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Found 11 results

  1. Retopo stroke tool doesn't slice when I drag from empty space. I see the red line dragging, my fps going down, but when I release - nothing happens, no stroke that loops around the mesh. Everything else works, can still draw strokes and make polygons on the mesh.
  2. Can anyone help? I used the stroke tool to make loops around the arm and waist, then drew intersecting lines. When I press enter nothing shows up around the arm. When I draw strokes on a flat surface, like the stomach, the polygons show up. A video and screenshots are below. I'm new to 3Dcoat, so my terminology probably is not perfect. comp-polygonsnotshowing.mp4
  3. Hi! Hey everyone... Could someone please confirm a possible error? My version of 3D-Coat is 4.8.18 and I tested it with the GL and DX. I'm trying to use the Curve Stroke in the Sculpt Room in conjunction with any brush (freeze, Clay or others brushes) and it's not working. The percentage of the calculation appears when the tool is applied and as a result nothing happens. Now, when I went to the Paint Room, I chose the Stroke Curve and it worked correctly. I did the same test on the previous version of 3D-Coat 4.7 and the Stroke Curve worked perfectly on the Sculpt Room and Paint Room. Does Curve Stroke in the latest version of 3D-Coat not working in Sculpt Room? Thank you for your attention.
  4. Hi, I wanted to add to this to the Feature Requests section, but somehow that section is inactive when I want to choose it from the section list for a new topic. But maybe the function is already there, so I thought to ask it here: Is there a 'repeat last stroke / action' function in 3D Coat? I use it a lot in ZBrush: creating one stroke and repeating it a few times to accumulate strokes along the exact same trajectory. Thanks in advance, Metin
  5. Hello to all long-time users of Coat. I have a rather noobiesh questions about using spline mode of brushes in newer versions of 3D Coat. If you have dealt with ZBrush you know it has such an option as Stroke-Frame Mesh with IMM brushes. In 3D Coat we have now an ability to use any OBJ brush as alpha even in Paint Room, but how to paint with such alpha along an edgeloop? As an example, if I make a stitch leather Strip brush like this one in the picture - and I want this Strip to follow the border of a mesh, how to do it precisely? I mean - is there any way in Coat (I use 4.0.7 version) to select an edgeloop in Paint Room (if your model is imported for per-pixel painting), to convert this loop to a spline and stroke this spline with the custom stitch brush? The second question - is there any ability in 3D Coat 4.x for importing meshes which contain ready curves (splines), readable and usable by Coat? The best example for clothing is meshes of clothes, made by Marvelous Designer software. This clothes-making program can generate meshes, which contain Internal Lines, imitating seam lines and these splines are readable by classic polygonal modellers like Blender. Can I import them in 3D Coat too? I tried to do it, but the lines are not imported. Maybe there is some specific import settings or it is completely impossible? If impossible, then edgeloop conversions would be the best way out. Thanks in advance for any advice and help.
  6. Hi I was working on a project for the first time, while learning 3d coat. Out of the blue the software started giving me bugs, despite trying different things and eventually reinstalling it with no luck. When I use the sphere voxel tool in top down isometric view to create a lasso square, it doesn't work and/or it comes out cut off with jagged holes on the side. Now, the extrude over stencil doesn't do anything either. I am quite confused. Does anyone know what is going on?
  7. Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself to this very helpful community. I've been using 3D Coat for a while now, mostly to UV map hardbody models I've done in Cinema4D. My plan was to do low poly models, then use normals to add additional detail like grooves and panels. Initially I used Quixel's NDO for this, but it runs at a snail's pace on my machine and I simply can't work like that. Yesterday I had a closer look at 3DC's Paint Room and it seems to have a lot of the functionality that NDO and Photoshop would offer. However, for the life of me, I can't seem to get a brush stroke to follow a square or a closed spline path. All I get is a fill in the shape of the spline/rectangle. Mind you, I know about the Spline Paint Tool, but that doesn't offer the flexibility in terms of creating shapes (rounded rectangles, loading EPS files and the like) that the 'E' menu offers. There must be a way to do this. Can you help me find it? That'd be great. Thanks a lot in advance.
  8. I am using the pinch tool with the curve strokes setting. I use this setup often, and I'm seeing some strange behavior. I lay down a curve, press enter. The pinch happens on the back side of the model, not under the curve stroke. I have checked the e panel setting, turned off smooth back faces, turned on and off ignore back faces, still getting super odd results. Also turned on and off the Invert Tool checkbox... I am working with a 3d scan, multiple parts, in both voxel and surface mode. I thought this might have something to do with my issue, but if I use the pinch tool with any other "brush" e panel setting, it works fine. If I use the curve strokes in either voxel or surface- same problem... Seems like the curve strokes setting might be broken? Or maybe a setting I'm not familiar with? Thanks in advance! 4.5.28 (CUDA) (DX64) win 7 64
  9. I want to create characters that look like they are created from globs of paint, almost like the surface of a painting. heres a 2d example: Heres 3d examples Is there any way I can create a stamp with the shape of a pallet knife stroke, and at the same time assign it a color that is slightly random? or something like that Thanks!
  10. Trello card https://trello.com/c/faPjdiS7 Mantis http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1629
  11. Hi I'm new to 3DC but I love the software! I have a question about using slices. I cant get slices to build good faces like I can CTRL-clicking and drawing (green) linear stroke on the surface. Can I somehow convert slice x-sections to these greeen strokes so they create faces properly? Id love to see the ability to add a point at each crossing of slice guidelines and then be able to adjust the points and generate faces from them. Thanks in advance, -Will
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