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Seams appearing while I paint


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I'm very,very new to 3DC and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction.


I'm painting away with depth and getting sudden splits appear which I assume are the the UV seams


Any help or tips would be appreciated.



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Seems I have a issue or a misunderstanding regards UVs in 3DC


1) If I import a obj (with UVs) from modo into 3DC I experience splits in the paint room when I use depth in my brush.


2) If  I load  the sample sphere obj in 3DC I experience no splits  but when I export it to modo I get the wide gaps/separation in my normal/displacement maps


Any help would be appreciated, I'm still deciding to purchase 3DC

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Could you please take some screenshots or even better, record a video of your entire process with something like Jing. That would enable us to help you better! Thanks and I hope we can get you liking 3d-coat, I personally love it, but it does take some getting used to :)

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1) Within modo I export a lwo file


2) In 3DC I select "Paint over UVed model" and select my lwo file, using these settings




3) As soon as I start paint with depth I get this result



Heres my UV in the UV room








4) I export the normal map via "textures/export/ Normal map (TS, low poly mesh), no BG fill


5) within modo the normal map looks like this




Not  only is the split visible the the uV sections seem to be shaded differently


Any pointers would be much appreciated

Edited by steveFromUK
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For the shading, try inverting the green channel on your map, Modo probably just uses a different basis then 3DC.




Well forgetting the splitting issue for now,  the normal map just seems all wrong.




Does the green channel needs inverting before generating the normal in 3DC. 

Is there a setting for this?


If I change invert the green channel  of the imported normal map in modo I still experience the same issue :(

Edited by steveFromUK
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After playing around all this morning it seems to be with the gamma setting (linear workspace)   of image layer with modo 801.

Combined with the inverted green channel of the image layer in modo I seem to get  the correct result. :)


The splitting seems hit and miss at the moment, but latest simple models I imported into 3DC seems to behave. Might be to do with making sure that subDiv is on before exporting within modo


Thanks for your help, all fun and games!!

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