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Andrew Shpagin

3DCoat Developer
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Everything posted by Andrew Shpagin

  1. Very cool! I like especially second pic, it is very realistic. The first one seem to have stretches on right side. You can use uv-tool to avoid stretches. If you will remap model in 3DB then texture will lay more uniformly. but anyway, your work looks great!
  2. I have uploaded 2.04 BETA1. The list of features: 1) Redo is implemented 2) Layers menu is reorganised, it is much more convenient now 3) Undo works now for merge up/down, merge visible, delete layer 4) Presets window works well with folders, it swithes pen/strip/material folder if need. 5) Many small fixes. The link is below: http://www.3d-brush.com/files/3d-brush-2-04-beta1-en.exe
  3. May be it is better for you to use BMP ? It is 24 bit and has the same size.
  4. I have looked the program more deeply. I like nodal system, the only inconvenience - fx maps output can't be color input and color output can't be used like fx output. I think input/output should be universal.
  5. Several times I was seriously tempted to make something for procedural generating. First time it was when I have seen Texture Maker. Second time it was when I have seen nodal system in LW. Now I also want to do something like that. The best place for it - in fill tool, add new custom filler. It is easy to do, but sometimes I feel that I have not enough arms. So, I will note that and may be some day I will be inspired to do that for a week or couple of days. Nodal system is something that could be really helpful in 3DB. Another application - something like modifying layer "on-the fly" through nodal filter. It is like effects in Photoshop.
  6. Have you found that new slider in options in latest version? Please check if it is what you need.
  7. Please explain more. Still have not understood what do you mean. May be some example?
  8. I think it is time to add cmera shortcuts that will remember material settings. Added to feature requests list.
  9. Now at least I have understood what is it. I think that the best place for it is int sculpt mode - moving vertices with picture preserving.
  10. ok, will add it in options. Or may be I will set auto - near plane. Now I have almost finished redo, i have several fiature-reqs in list, I will include it in frq-list.
  11. Very good! Several years ago I have made terrainn generator for the game Heroes of annihilated empires, from that time I like fractals.
  12. yes, grammar is our weak point... We have fixed that part of manual. Please, if you will se something awful in manual or text please write it in Support->Grammar pinned topic.
  13. Ok, you are right, will add checker, color normalisaton (to avoid bright green color) and pivot changing. By the way, the distortion degree could be seen on the preview screen.
  14. Thank you! by the way, festive prices are prolonged until 7 dec.
  15. Is it something like smudge tool in Photoshop? By the way you can use transform tool to move geometry and color independently. You can turn off color chanel and transform only depth for example.
  16. 1) Ok, I will add scroller to that window. But you can use folders to group pens. I think it is convinient. In next version you will be able to switch folders using tpresets panel. 2) Ok, will look that
  17. It seems that LMB sets seams and CTRL+LMB clears seams. But anyway it is really good to set other mouse button to clear seam You are right, will do that ok, may be will add light wireframe I plan to add hotkey to point pivot. Now it is rotated in relation to last draw point. ok, will check it usually every tool stores it's presets to the folder specific to that tool. Does it occurs when you are using navigation icons? Or in ALT+*MB mode? I still have not understand how to reproduce it.
  18. Ok, I will give one example, why baking tool is so important. Baking tool is especially important if you want to ger a texture for low-poly mesh as a result. Let us take for example sphere and draw the strip over it like it is shown below: Then we should go to sculpt tool and distort it slightly using drag tool: Then we should enter into low-poly mode. What will you see? It is because you have distorted geometry, but texture is not distorted, so mesh looks improperly in low-poly mode. In thins case baking tool can help you. You should project new high-poly distorted mesh onto low-poly mesh. In this way you will get distorted textures. Please compare the result of usual export of normalmap texture with result of baking tool: Simple export result: Baking tool result: The differene is obvious - you have got the correct normal map using baking tool. The options for taking that normalmap are below: [x] Use current low-poly mesh... [ ] Use original positions ... [ ] Smooth mesh The options should be other if you need displacement: [x] Use current low poly mesh [ ] Use original positions... [x] Smooth mesh [x] Preserve positions ... But the result will be better if you don't need displacement and need only normalmap. It is because of getting displacement is not trivial operation and mesh should be smoothed before. It is required because the displacement is difference between mesh and smoothed surface. I think that simple example shows you why baking tool is so important.
  19. I have made texture baking tool. Now you can project current mesh on another mesh and get textures of color, specular, normalmaps and displacement forr that mesh. It works fast, the baking takes almost the same time like simple texture saving. It uses multiple processors if you have it. Why do you need texture baking? 1) To get correct displacement maps even in case when you have dragged surface in sculpt tool. 2) Sometimes you need to change topology or uv-set of mesh. For example you need to simplify mesh and get textures for simplified mesh. In this case you can use texture baking. You can read more at my blog http://3d-brush-dev.blogspot.com The download link: www.3d-brush.com/files/3d-brush-2-03-sp2-en.exe
  20. Of cause I understand that it is rendered. I mean that impression of water colours arises. But it is good.
  21. Nice orc! ( if orc could be nice ) Good quality! When I look at picture it seems like it is not rendered but painted with water-colours.
  22. Now it is impossible to import normal map directly. The only way - recover displacement from normalmap and then import displacement. But it is not always good solution because of seams problem. Many peoples asked me about direct import of normalmap, so I think that I should do that. It is difficult mathematically, and the import process can take a long time, but I really want to do that, because it is the way how to import extremely hi-poly model to 3DB.
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