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Everything posted by Taros

  1. Here it happen always. I have a 25 mio sculpt as reference for a 300k "lowpoly" that have to be snapped.
  2. Strange. I tried to reproduce it here on my workstation, but it worked with a simple mesh. I have win10 at my client pc where the problem appear. Here in my homeoffice I use a win8 workstation. Will take a look at this. It is really important, because I need some changes in a huge project model.
  3. Do someone has problems with using "snap" vertices to sculpts in retopo room in .21 ?
  4. Please do not copy html code directly into your post please. I've corrected your post for this time because of the nice content. Please post your image into your user image gallery here in the forums. Then we can put it to the front page. It is worth it.
  5. I love your bots. Really nice work. Any plans for textures?
  6. Are you so kind and explain the advantages in this workflow for using SP here, please. It is really interesting me. I am always looking for better workflows.Thank you.
  7. Wenn Du "Alle Ebenen im ext. Editor..." nimmst, dann hast Du damit keine Probleme mehr. Da ist es egal, ob etwas dazu oder weg kommt. Solange Du nicht "Layer 0" löscht... Aber wenn man viele Ebenen hat, dann ist die Funktion natürlich super, nur eine Ebene extern zu bearbeiten.
  8. Du - kein Problem. Eigentlich sollte so etwas abgefangen werden. Ich hab das auf jeden Fall als Bug gepostet und hoffe, das pilgway da was macht.
  9. Sorry. I did not wanted to compare 3DC with SP. I think principally two software packages can only work together as long as there are tools, that can only be found in one of them. So as long as you have great timesavers or quality vendors in form of special tools in a software, then you will use them. I am using a lot of different software too. Mostly to save time or get better quality. But as soon as I get a way to solve something in one tool, then I will do it there. I love to work with nodes for example. They are a great easy and more understandable way to open the door to complex materials and workflows to artists then shader coding. So I hope it will find its way sometime to 3DC too.
  10. Kann es sein, das Du zwischendurch eine weitere Ebene in Shoppe angelegt hast? Das hab ich mal ausprobiert. Wenn ich eine weitere Ebene anlege und das Bild wieder zurück gebe, dann löscht 3DC bei mir auch alles, bis auf die beiden ebenen, die ich in Shoppe habe. Mach ich nix in Shoppe und bearbeite nur die eine Ebene, dann fluppt alles bei mir. Wichtig: Man darf derzeit die Ebene auch nicht umbenennen, sonst macht hier Shoppe auch Stress. Sollte eigentlich nicht sein.
  11. Are you so kind and explain me what this should be good for please? Is it not important to keep all objects in own layers? Just for my understanding.
  12. This is really interesting. So they seem to compense the problems with a "smart" marketing team like all others but pilgway... I love the paint speed in 3DC. I plan to show the great paint features in the future. Currently I have a professional project where I am painting on a 400.000 polys model with a single 8k texture without any bigger problems. The new PBR mats in 3DC are real timesavers here. The client pc I am working on is a i7 with 16 GB and a geforce 660. So, not a killer maschine actually. 3DC is currently one of the fastest 3D painters in the market. Even mari use a lot of tricks to be good in painting. But a lot of people don't realise it, because pilgway is not searching for the very best professionals who are already working with 3D Coat. pilgway should use their results for marketing purposes more like other companies do.
  13. I guess there is no way back when you started to paint once... "Unfortunately" The only argument for 3DC is: You have more possibilities overall. But it needs more development time to raise to the painting level of SP.
  14. Sitze zwar gerade nicht vor dem Rechner. Aber wenn das echt so ist, dann ist das ein böser Fehler.
  15. The "Low amount of undo steps" problem begins to be really serious. I guess I will stop to work with 4.5.20. Unfortuantely. @Andrew: You should really fix this soon please.
  16. Yesterday I had a complete crash, it seems to be something with 3D-Coat and the gfx card support. I am using win10 at my client and DX64 of 3DC.There it happened. I saw always animated gfx artefacts / chaos. Nothing worked anymore. I was forced to reset the system.
  17. version 4.5.20: I have real problems with the undo steps in retopo room. Is this right? There are only a few undo steps in retopo room. Five or max. eight steps. This is really bad. What happend here? Can someone confirm it?
  18. Ich hab gerade nicht 3DC offen aber schau mal unter Ansicht und schalte "Grayscale panorama" ein. Falls Du Dich wunderst, warum man das Licht nicht drehen kann, dann schau unter: Camera->Hintergrund->Lock Environment sollte eingeschaltet sein. Dann kannst Du auch wieder das Licht im Sculpting Raum drehen. Nur so nebenbei...
  19. Could someone take a look at the projection modes of masks please. (Voxel sculpting mode) The brush feedback is buggy. When you switch to qubic, then the visual feedback changes, dependent of the brush mode you are using. If you are using a paint brush, then all works fine, and the result is the same like the visual preview. But if you use a fill brush, like rectangle then the result is wrong and not the same like the preview. This is a problem in all projection modes but the camera mode. At this point I wish a whole preview for the cubic mode. If you set a very tiny brush, then you get no preview feedback as long as you do not scale the brush. It is distruptive to switch between the brush sizes, just to check the projection size (that currently does not work in fill modes anyway).
  20. Nice progress but without good control for the artist. I don't want to "play" with curves I need to control them. If you ask me the current curves in 3D-Coat are very good already. But I wait. All this is still under development. Don't interprate my critics too negative. The audience is always insatiable... What about real bezier splines with lockable/unlockable handles?
  21. Maybe. Don't forget, we are using a beta here and currently some core routines will be rewritten...
  22. This is really interesting. It could be a workaround, but if you ask me, this is actually not willed... No matter. A good hint until it will be fixed or get a diffrent solution...
  23. I moved this nice tutorial hint into the tutorial section, even if the discussion moved into a complete another direction...
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