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Andrew Shpagin

3DCoat Developer
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Everything posted by Andrew Shpagin

  1. Plase set more lights (32-64) and smoothing (4-6) and you will get good result. If you will read the article about AO in Wikipedia you will get to know that there are 2 methods for AO calculation - random rays and casting shadows. Also notice that 3DB calculates AO for the really hight-p[oly mesh (0.5-4 m of polygons)
  2. Really good! Maybe it is game character?
  3. Why not to load them to different layers and then blend them using layer opacity in layers menu? Or that textures arre projections, not uv-maps?
  4. I have done 2.04 BETA2. The list of changes: 1) Camera/materials shortcuts 2) Lazy mouse! 3) Possibility to lock absolute depth independently on radius using lock icon in top panel 4) Possibility to lock screen radius of the pen. 5) Additional filter for drawing - pen pressure can depend on layer displacement. 6) Several filters - smooth/sharpen layer, adjust hew/saturation/lightness of the layer. 7) New user manual! Add existing pens folder 9) Scroller in pens menu The link is below: http://www.3d-brush.com/files/3d-brush-2-04-beta2-en.exe
  5. Предположения по картинкам: 1 - может узкий полигон растянулся при сглаживании? можно попробовать загрузить с опцией сохранить позиции вершин. 2,3 - похоже текстура без паддинга (обрамления). При экспорте обычно спрашивается - нужен ли паддинг
  6. Really, there is no possibility to paint in some height diapason. I can add this filter to the next version that will out in 3-4 days (may be beta will be today). Do you like if painting will be in some displacement diapason of current layer?
  7. You have rotation amplitude in options of the pen. Single click don't work only for pens taht have option "rotate along motion". Other pens could be painted by click. Besides, there is specialy intended "stamp" mode for this purpose. agreed, will do that. agreed. What does means "lock"? Do you use Vista? We use WMV and AVI for all videos... What formats are more common?
  8. It seems that you can export import specular map. But normal map... This question was discussed there several times. I think some day it will be done, but it is really complex mathematical problem. Yes, syncronisation is done only for color. May be I can synk specular like alpha-channel... But depth... ?
  9. There is Commands -> Change nmest and texture resolution. But if you want to decrease the texture size after export it is better to do in any 2d editor because of better filtering. Sometimes you need additional sharping.
  10. Stamp mode and strip really are incompartible. May be I will disable strips button in stamp mode, but if you will suggest how should it be I will do that.
  11. In general, 3DB is not specialised on sculptiong from zero. Of cause, you can make head from sphere or cume, but you will not be able to make horse from sphere. But the main aim - detalisation of the rough starting model. Try demo and sculpting mode to understand better how to sculpt in 3DB.
  12. Good. Thanks for explanation. Now I have understood it better. The difference is that XSI selects random rays is every point independently, so there is some dithering. 3DB selects rays in the same way in every point. In both cases artefacts will go down if you will increase rays/lights count. There is additional feature in 3DB to avoit "shadows effect" - additional smoothing of whole layer after AO calculation. About Greek language - happy to hear that! But there is soooooooooo many text in 3DB.
  13. But really what is the differelnce between "Rays which reach the background or “sky” increase the brightness of the surface" and "lights are placed around the object casting shadows" ? Sky is set of many lights that cast many shadows (amount of rays = amount of lights). I think that if ray from surface reaches sky then ray from the same direction from the sky reaches surface point and vice versa.
  14. What is the difference between the ambient occlusion tool in 3DB and ambient occlusion tool that you are suggesting?
  15. Yes, dockable panels are good. I will think how to do this. I think it will be not difficult.
  16. Excuse me, yesterday morning I have told to webmaster to put robot in gallery, any moment I can remove it, just say.
  17. Thank you, pleasant to hear!
  18. Можно поставить меньше полигонов в диалоге при импорте. Также можно изменить детализацию на ходу в меню "Команды"
  19. Cool! Firefox seem to be one of the most (if not most) popular programs ever. Can I place robot& 2d-version together in gallery? Also my children like your robot, they required from me to print it. :lol:
  20. Blur entire layer - easy to do. Will do that soon. Filters is what is really need for 3DB... I want to do plugins system in near future. It is interesting, does someone wants to write plugins for 3DB?
  21. Glad to see you in our community! Every layer have opacity. Layer 0 also have opacity. So you can draw opacity map in 3DB using eraser on Layer 0. It is the same like drawing opacity in Photoshop. You are using eraser there to draw opacity.
  22. Also, the merging objects into scene in one of the next important goals. Coming soon!
  23. Very cool! Is it remake or you have also made sketch for firefox?
  24. Very cool! I like especially second pic, it is very realistic. The first one seem to have stretches on right side. You can use uv-tool to avoid stretches. If you will remap model in 3DB then texture will lay more uniformly. but anyway, your work looks great!
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