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Found 13 results

  1. I've never had this issue with prior version but with both the latest update of 4.9.15 & 4.9.17 the UV unwrap feature not working properly. I'm working with a 30,000 poly model and 3d-coat freezes for like 30 seconds every time I mark a seam or edge loop during UV unwrap. The issue doesn't happen when I use UV Path features. It has been doing this for hours. I might get a rare snippet of time where I won't get any brief freeze ups. I mainly work in the retopo room but I tried it in the UV room and it freezes up there too. I normally run GL mode in the because my computer is fast enough but I might try DX mode to test.
  2. Hello, I have imported test model from C4D with many poly-objects inside, they all have materials across, let's say each model has general materials such as wood, chrome, black plastic, etc. So I was unwrapping it, it's all good in 3D-Coat, I did unwrap, I saw good UV island, but when I export to C4D, all objects have multiple UV tags, C4D and Unreal Engine doesn't support multiple UV tags for lighting and texturing. How to export so I going to have one solid UV tag not many separated, please help! p.s. would be good to have autro-map for many objects with option not-single-material, because right now it's only doing one UV for multiple-objects, doesn't respect Separate-Materials.
  3. Hello, I have hi-poly model of the car, I need to make UV map to be able to import it to UnrealEngine. Currently, I have the model, but I made a mistake and forgot to check SeparateUV for each material and it made me everything in one UV. This way I have exported OBJ file and imported back to 3D-Coat and tick "Separate UV for materials" (don't remember the exact name), so now I have to go through each UV material and click Unwrap to re-unwrap this uv again, basically it just scales what I have before. Is there any way to click Unwrap All and it will go to each UV map and just Unwraps it? How about that? Thank you.
  4. Hello, I am a Maya user recently learning 3DCoat, and this is my least -but surely not last- newbie question: I am following this tutorial series, pretty good: I am making a simplified version of the hammer, without the cord and the ring. Anyway, I have already done my retopo, everything working fine there, until I want to make my UVs. The problem is, I can't create UVs at all, I have 2 circular island automaticaly created from the sphere object used to retopo my gem at the bottom, and I can delete those, but I can not make any other UVs. I am supposed to hit "unwrap"... I have tried selecting every layer, selecting the polygons, selecting the entire object, I hit "unrap" and nothing happens. Also, my objects is not showing on the UV room -shoul it be there if I don't have UVs?-. I am using 4.7.10. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, all! After creating and unwrapping a UV map, I can see the UV preview in the Retopo room-- but when I switch to the UV room, there's nothing there...can someone help? Thanks! Bryan
  6. I unwrapped several items from my 3d scans now and usually the results are acceptable. But executing "Save Contour" mostly produces a message like "Warning! It seems some islands are stretched...The percent of distortion is...." Sometimes I have values of 30-50% distortion but the cutting patterns are not that much messed up. Are the values an average of the whole distortion or is it just the maximum stretching of a specific island? Is there a way to minimize this? I usually use "Cloth Relax" before I save the map to an .eps file.
  7. So, I have my model already unwrapped in the UV room. Once I add extra UV seam, I need to unwrap certain part of my model again. How to reunwrap certain island? The way I do: Add new temporary UV set. Move selected island to the new UV set. Unwrap everything there. Unify UV (thnx God!). Remove temporary UV set. Too robust. Is there a better way to do that?
  8. I imported a model for Autopo and it opens into Retopo room. Then I inserted my uv-cuts and unwrapped in Retopo room as well. When I change to UV-room there is no model visible though. I want to apply the "Cloth Relax" though which is not availabe in Retopo room. Is there a simple solution?
  9. Hello, I have model from sketchup, looks okay, I have many of them and I need to unwrap them in very fast way. No time to spend hours on each model. So I usually use auto uwrap in 3D-Coat and just save it but I noticed it doesn't do good job out of the box and some thing I woudl be happy to fix, like tighter space between uv island, less separate from each other, maybe keep them aout stich and weld togerher? I don't know much of 3D coat uwrapping solutions, I did only manual uwrapping on simple object, but this is big objects with many parts connected in one mesh. I have attached screenshot of what I could do with auto uwrap, and actual obj file of building. How to make it more niceir unwrap? Maybe I missing something, thank you in advance! CondoBremnerAveR2_Uv1.obj
  10. New Tutorial!! Hard Surface UV Mapping in 3D Coat 4.5 http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/3dc_4_vol_21_hard_surf_uv_map.htm In this twenty-first video volume of 24 volumes 3D Instructor Adam Gibson goes through a project based session of Hard Surface UV Mapping of a multi-mesh layered sci-fi vehicle. UV Mapping for a lot of 3D artists can be a frustrating task. In this course easy to use work-flow tips and concepts are discussed and demonstrated to get you UV Mapping your 3D models quickly and efficiently. *Bonus: Content Folder Included. Table of Contents for Volume #21 Chapter 1- Intro Chapter 2- What is Hard Surface UV Mapping? Chapter 3- 3D Model Preparation Tips and Gotchas Chapter 4- Breaking Up Model Layer into Easier to Unwrap Pieces Chapter 5- Importing Model Into 3D Coat & Surface Materials/Paint Objects Visibility Chapter 6- Interior Compartment UV Unwrap Chapter 7- Exterior Compartment UV Unwrap Chapter 8- Rear Hatch Plate UV Unwrap Chapter 9- Front Wing Rotators UV Unwrap Chapter 10- Front Wing Thrusters UV Unwrap Chapter 11- Front Wings UV Unwrap Chapter 12- Upper Laser Cannons UV Unwrap Chapter 13- Lower Laser Cannons UV Unwrap Chapter 14- Cockpit UV Unwrap Chapter 15- Tail Fin UV Unwrap Chapter 16- Rear Wing Thrusters UV Unwrap Chapter 17- Rear Wings UV Unwrap Chapter 18- Rear Wing Rotators UV Unwrap Chapter 19- Rear Compartment UV Unwrap Chapter 20- Tail Fin Support UV Unwrap Chapter 21- Cockpit Nose UV Unwrap Chapter 22- Top Cap Panel UV Unwrap Chapter 23- Compartment Doors UV Unwrap Chapter 24- Rear Fins UV Unwrap Chapter 25- Export to UV Unwrapped Model to Lightwave Chapter 26- Final Running Time: 4 hrs. 4 mins. High Quality (Screen-Res 1920 x 1080 pixels) Video Format: MP4 (.mp4) Level: Beginner
  11. Hello folks. Does anyone know how to create multiple UV tiles in the UV Room and how to prepare the model for seamless texture painting when multiple UV tiles are present? Is it possible in 3D Coat?
  12. Is there a way to add the ability to Unwrap by sector (think being able to unwrap by a quadrant of a 1:1 map, whereby the UV map of one object you're unwrapping of a group of objects is placed in a perfectly divided area of the 1:1 map. The user could hold down the Unwrap Button to reveal a popup of preset divisions (divide the 1:1 map into 1:2, 1:3, 1:4). This would help game art creators make sure all their sub-object textures fit onto 1 texture. This would be a HUGE benefit.
  13. I need urgent help. I have a fairly simple all-quad model I am trying to UV unwrap. If I manually mark the seams and hit Unwrap, 3D Coat crashes and I get forever spinning beachball. I am not using symmetry although the model itself is symmetrical. It is impossible to use 3D coat for unwrapping when this issue exists. I'm under deadline and I would need urgent help for this issue. I'm running 3D-Coat (3.7.08B (GL64) under Snow Leopard. My machine is Quad Core Mac Pro with 8 gigs of ram. Show screenshot of the model I try to unwrap.
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