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Found 16 results

  1. I have a question about ambient occlusion when UVs overlap. When I checked the Ambient Occlusion output results of a model with overlapping UVs and a model with no overlap, there was a difference. The version is 2024.17. This result can be a little inconvenient in certain situations. Is there a setting that would give this output the same result?
  2. My friend is having this issue when trying to calculate occlusion where it comes out pixelated. However when I did the exact same process (we triple checked) with the exact same model it's completely normal. They tried updating drivers and still does not work. Is there a way to fix this?
  3. I literally want to just bake occlusion on a BASIC cube OBJ My friend has the SAME exact copy of 3D coat as I but doesn't have these issues? I've also updated my drivers I run a 2070 super
  4. Hi there, Im trying to bake a high poly model to a flat plane. It looks ok inside the app, and bakes ok. Once exported to a PNG it looks like pixelated low rez image. I cant find anything about this issue. If i edit the maps in an external editor (Photoshop) the AO looks fine there and can be saved. Steps to replicate : 1. Import High poly mesh 2. Import a simple flat plane as the Retopo mesh 3. Calculate Occlusion 4. Bake Normals + Flat Displacement 5. Export maps from Paint room as "Unreal 5" preset. System M1 Max - MacOS 13.1 , 3dCoat 2022.33 . I've also tested it in older 2021 version or the latest 2022.55 and the issues is present. Is there anyway to fix this?
  5. I tried to have some ambeint occlusion with a mesh object with many uv layers and whatever i do looks weird (Pixellated) appreciated any help
  6. Sorry for the long title guys. So, I'm really new to 3D Coat and 3D painting in general. I really like what I've done so far, but I'd like to know if its possible there are any settings for smart materials that turn off the huge shadows generated by ambient occlusion on the texture? Basically I did a quick test paint of this gun I'm making for Fallout 4, but I'd like to get rid of the huge dark areas on the texture since the game uses PBR textures and I'm not skilled enough to paint textures completely from scratch, which is why I use smart materials. Here's a picture of the gun's texture.
  7. I am missing the functionality of creating custom lights in the environment for the calculation process of ambient occlusion. I would really enjoy if this feature would be added to 3D-Coat. It's then possible to light also rooms or convex structures.
  8. HI, I am a new user and also quite new to texturing and UV-mapping. I tried this workflow: - sculpt a simple model, - export and obj, - import for Per Pixel painting, selected Automapping - Created a curvature map which look alright - Ambient occlusion result Is a bit strange, Is it becouse the high polycount? Is there a way to get better result without manual retopo/ UV-mapping? My intention is to paint more complex objects and then render the final model in Keyshot. I can accept quite high polycount if the workflow is quick and gives good results. Any help much appreciated. //Jarid
  9. So I now know how to bake an AO map and export it for use in Unity, but the AO map produces awful seams everywhere on the model in Unity. Is there a way to set padding when baking or exporting to prevent this from happening? If not, does anyone know of a Photoshop / GIMP technique to add bleed to the margin of images? This has always been handled by the baking software I have used so I am in uncharted waters.
  10. I used Calculate Occlusion in the Textures menu of the Paint Room and now I would like to export my AO map so that I can use it in Unity. The problem that I am having is that I can't figure out how to export an AO map and I don't see it in the Textures>Export menu. Thanks in advance for the help, Bryson
  11. When i saw the ambient occlusion feature for 4.5 i was overjoyed, but i soon found the detail/size of AO couldn't be controlled . i have 2 options - curvature or AO... thats a bit stingy, i expected a an adjustable filter value to change how fine i wanted the AO to be. Are other people after this? Could you guys make a request on this feature, How hard can it be to implement?
  12. Hello everybody I have the following problem: Does 3D Coat actually export ambient occlusion maps? Because from what I´ve seen so far, the "baked occlusion" layer doesnt appear in the export files. Is there a special way to do this or is it already doing it (like merging it into color-map) or is 3D coat not able to export AO-maps at all?? Thanks for every answer Cheers BP
  13. Hi guys I'm trying to calculate occlusion in 4.1.17D. - I have multiple vertex painted models in the paint room. - I'm creating a new paint layer. - I'm going to the textures menu & clicking on calculate occlusion Light sources = Sphere + Hemisphere Lighting Render Target = into the current layer Light count 128 Smoothing steps 10 I hit ok and the graph shows for a split second but nothing then happens. Any steps I'm missing? Thanks T
  14. It exports color specular and emmisive maps, but occlusion maps would be awesome. (with and option for what detailed of occlusion bake you want) texturing tileable sculpts well is not really possible outside of 3d coat because it doesn't bake the occlusion for the sculpt. while it is possible to bake the occlusion seperately onto a retopo plane, it is really fiddly to allign it with the normal and depth amp from "export depth along y"
  15. Hey Guys, Just created some new video training on how to Bake Voxel Data (Displacement, Color, Ambient Occlusion) to a Normal and Color Map. It was designed for beginners who are new to baking in 3D Coat. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/3dc_4_vol_16_texture_baking_I.htm It also covers importing the final maps into Lightwave and setting them up.
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