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Copy/Instance distribution on a surface (quick positioning)?


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Does anyone know about an efficient way of placing copies (or ideally - instances) of an object on a surface of another object, with respect to normals of that surface? I know I can do this outside of 3D-Coat, but I'd like do it without leaving Sculpt Room.

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Very close, but I don't quite understand how it's supposed to work. :)

If I select it and then hit the Pick Pivot button to choose a point on a surface, the pivot of the instance moves to that position and... that's it. Nothing else happens. Instanced object remains in its initial location.

Or am I supposed to pick pivot on surface of the instanced object? I don't get it. :)


What tool do you have selected on the second image? If I choose one of the models the Tool Options window looks very different from what I see on the screenshot.

Edited by ajz3d
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Here is my picture... Hope it helps...

I adjust the Shift Y so it acts more like a "Lay On Surface" feature.

I used a model from the Models panel and it brings up the import panel. It does not have to be from the models panel though.


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Carlos, Digman, whether the currently selected layer is in surface or voxel mode, the Tool Options panel that shows up on my screen when I select a model from the Models palette or when I import a model is completely different from what you guys show me.


Take a look - I selected a sphere from the model's palette:




Or do I misunderstand you folks?


The screenshot is funny, in a weird way, because there's a negative estimated polycount. This happens with:

- Units: Meters

- UnitsScale: 1000


- SceneScale: 1000


Another bug?

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Your import panel just appears to be squeezed into a smalller space in the panel. Use your mouse cursor to enlarge the panel both horizontally and vertically some.

You mentioned that you wanted instances, I selected it and when you select Instances, import as child is no longer presented as an import option. As you know 3DC is tool selection sensitive.

Also when you select "On Brush" the Yaw, Jitter Yaw, Pitch etc (top of panel)... and shift xyz appear (bottom of panel). You have not selected it in your attached image.

The negative number, I seen that a few times but can not remember clearly why it happen. Whether it is a bug or not, I do not have enough information as of yet to make a educated guess. 

Edited by digman
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Also when you select "On Brush" the Yaw, Jitter Yaw, Pitch etc (top of panel)... and shift xyz appear (bottom of panel). You have not selected it in your attached image.

Ahah! :) That was it, my friend!

I guess I cannot drag and drop my VoxTree layer to Models palette? I need to export it first? Nevermind - it's done, I exported and reimported it to palette.


It's a little bit hard to control the rotation of the model when it constantly follows the cursor. I can modify the roll, pitch and yaw., but I cannot see how it affects the current object because it's hidden behind the Tool Options window.

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It looks like 3D-Coat ignores the pivot set to an object before it's exported to file. So once imported and selected from the models palette, the object will have the pivot in random(?) location. :(

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Okay, I have no idea how pivot of a model from models palette is determined by the program. It seems that neither, the position of the mesh in world space, nor the position of the pivot before the mesh is exported matters. Any thoughts folks?


Guys, please. Time is of the essence. I'm already almost a whole day behind the schedule due to bugs that I described in the Beta thread. :(

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I had stepped away from the computer... 

You should be able to drag and drop  a voxtree layer either in surface mode or voxel mode to the models palette. Works on my end.

ON Brush does follow the cursor for placement but you can move the tool's panel out of your way.


You have been beset my little green 3DC gremlins...  :blink:


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