3DCoat after sending it back to it. Before crashing 3DCoat offers the option to save the work (which is great!), but I think it could be even better if instead of crashing it just prevent the import of the bad PSD, then alert the user it need to be fixed, like: "Warning: bad layer structure detected, please fix it or sync again, incoming sync cancelled."
  14. When choosing "File/Exit" there is a dialogue with the option of "Save" before exiting the program. If the user indeed choose to save the file then the application will not exit. I used this feature a lot (from word processors to others), for many years, and never saw this break in action. Maybe it's just me but I like to be able to save AND exit in one command. For sure it is far from priority but maybe worth a place in the "at some time in the future" list.
  15. Back to solved! When you wrote "restart" I suppose you meant "restart the Windows OS", that helped me! I did restart Windows after each step and now it works. I did test here for some 10 minutes, multiple openings/closes, the message is gone
  16. Eventually the message came back again, I must have made some confusion when relocating the folder and now it thinks I'm in double. I'll send it to support...
  17. I confess I was trying to avoid that on fear of locking out... Now I've tried it just like you said. The message did not show after reinstalling the license, but I closed the app and in the next opening it returned (the message behavior), so I waited for some time and close it again. Then after that all good, the message has disappeared! THANK YOU!!!!
  18. Hi guys, this is related to 3DCoat Textura (-39 and -40), This is a similar to the previous issue I reported, so maybe it has something to do with it. Now that I'm more familiar with the app today I went to "edit/ relocate data folder" in order to save some space on my C drive and for faster loads, it seems it was a big mistake! =D Now I have another permanent message in the UI: "Warning! Your serial number is used on another PC! You should exit immediately" That was right after I did the relocate, but I would be glad if someone could confirm it is really a false alarm. As the previous issue I had this also does not affect usage (for now at least). I tried installing the new v40, tried relocating back to "documents", tried "edit/reset", still no cigar... Has someone experience this before? I saw some previous posts in the forum but not referring to "relocate data folder".
  19. ZBrush master, me? Far from it! I truly admire those guys too just like you said, I'm already happy with finding my way trough the interface doing specific tasks, it took a few years to get my head around it.
  20. Nice music man I like that style, can I listen on spotify too? That's dope! Yep I understand, in my case the Textura was just exactly what I was looking for, as texturing in ZBrush is far from productive.
  21. I have purchased the new 3DC Textura even knowing there were no fresh tutorials available. I'm an amateur too but I believe we as customers should be able to tell why and how something would add to our current workflow. I remember struggling a lot in my journey with ZBrush, but just because I lack some basic 3D concepts back then. Nowadays, using 3D Coat Textura, with no previous 3D Coat knowledge was reasonable easy. For materials in the target application, you can write some basic scripts to create those from texture files, no big deal really. Everything I do I learned from internet. Materials is a complex matter always because each app has its own settings, even when using Blender conventions not always translated directly.
  22. I searched web/forum and could not find a way of setting a default texture resolution. I use the 3DCoat Textura. I use the import UV tiles as UV sets on import (that's really cool), I'm just amateur, not a Pro working on film who usually have 1 million tiles, but I like the UDIM layout approach to keep things organized. Now having to manually edit texture resolution per tiles seems kind of tedious, so maybe something like the following would be a good idea: Default global setting in "edit/preferences" OR Default setting during import OR "default for all" check box in "textures/mesh and texture resolution".
  23. I've just tested, this issue is FIXED in 3DCoatTextura version 2021-39 Wow this dev team is amazing, thank you very much!!!
  24. Ok I'll send it here via the forum PM, yes the message appears right after license activation and stays there. Additionally, I check it again today and can confirm that the message goes away if I deactivate the license (going back to demo mode).
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