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Andrew Shpagin

3DCoat Developer
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Everything posted by Andrew Shpagin

  1. Seems we need to update the Angelsript to the latest version. We will do it gradually.
  2. And this is available only for surface mode because it is the surface deformation. Of course, the modified mesh may be voxelized.
  3. Yes, mixed inner angles are still problematic. It will be solved gradually. But completely convex and completely concave angles and even corners with 3 concave/convex edges are handled correctly.
  4. Al little announcement: There will be several days without daily builds because I am finisting very important and long-waiting task - make bevels controlled by curves. You will put curves where you need bevel over the surface. The incision shape is also controlled by curve (not just flat and round bevel - any shape on your taste). It is very complex algorithm, so need several days to concentrate and finish it.
  5. It is fixed in 55. Now it may be 30-50x faster. And a several other pose improvements.
  6. What screen resolution do you use? Please show the screenshot how it looks on your side.
  8. Ok, corrected it in the upcoming build 53: Smart Materials->Add Existing Folder completely rewritten. Now it takes into account all types of maps, all imaginable textures names aliases, recovers displacement from the normal map (if no native displacement found), assigns cube-mapping and generates the preview. If there are images without alias at the end they will be treated as flat color maps.
  9. Thanks for good feedback, gradually we will implement.
  10. Gradually we move to daily builds and incremental updates for Linux & Mac as it was done for Windows. It will be done anyway.
  11. And just a little announcement. There are several days without updates because I am finishing the incremental auto-updater and version management system. What will we get - no need to download build each time, no need separate install folder for each build, easy and fast switching between different builds in seconds. It is 90% ready, will be released soon. Anyway it takes some time, but it must be done.
  12. Probably different monitors connected to different video cards. One to fast one and other one to the integrated. So it works not good.
  13. Please delete settings, use Edit->Reset settings. Also delete remove Docs/3DCoat-2021/data/Shaders/, then reinstall.
  14. I am also unable to replicate... Try to delete the folders Documents/3DCoat-2021/data Documents/3DCoat-2021/UserPrefs/Preferences Does the shaders issue happen in fullscreen mode (ALT ENTER)?
  15. Please send me the license file via PM on the forum or to my email (andrewshpagin@gmail.com) Maybe there is something unusual in the license text, need to check... And the message appears only after the license activation, right?
  16. Looks like you are using the build B39, it is very old, please try the build from this thread.
  17. Does it happen always or sometimes? If always, please tell me the steps to reproduce. It does not crash on my side, possibly we do something differently.
  18. Looks like degree of cavity usage is too high. Decrease the overall cavity modulator for the material.
  19. If you have chosen the RGB curvature, there are no settings, it just calculates with defaults. But after calculation ensure that the cavity layer is correct.
  20. So, what if give the possibility to assign 2 keys, one (when hold) rotates plane, other - moves when mouse/pen moves? Say, hold R - it rotates. hold M - it moves.
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