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artman's doodles


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here are a few shards of ongoing characters, few among many experiments since Alpha 42.3dcoat is alot of fun :D

My goal it is to make eleven1 0 0percents head-to-toe 3DCoat characters with absolutely no .obj imports beside

the default sphere and the cube.Now sculpting is very solid.

It is important that I state that the way I work generates characters that will look good only at the very end of the pipeline.

So,it means that until the final brush sequence the models will looks blobby and sloppy.

So please bear with that for it is what w.i.p are abouts.I'll try to update once a week from now on.


(very rough start up,not real details)

android detective (again just defining form)

early experiments for a dwarven armor (E panel +skin extract)

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an early start on an Eldar Falcon grav tank,

it 's gonna very hard to do it as I planned because I just found out I can't sculpt above 2 million tris

and even at 2 million smoothing becomes impossible(9-25 fps).

(yeah...I just started using Show Info,all this time I thought I was able to reach 6 or 7 mil at least)

Anyway,I'll try to do my best but I'm really jealous of peoples that can reach 8-15 mil in 3dcoat and still get good sculpting.

I feel like I got infinite freedom but I can't use it ,it's very frustrating.

I got Quadrofx 1700,4g ram ddr2 800MHz on an old dual 3000mhz. and I get 12-16 mil in mb and zb.

I think I'll make more freeform sculpt instead. :mellow:

2 mil is not that bad considering the fact that voxel models topology is always even.

But still,I'm jealous....

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nice hard surface experiments, Im intrigued by the shoulder armour type thing and the helmet, how did you go about making those?

they were both started from the default sphere,

transposed a little (squeezed,squashed ect...)

then I used skin extract and the E panel to cut out unwanted chunks of mesh .

very easy...(easier if you can get higher polycount than me)

cheers :)

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Very nice work! Even if resolution is relatively low.

Thanks Andrew,it's all possible because of your program :D. :brush:

I keep a last Increase Resolution for each parts in my sleeve that I will use

only at the very end.Just before render.

I'm starting to understand how it works now.

-merging parts earlier in the pipeline so the smoothing of seams between

parts is possible THEN start increasing resolution.

-making all symmetrical details before the assymetrical in order to get a full advantage

of the sym copy feature

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more work on the dwarf (very unfinished,no details on head,clothes,armor damage ect...)

100% 3DC :brush: -no import from other apps

it is a good exemple of how voxtree allows greater polycount

(3-4 mil was my maximum for a single object, now I'm sure I can add objects up to 20mil...we'll see B) )

I got more models coming but my work pace isn't very good

I'm going trough a lot of pain in my life right now and it is hard

to make blank for desire to create.

anyway,I'll keep updating

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  • Applink Developer

It is looking very nice Artman. Your base mesh is almost ready so after that just start to add some detail. I wish I would see same memory numbers what you have.

you have almost 10 million triangles and still almost 5 gigaa memory left. I'm excited to see your next dwarf version. And I hope everything goes well in your life. 3d-coat

makes me smile everytime when new alpha updates comes :)

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I thought I'll scatter some tips here and there in this thread just for fun :D

3Dcoat magic trick for decreasing resolution :brush:

1-go into the voxtree rmb menu

2-select Merge 3b file

3-navigate to this file

4-move the magic cube beside your model so it does not intersect

5-select your insanelytoomuchpolygonoverdose model in the voxtree and in the rmb menu choose "move to" and select the magic cube

7-now watch the polycount of your model ,watch the relatively good shape of your model,watch back the polycount , smile :)

now you just need to delete the cube with the rectangle cutter in E panel Voila!


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quick roughing up of female jetbike rider

around 200 000 polys now,

I'm training myself to resist increasing res for no reasons..

It's hard because I always want to jump and add some hires details

before appropriate time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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a little update on necromutant, (very unfinished)

all sculpting done with airbrush... I like this brush.. :D

around 2mil right now

but I can add a lot more details and definition before increasing res,

I just have to resist...

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started workin on the necromutant forces flying citadel,

it's far from finished, there wil be some armored parts

,mounted laser cannons,and a little flock of smaller vessels.

Volumetric sculpting is so much fun :brush::D

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Wow! I guess I missed a lot of these somehow.Great work love the details.Yes volumetric sculpting is a blast.I really think there needs to be warning label on it:Warning 3D-Coat may become habit forming.Keep it up.

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Wow! I guess I missed a lot of these somehow.Great work love the details.Yes volumetric sculpting is a blast.I really think there needs to be warning label on it:Warning 3D-Coat may become habit forming.Keep it up.

lol :D

yeah,when V3 is out we"ll need to create

an association for pathological vox addicts...the forum will get very big,and full

of doodles everywhere...

It's like the movie Field Of Dreams with Andrew being Kev Costner

"build it and they will come...."

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a quick bust start before going to work (30min)

I should do this more often,it is very relaxing :)

I'll probably work on it a little each time before going to work...

working at night with junkies and crackheads can be stressful.

also,two basemesh for future charcters that will be displayed together

in a kind of man VS monster screen; like a movie poster(Face Off,Enemy Mine(remember that one?..with a very young Dennis Quaid).

(again,just defining form and presence here,nothing to throw myself on walls)

I think I'm doing a major in "stacking up unfinished models" hehe

(just kidding);):D

hopefully the elevens will all be finished together

which will give me more joy than just one finished model.

Anyway,I like batchworking because i get bored easily.

see ya next upt! B)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Wow! more unfinished stuff!!! :pardon:

A classic fantasy dragon. (I'll work the pose once retopo and textures are done)

1million poly aprox. 100percent 3dc as usual.

+bonus canceled sculpt

I ordered new computer with a nvidia 280gtx,should receive it next week. :yahoo:

(a loan obviously as I'm peanutbutter poor)

I can't wait to use 3dc with it.

I'm very excited.

Also DominanceWar is up(they had a little delay)

Let's show what 3DC can do people!! :brush:

With tris limit up to 10,000 and classes ranging from cyborgs to aliens to demons

This year gives lots of freedom.

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they look great, but let me give you some advice something that has made a lot of difference with me. And remember I'm not giving you advice because I know better than you it's just that this voxel component of 3dCoat is relatively new to people in general.

Basically what I notice is that most people's voxel volumes are 2x to 20x overly dense. You might want to clone and degrade them a few times while tweaking. Before settling in for detailing.

I find the default sphere entirely too dense. Just an upper torso will jump to half a million before you even begin detailing. Where it can easily be as low as 30,000 for an entire body.

I think that this is a general practice rule that lots of peole just haven't realized yet and I dont' see any reason to keep this "secret" to myself although you don't have to actually agree with me on it or anything.

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I totally agree and this is the way I work.

I always degrade the default sphere 2 or 3 times then clone space densitiy before starting creating my basemesh with e panel freehand tool.

Here is the way I work: I increase res only when the brush radius I'm trying to use is doing nothing, and by nothing I mean nothing.(not even bad details)

This way I can never increse res for no reason.

None of the w.i.ps here have been increased for other reason than the brush doing nothing on mesh.

I don't agree with the 30,000 for a whole body thing tough, I would go for a 100,000 range (for fingers,good base facial features,hair mock up ect)

But thanks for advice anyway :) ,I agree if people start from default sphere they will be in for a bad polycount surprise pretty early.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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here is the start on my DW4 character :D=@ =@ =@

just base form and presence, no fancy stuff yet

The right arm is gonna be completely different but I want work in symmetry

for at least half the sculpting work so I'm keeping it that way for now.

next updt: more beffy,waspier stomach/tail (less scorpionlike)

start on face work and expression

add bones on wings with curves

global tweaking and small start on detail jobs

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Very beautiful start, I love the legs like scorpion darts and the tail like some hoof, the general shape like a dragonfly whith wings like bats' ones.

And with those it could remind me of an elephant"s head profile (without the trunk, of course) .

Wonderful mad yack head, too.

I mean, it's a really cool beast, it will have great personality.

Inspired work.

Can't wait to see future developments.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I changed the design a bit...

and well....did none of the thing I said I would....

But STILL!...I'm confident I'll finish in time without problems. B)

Midres details are nearly finished (no love on arms and tail yet tough)

Next upt:

some drapery,a gigantic samurai sword,a new right arm...more love on all parts.

That is of course if I keep my word. <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

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