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Found 12 results

  1. So, I found a flaw in my original UV map I'm trying to fix, and I have several questions. This model is using several different materials, imported from blender each with their own UV Map, but, while 3D coat seems to recognize them all when I work, the UV room seems confused. It shows me a list of the different materials, but I can't actually seem to be able to see the different UV Layouts, it just shows one of them at the top preview. It shows the list of different materials correctly, but I need to see the preview of each of their layouts. When I mouse across the different edges, it shows me those lines in the preview, but with the wrong UV map. How do I see what the rest of them look like?
  2. Hi everyone, thanks for the help... Ive made new uv sets, transferred the islands to the respective sets then used the update uv sets, then deleted unused sets, the new uv set applied and appears in the paint room but the old ones remain in the retopo room. When i try upload the mesh to secondlife, it appears the old UV set is the one exported because im getting black space and massive stretching on the texture. What have i done wrong for this?
  3. Hi, I would like to propose a development idea for tool to automatically pack UV in multiple UDIM tiles. I am working at VFX office and some of "hero assets" need to use multiple UDIM tiles ( 10-50 x4K maps). We missing in 3dcoat tool which could help us with that. We have to process models through Houdini to be able to paint multi-udim in Mari. I would like to ask if it would be possible to add this kind of option to 3dcoat to skip this additional step for us in houdini. Few example of tool which I would love to have in 3d coat: modo example: houdini example: maya (at 7:28) example: Please let me know If you need more specyfics or more info about this idea. Thanks Best Mariusz
  4. Hi, I would like to ask if its possible to add Ability to add uv edge loop also in "UV preview" window directly? Best Mariusz
  5. Hallo, ich bin neuer 3d Coat Anwender, und teste gerade das Projection Painting aus. Ich habe eine Hosen-Textur in die Smart Materials geladen und versuche nun, Teile des Bildes auf die Mesh zu übertragen. Das funktioniert auch ganz gut, ich habe allerdings das Problem, dass ich das Overlay über die Preview Options zwar problemlos drehen, skalieren, und zoomen kann; will ich das Overlay allerdings bewegen, dann wandert es mit hoher Geschwindigkeit nach unten anstatt meiner Maus zu folgen. Habt ihr eine Idee, was das Problem sein kann ? -Torsten. P.S. Ich nutze die Mac Version von 3dcoat, Version 4.8.04(GL64)
  6. So i'm trying to overlap and past these lowpoly thrusters onto each other, Their Made slightly angled so I have to Flip the UV horizontally so they match. The problem was that I was trying to copy ctrl+c and paste v+ctrl onto each other but It left a border behind, Why did this happen??? I had to go back to check in my other programs if they weren't symmetrical but they are?! Then I tried to copy the edges,vertices to the other one and that just crashed 3d coat instantly!
  7. So, I have a really big 3d Coat's file (2,5gb) for a project composed of several objects. Then I realized that a UV of one of my objects is all messy while painting. In the UV Room I created new uvs and unwrapped this specific object. Made every other paint object and surface material hidden to just focus on the problematic object. Then, when I hit Apply-UVs 3D Coat starting to work and freezes. Software not responding anymore. I7 3770k, 32gb DDR3, GTX 970, Windows 10, 3D Coat 4.7.01 (DX). Tried with 4.5.40 without any sucess.
  8. So far I've mostly liked it. It's really annoying how the UV island preview flickers between the preview and the whole mesh islands when your cursor moves off the mesh. The idea is good, but it doesn't seem like it's implemented properly. If you could click to stay in that specific island that would be cool, but this epileptic strobe effect is horrible. The tool-set seems to be missing basic "Select Edge + Cut" In the UV preview window. Why do everything in 3D when you see what you want to cut right there in the 3D window. In my experience with 3D Unwrapping software you jump between the two when either provides the most convenient option at the time. Another thing about the preview window is that when it snaps to a specific island and makes it larger, it rotates it which is sort of disorienting since you were just looking at a problem area in preview window with the whole mesh, and now have to re-find it in the updated preview window. Also the fact that when it shows you the single UV island preview, it seems to have a different colouring, than in the whole mesh uv island preview. What's up with that? Between the changing colours, and the rotation I've found myself jumping epilepticly between the single preview and the whole preview a few times to find the problem area again. The general experience is aggravating. Another feature I like to have is being able to click an edge/vert/face somewhere in the UV Preview window and press ''F'', to snap to that specific area in the 3D window. Not sure if that is here. The UV room seems like it has potential, but I'll stick with Maya+nightshade+roadkill for now I think.
  9. Please, consider the following scenario. 1. If you import this .obj file to 3D Coat for laying out UVs, you get: - Materials named: ->materialA - containing objects A-D, ->materialB - containing objects E-F, ->materialC - containing object G. - UV-sets named: ->materialA - containing UVs of objects A-D, ->materialB - containing UVs of objects E-F, ->materialC - containing UVs of object G. This is very convenient and I like it. 2. Let's see what happens if you import the same model to PPP. What you get is: - Materials: ->materialA - containing objects A-D, ->materialB - containing objects E-F, ->materialC - containing object G. - Objects: ->objectA, ->objectB, (...) ->objectG. So again, it's very convenient. You can hide, fill, etc. multiple subobjects sharing a certain material, but you can also do the same with individual subobjects. 3. When imported to Voxel Room, the model is separated into subobjects and each subobject receives its own layer. Perfect. BUT... 4. If you import the model to Retopo Room, here things look a bit different. - Groups: ->materialA - contains objects A-D, ->materialB - contains objects E-F, ->materialC - contains object G. - UV-sets: -> NO UV-SETS ARE CREATED! This can be good or bad, depending on what you want to do. If baking with names correspondence is your goal, than it's damn awful, because you now have to: ->create a Group for each subobject and name it correctly (using former subobject name that was lost when you imported the model to Retopo Room, ->move each subobject from a group that it shares with other subobjects, to its individual group you have just created. ->recreate UV-sets and move objects according to their former UV-set linkage. Let's say, you're done with this additional work and are ready for baking with names correspondence selected. The result is: 5. Paint Room: - Materials: ->objectA_materialA - contains objectA, ->objectB_materialA - contains objectB, ->objectC_materialA - contains objectC, ->objectD_materialA - contains objectD, ->objectE_materialB - contains objectE, ->objectF_materialB - contains objectF, ->objectG_materialC - contains objectG. - Objects: ->objectA_objectB_objectC_objectD_objectE_objectF (a combination of all object names, up to 50 characters) - contains ALL SUBOBJECTS(!). So it goes completely bananas here when compared to how it worked in point #2. Is this behaviour intentional or is it a bug?
  10. Hello folks. Does anyone know how to create multiple UV tiles in the UV Room and how to prepare the model for seamless texture painting when multiple UV tiles are present? Is it possible in 3D Coat?
  11. Hi there While tinkering around with 3D Coat V4, I encountered what seems to be an issue with the update of uv set names when changed in the UV room. There are two issues: 1. When renaming an UV-set in the "choose an UV set" field (upper left on the screenshot), changes to names are sometimes not reflected and default back to, well, "default" 2. When renaming the UV sets in the materials sections (right on the screenshot), the uv sets are sometimes not updated in the choose an UV set field (see 1) I am not completely sure what the thinking is behind these two UI areas, but my logic would indicate that they're the same thing and should mutually update name changes, i.e. be consistent. Right? Let me know your thoughts... Cheers, Michael
  12. Hello. I've just purchased 3D Coat after my trail ended. I have to say I tried the hell out of it and I'm very impressed with the software. Sculpting with voxels is something I've been looking for for a long, long time, ever since I saw Ken Silverman's Voxlap engine. While not directly related to 3D modelling or sculpting, it showed how powerful voxels might be. I never quite understood why nobody picked up the idea of using voxels for volume shaping and model detailing. And then there was light - I've stumbled upon 3D Coat! But enough of praising the app. I've been doing a hero character in 3D Coat lately and I'm a bit puzzled about the some aspects of the workflow. I would like to address a couple of questions to more experienced 3D Coat users. My character consists of several parts (body, tongue, a pair of tendons and two groups of teeth, each on a different VoxTree layer), so I'll be using several different materials after I import the retopologised model into Maya). I need those parts to stay on separate UV spaces and maintain proportions in relation to each other. I have already retopologised the volume and placed each part of the character on a different retopo layer. Unfortunately UVs from each one of them are bunched up together on a single UV space and I can't seem to find a way to separate them to different UV spaces. How do I do this? Does a voxel shader affect textures in Paint Room in any way, or is it completely ignored? There's a Layer 0 in the Paint Room. What does it contain? Looks like a geometry, but other layers (that were created with the Merge with NM command from Retopo Room) seem to contain geometry as well? Layer 0 can't be deleted. UV Room most of the time stays completely empty, even after I unwrap UVs in Retopo Room. It fills with content after I Merge with NM. Is it normal? Paint Room has me completely puzzled.
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