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Andrew Shpagin

3DCoat Developer
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Everything posted by Andrew Shpagin

  1. Hi all! It is me again with beta. I thank to everyone who takes part in testing betas, it helps me much to develop 3DB quickly. So, the new version 2.05 BETA2 1) Masks are implemented - I think it is very convenient improvement. If someone have good masks that could be used without license limitations, please send it to me. 2) Layers masking (linking) is implemented. You can undestand what is it by pictures below 3) Additional parameters "U/V offset" in custom material. http://www.3d-brush.com/files/3d-brush-2-05-beta2-en.exe
  2. I have posted new article in blog about adaptive geometry.
  3. We plan to to it, but it seems that it is possible to run 3DB under CrossOver
  4. I plan to add layers masking (linking) so that alpha (inversed alpha) of one layer could be used to non-destructively blend other layer. It will come very soon.
  5. Also, I forgot: custom patterns in fill tool could be mappud using not only cube - mapping, but also uv-mapping. There was corresponding feature request.
  6. Hi all! I have done 2.05 beta1. The list of additions: 1) Adaptive geometry: now geometry will be additionaly automatically subdivided during edit process in dependence of details to get well displaced surface. It is very new and algoritmically very complex feature. I will write later in blog. 2) You can import big meshes now, up to 600 K. Many optimisatons was done to make it possible. 3) You can alter level of initial subdivision during mesh import. Now you can specify mid-poly mesh resolution. 4) new measure tool. http://www.3d-brush.com/files/3d-brush-2-05-beta1-en.exe
  7. Cube mapping is used to fit pattern. You can increase the "Edge contrast" in custom fill pattern to get rugh seam. About fitting using uv-s - good idea, will think how to implement it. Large preview - possible, but realtime update of large preview could be a bit slow.I cam do preview larger on mouse over or click.
  8. Good! It seems sky needs some additional adjustment to get better result. The new version coming soon where you will be able to use greater resulution of basic wireframe You will be able to choose resolution of mid-poly mesh during import. Now you are able to set resolution only for high - poly mesh. I think this addition will be very important for landscape modeling.
  9. Every panel has pin icon on the top right. You can un-pin (and close in so way) almost every window. You can get it back in "View" menu.
  10. There are 3 ways to rotate pen interactively 1) use keys "(" and ")" 2) link "Pen rotation" to mouse wheel in Options 3) use space mouse to spin pen
  11. In general, 3DB is not for paper models. But it could be used to paint paper models. 3DB have many powerful tools to paint over 3d-models. You can use next workflow: 1) create model in any 3D - modelling tool 2) paint it in 3D-Brush 3) unwrap and print using Pepakura. http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/ To paint over models in papercraft-style you need to import model without smoothing.
  12. редактировать по всем слоям во внешнем редакторе можно только цвет. Глубину и блеск - только сохранить - отредактировать - загрузить (текущий слой)
  13. The version 2.04 is released! The list of features (in comparison to 2.03): 1) Texture baking tool - possibility to project current mesh on another one with completely different topology and get textures of normals, color and specular. 2) Importing normalmap. It does not displaces a geometry, but creates a new layer with corresponding blending. It allows you to add details on already existing normalmap. 3) Smooth stroke - it allows you to make smooth and accurate strokes. 4) Camera/materials shortcuts 5) Possibility to lock absolute depth independently on radius using lock icon in top panel 6) Possibility to lock screen radius of the pen. 7) Redo is done Layers menu is reorganised, it is much more convenient now 9) Undo works now for merge up/down, merge visible, delete layer 10) Presets window works well with folders, it switches pen/strip/material folder if need. 11) Additional filter for drawing - pen pressure can depend on layer displacement. 12) Several filters - smooth/sharpen layer, adjust hew/saturation/lightness of the layer. 13) New user manual, pdf and chm formats 14) Add entire folder with pens 15) Navigation with pen is improved, you can pan using LMB+RMB Welcome to download page! http://www.3d-brush.com/trial.html
  14. If you want to apply a material picture (not uv-map) please do it like on the picture below:
  15. At firt, you can inctrease transparency up to 10 or more to get hard edges of pen. Click on numerical value and enter the new one. At second, if you add new pen and want to draw with a solid line you should uncheck option "draw by spots" in options of this pen or set "use spacing" option. There is some difference, you can test it manually. At third, the mesh resolution should correspond to texture size if you want to get good quality that correspond to your texture size. 1M of polygons corresponds to texture 1K x 1K, 4M - 2K x 2K.
  16. I have found the reason why it happens - if you will take pictures from folder1\fflored2\ - it works but folder1\ - fails. I have fixed it. Tomorrow will upload new version. So if you have quick proposes and bugzz, please write there.
  17. I have re-uploaded the beta 2. lc8b105, please check if add existing folder works. If not please send me log.txt
  18. Oh, I forgotten one important feature for tablet users: now you can pan using ALT+LMB+RMB
  19. I plan to add this mode in nearest future because of really many requests. NM will not displace geometry, but will be modulated by new details. Export of combined NM also will be possible.
  20. You can add two materials and apply one of them and then second with opacity or apply on another layer and then blend them using layer opacity slider.
  21. паддинг - этон небольшая окантовка вокруг кластеров на текстуре, чтобы на модели не дыло видно разрезов.
  22. Don't need to uninstall previous version. The only warning: if you will save 3B file in 2.04 B2 the older versions will not be able to read it (of cause all next versions will be able). Strange for me "add existing folder" works fine...
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