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Found 14 results

  1. https://carlosan.gumroad.com/l/bspet
  2. This may be a very silly question. I'm trying to create a wet clay shader using a repeating Normalmap texture but I'm getting straight lines that get more pronounced as I increase the bump. How do I make these go away? Thanks
  3. I hate to have to ask, but I can't find any instruction on how to actually install .3dcpacks Are they supposed to dropped over the active program? When I drop on the application icon inside the folder, the .cdpack file just copies into the folder at the first level.
  4. I invested more time in learning 3d coat's features and got into organic modeling with it. I've whipped up a couple models and played around with shaders over the past month.
  5. 3dsmax & Vray Workflow with 3ds max: QUESTIONS & Answers HD Video with QUESTIONS to 3D Coat, Linear Workflow and re-producing Vray Shaders inside 3dsmax. My website on which I am going to post all my progress and document step by step a workaround and solution: http://www.bernhardrieder.com/3d-coat/ Questions I hope I am going to get answered : What Gamma values do have the exported texture maps from 3d coat ? What texture map should be used in which slot of a Vray Shader ? Thanks a lot for any little help, hints, tips and tricks ! Happy Pixeling
  6. I am a complete noob with the 3d coat shader system, pbr and otherwise. I would like to know if it might be possible to produce an x-ray(ish) shader that could be applied to bone models. Attached is a version out of Blender that is basically what I am looking for. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, Ben
  7. Hi all, I have been looking in the forums for info on creating shaders for 3dc, but I can only find shares and whatnot, not really an explanation. I've seen some GLSL floating around there, and was wondering how I can create a shader for 3dc (importing vertex/fragment shaders as well). Any direction would be appreciated!
  8. I found that you can get some interesting results by changing the shaders while painting vertices in the paint room. Not ready for baking until I retopo. So, I was wondering if It gets baked on the model as well? Check the layer 0 visibility to off, if I do not want layer 0(shader) to bake?
  9. here are some shaders for 3d coat that I use as my default shaders when making stuff library.3dcpack
  10. Greetings, I have been trying to dig into the logic behind folders (brushes, materials, etc) so I know where things go, backup or can group differently, etc. Is there a straightforward outline of what goes where and where those folders are? I feel confused. Thank You, Kevin L
  11. I have recently started making my own shaders however, for some reason when making my own they always turn out be shiny or metallic in look even if they are matte shaders. Yet when I use similar shaders for other programmes like zbrush in 3d coat they come out looking as they should. I am at my wits end as to how I should make the shader look so that the programme processes it correctly and makes it matte etc. Any tips are most welcome. I enclose an image of a shader that comes out shiny and metallic for your reference when it should be matte
  12. BUILD: v4.00.BETA9C (GL64), nonCUDA OS: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) 64bit, kernel 3.2.0-35.generic, Gnome 3.4.2 HARDWARE & DRIVER: nVidia GeForce 6600 GT, nVidia driver version 295.40 BUG DESCRIPTION: The shaders in Voxel room are not showing in the pallete. It is probably related with the problem causing the models made in the stable version of 3D-Coat (3.7.18F) and opened or merged into the Beta version being without a shader (not visible in Smooth Shade Views), but only in case when any shader got applied in the stable version. When no shader change has been made in stable version, the object appears in Beta, but still without apperance of the shader (and still without Shaders in pallete in voxel room). Curious thing is, that if I save from stable version a file with two objects and load it into Beta, they are displayed (although without apperance of the shader) as long as one of them still has no any shader applied. When both of them has a shader applied (even back to Default shader), they are not dispayed at all in Beta using Smooth Shade Views (in Voxel room). Even though they are still correctly visible in Relief Only, Flat Shade and Specular Only View. In Paint and Retopo rooms the affected objects are rendered with a lot of artefacts (when a voxel object) or as semi-transparent dark objects without any shading when the object has a paint on it (when a suface object). I hope I described it comprehensively. I'm available for any further tests or to make more in-detail description of the issue. Thanks! STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Launch Linux version 3.7.18F (GL64) and make an object in Voxel room and apply any Shader to it. 2. Launch Linux version 4.00.BETA9C (GL64), notice lack of shaders in Shaders pallete. Load the file from step 1. 3. See the object in different rooms and in different views.
  13. It's evident that the applink support falls short in many instances for example 3dsmax 2013 has been out for the last six months and has no support also other have issues of it not working at all with their software. As a touted feature, it;s very disappointing to find that applinks do not work after all for you. I think it would be beneficial if 3dcoat supported the FBX format a little better, to the degree that texture maps would appear in their relevant slots when opened in 3dcoat. Personally I use mudbox over 3dcoat painting because, I'm not willing to set up all my shaders again, each time. Thanks I'm aware of the 3dsmax 2013 update link, in the back of said app thread, but like many it does not work for me.
  14. BUILD: 3.7.05B-CUDA64 and 3.7.06-SIMP64 OS: Vista 64 Home Premium SP2 6.05.26 HW: GeForce GTX 550 Ti (and GeForce GTX 460) Drivers: GeForce 295.73 ( (updated today); DX 10.0 (6.0.6000.16386) Bug Description: As of 3.7.05B, the "Shaders" tab is unpopulated, leaving me unable to assign different shaders to objects. Uninstalling and re-installing to a different directory doesn't resolve the issue. Windows menu -> "Reset all pages to default" doesn't resolve the issue. Both GL and DX exes show the issue. Reverting to 3.7.04C again shows the shaders. Both 3.7.05B-CUDA64 and 3.7.06-SIMP64 fail to show the shaders, so it seems unrelated to CUDA support.
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