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Everything posted by GED

  1. nice render pity its so complicated to pose voxels
  2. Thanks guys Im so burnt out with work at the moment it might be a little while before I can do anything new
  3. really nice render looks like something you would see on an old building
  4. thanks michalis I posted it on 2 other forums and no one really said anything so I wasnt sure if its just too boring or just not good work.
  5. never got to finish this properly for the gameartisans challenge. Its just flat shaded diffuse. Shes 3817 tris on her own. based loosely on william bourgeaurau art http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_%281825-1905%29_-_The_Broken_Pitcher_%281891%29.jpg feel free to crit if you like
  6. really nice mesh and great end result doesnt look very fleshy though maybe not quite enough sss whereas the top image looks like it has a little too much sss hard to find a balance
  7. aha so there is, cool! there are so many features in 3dcoat I sometimes just dont know what to use them for.
  8. Ive been wondering if I can somehow do this in 3dcoat, not with multiple uv channels Im not bothered about that. I just want to see the image Im working with and paint parts of it on to the model?
  9. Im surprised users are trying to tell the developer what to drop, make a suggestion sure but he deserves more respect than to just be told what to do according to our personal frustrations with parts of the software. Id love it if 3dc was as good as mudbox or zbrush at high detail sculpting but truth is if you want the features that those programs excel at then the closest you will get is to use them, 3dc has its own strengths and weaknesses just like they do. Hopefully the gap will narrow and those weaknesses become less of an issue over time but I applaud 3dc for what it is currently capable of.
  10. seems like there are a few horses in this race http://atomontage.com/?id=gallery
  11. wonder if they can get animation/ shaders in there? it does seem like a crazy big step forward if this is true
  12. WIP for gameartisans mini comp
  13. WIP for gameartisans mini comp
  14. looks cool are you working off a concept?
  15. the gallery doesnt show any impressive examples and the demonstration looked a but difficult to use and inaccurate - the mouse cursor was huge! like trying to sculpt real clay with a tennisball
  16. pretty awesome renders, yeah id like to see a character sculpt or something in there
  17. its actually quite easy once u read how to use it but I agree a new User interface would be nice I think the xnormal developer has a really nice one planned for version 4.0
  18. why dont you just use xnormal to bake ao? its free and fast
  19. I have a GTX260 it seems good speed wise but like you say crashes alot and we dont see the benefit of the nodes yet thanks for answering peoples questions, you didnt have to do that.
  20. worked ok for me but crashed alot when using the node graph tools I also find the node graph system a bit labourous I just want a load mesh button and then when I click on the mesh I want all the texture settings inside that and it should render automatically and if I want to change render settings I should go to the render settings option in the file menu. All these nodes seem unnecessary I dont see the advantage of a node system.
  21. yeah I gave them a try but it took a long time to get back to voxel mode and the sculpting didnt feel as natural as zbrush or as high in subdivisions. Chris solo Im not sure what your trying to say? The shader is one I made its based on lamblight but has higher spec and lower transmission of light, I wanted it to look like a wet/polished 3d printed sculpture, I think I used 4 lights but 2 works as well
  22. how do we get to this freeform primitives thing? I see the transform arrows still get tiny and unusable if you resize something too small the arrows need to stay a constant size please!
  23. thanks guys I think its pretty much done, any final crits? and heres the final 3dc model before zbrush detailing but with added realtime render awesomesauce
  24. I thought this was a discussion about Ptex not about price points, besides we are just end users what right do we have to discuss business strategy? Im interested to see how ptex would work, especially how well it would bake to a lowpoly model??
  25. yeah it does , that top right one is the lamblight shader with 2 extra lights and a high lightness
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