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  1. I'm now using the Absolute tool in the Average normal mode. Look what I get, when making an indent on a surface. That's a wireframe view from the side. the indent should be parallel to the outer surface but it is in some wavy pattern instead.
  2. http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2198 http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2196 http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2195 I have only one question really. Does anyone actually use it?
  3. Работаю с объектом в Surface режиме. При использовании инструмента Pose меня преследует куча багов с выделением (и не только). К примеру, при множественном выделении с shift-ом и отмене действия (Undo) портится выделение. Кто-нибудь ещё сталкивался с этой проблемой? Завёл багу в мантисе тем временем: http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2195 P.S. Разработчики на каникулах или как? Просто не вижу особой активности в бег трекере...
  4. I've got a model that's been created in Rhino, then exported as obj layers. I've subtracted layers (where Rhino's boolean difference failed), switched to surface mode and used surface hide to retain detail on hinges before using smooth all to smooth the rest of the model. Voxhide seemed to leave a border which was then smoothed, while surface hide does not. Is this the sensible way to keep specific bits of detail in a model, or is there a better way? Now if I can just work out some sensible settings for smooth all that closely mimic the effect of the voxel version....
  5. Is there a way while in Retopo Mode to draw a NGon shape on the surface of a mesh? Both sides of my hipoly mesh has a circle cut and extruded into the mesh. Of course you can freehand redraw your topology. But the edges are not equilateral or equal in length. The freehand method works but is not accurate enough for me and what I am doing. It would be nice to have the ability to draw a NGon shape onto your surface with a defined value for the number of points or edges.(Exactly like you can do in 3DSMax). This would make the task of doing circles a breeze in the retopo process. This ability might exist in 3D Coat but I am still a noob with this application. max3d2
  6. I did the requisite googling before posting this and couldn't find anything, so... I'm currently using 3D Coat (4.5.19 and beta 4.5.35) on a recently-purchased Surface Book (i5/8gb RAM/dGPU) and have run into trouble with pen pressure. I can't get any of the 3D Coat brush settings to respond correctly to pressure, be it radius control or depth control or what have you. I was concerned that 3D Coat might not recognize whatever digitizer the MS Surface line is using, so I tried plugging in my old Wacom Bamboo and ran into the same problems. Everything comes out at the same radius and the same depth, no matter what kind of pressure is applied. This seems unique to 3D Coat, as pen pressure in Photoshop works flawlessly. Weirdly, I then went back to my other desktop computer and tried the Wacom Bamboo again, only to find that 3D Coat handled pen pressure flawlessly. Is this a 3D Coat bug, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
  7. I think it would be great, if 3DC would have a creasing capability for its Catmark subdivision algorithm. For now you have to beveledges that are supposed to be creased. That workaround is hard to manage (doubles vertices narrow to each other). Such approach is also not really useful for inward edges, that are shown on the illustration: The "Sculpt -> Retopo -> Subdiv Sculpt" workflow is very useful for complex curvy (car-design-like) hard-surface modelling. No matter how much you smooth with your brushes, you won't get a subdiv-quality CAD-like surface flow. This is much like in raster graphics where you won't get ideal tweakable gradients in Gimp or Photoshop - when you need those, you use a vector editor like Illustrator with its gradient meshes. Take a look at this ZB video using the technique I described: Seems like ZB is also missing correct creased subdivs, but has a special tool that creates double edges with a help of lasso tool. You may also take a look at the OpenSubdiv tech by Pixar: http://graphics.pixar.com/opensubdiv/docs/intro.html It is bound by and Apache license, so you could incorporate it without troubles. With the help of OpenSubdiv or not, 3DC would benefit greatly from a more advanced subdivision-assisted workflow. P.S. Subdivs are also an industry standard for animated characters, so a quick and valid retopo-mesh subdiv preview would also be a great plus for 3DC as taking part in different movie companies' pipelines. P.P.S. If you need a pair of hands to implement the feature, I'm also bounty-hunting as a programmer and open for cooperation.
  8. I keep getting this problem when I am working in Surface mode and then change my layer back to Voxel mode (and vice versa). Parts of my model vanish. I'm not using any tools to make this happen and this is just sculpting, no work being done in the Retopo or UV room. I start with a cube and use the cut off tool then res up and just keep adding details. Then to add surface definition I change to Surface mode and start adding details on my model and then I change back to Voxel mode and this happens. The same thing happens if I go from Voxel to Surface mode too. I don't know if it is because I am increasing my resolution to a really high level or whether its a bug or known issue. 3D - Coat doesn't crash when this happens I can continue to sculpt and performance is smooth.
  9. Hello 3D coat dev team! I'd like to suggest a feature that would be vital to the 3D workflow. It would be invaluable if we could have preserved subdivision levels for surface objects like in Zbrush and Mudbox. The principal is that a surface object could be subdivided and manipulated at any level or resolution and whatever sculpted details or geometry shifting is made would be applied to every subdivision level including the lowest one. As it stands now, we are able to subdivide a surface object, but not return to the original version of the object. Once you subdivide in 3D coat, there's no going back to what you had. It would be useful to be able to manipulate a low-poly and high-poly version of the same object on the fly. Obviously this could not apply to a Voxel object, but it would be highly useful to be able to do this to surface objects. I've posted a potential example of how it could be integrated into the UI and a basic illustration of the concept below. Thank you for your consideration -Fletcher.
  10. Hello 3D Coat Dev Team! I'd like to request a somewhat simple feature to add to the Curves tool in the Sculpt Room. As it stands now when using the curves tool it's typically easier to import the spline as a single voxel object. You can import as a surface, but it usually takes a lot of computing power, it welds all tangent points where the geometry crashes together, and it brings the whole thing in as a single object. I propose you offer a feature that allows you to import each individual piece of geometry (such as a link in a chain) as a separate instance (much the way you are able to when importing a regular object into the scene) This would be invaluable because many times I have a belt, or strap model that I have important that is comprised of many different pieces that I want to stay separate, but I want them all to universally conform to a spline curve as a single object. Thank you for your consideration. -Fletcher
  11. For those interested. Installed 3D-Coat on a new i7 Surface Book from Microsoft....the one with GPU and 16GB of RAM. One of my artists sculpted a head to 3.7 million triangles, painted it in 3DC, and rendered the shadow maps at 4k in 2.5 hours. No lag throughout the process. Battery was at 100% when he started and he ran it down to 24% remaining, so we calculate that he would have gotten to about 3.25 hours of heavy use had he gone on. Definitely could use some touch controls to move and zoom the screen within 3D-Coat and a pen with two-buttons would be GREAT! We'll try things out with a 3D-Mouse this week, didn't have one in the office today.
  12. I want to make some parts of the object in a separate layer when retopology. At the same time I need to be able to use only the visible surface, not the entire object including the hidden parts. How can I do this? Thank you.
  13. I was just wondering about advantages/differences between 2x2 and 3x3 surface mode tilling creator. my first thought was that, the 3x3 just seems to require more work and is extra fiddely.
  14. I manually smoothed this model with the smooth brush because the smooth all seems to leave some rippling for whatever reason. Anyway in the images you will see the the voxel model after the smooth brush, I then went into surface mode and didn't change ANYTHING but you can see that the model seems to have degraded? You can see the ripples in the surface mode that were not present in voxel mode? IF I was to then take the smooth brush and smooth them out there is no change or it just visually looks worse? Can someone explain this please.
  15. The surface mode for creating seamless textures works, but is lacking allot (it seems to me). please say if you know a work around or method to the problem below # If i wanted to make a pebbles and dirt floor texture, i need to paint the pebbles and the dirt, is it possible to have multiple volumes work with the tiling system so I can paint or apply shaders to the dirt and pebbles separately?
  16. ndeewolfwood


    From the album: sketchbook

    One more ship. I can't stop to make yellow ship....
  17. I just wanted to create a thread here dedicated to hard surface sculpting/modeling in 3D-Coat. Feel free to post any tips, tricks, tutorials, or whatever you know about it so as to help the community out. I'll start by adding a nice timelapse video I found on Youtube. I saw some useful techniques used here that I thought were worth sharing. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AVERcG9Qy8
  18. Does anyone know of a way to sculpt like this. As you can see they have some lovely hard edges and indents - in 3d coat i cant get this king of effect, if i were to sculpt a rock using build,scrape/pinch tools, the rock would end up smoother looking; without receses and crevices but only out going parts in the rock. Anyone know of tools/brush tequeniques to make rockes like this? (btw, they were made in zbrushy)
  19. Hi at all. I am searching for some good hard surface texturing tutorials for 3d coat, but it seems i cant find some. All that i find are for Photoshop or other apps. I watched it, but i cant reproduce the learned in 3d coat. Sometimes it is a to big difference. Did anybody know some one? Regards Malo
  20. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums and to 3DCoat. I just got the trial version last week and I am SUPER impressed. I am, however, having a bit of a hard time with something. So my project will be needing a lot of fine details in it, but I have a lot of the important ones in it already. The face of this beast, for example, already has a good bit of detail. However, now I am trying to do a repeating pattern of scales that I made the alpha for in Photoshop. When I try to run the brush along the length of its snakelike body, it displaces the HECK out of everything and while the scales look good from the side (kind of), it looks like a seismograph if I rotate the view. Now my big question is, would it be at all possible to use this brush in the Voxel sculpting to get this detail, rather than the surface mod options? The surface seems to bog my computer's memory down WAY worse than Voxels, too. Or would it be possible to just apply the alpha as a bump map in this program, so I don't have to bother with exporting? :x Sorry, I looked in the Help and it didn't seem to help me that much... I appreciate any feedback you can give me. Thank you!
  21. Hi I've imported an object with UVs and about 10 sub-objects. I've taken it into the paint room, which works great, and is very fast and responsive. I was wondering if there's a way to access the "surface" tools? The paint room tools are a little wanting. I really miss crease edges, and the scrape/flatten tool works in a much more interesting way. By the way I reported a bug that I might as well mention here. It seems like the flatten tool works very differently on different areas of my model. The UV's a pretty even. It seems related to the colours of the normal map. Red and blue directions paint fine, but green directions result in massive depth when painting flatten. Very strange Also, for some reason my object was imported off center, so there's no symmetry which is a bit of a problem (I imported it as an .lwo). thanks Olly
  22. I am using the beta 4 version and the manual only refers to 'The Sculpt Room' whereas in actual fact I have a 'Voxels room'. In this room I can choose surface or voxel representation and although the hint says that surface mode is faster and voxel mode has more tools, my question is; What is the actual purpose of each representation and why should I use one over the other? Thanks!
  23. I'm detailing a surface layer with LiveClay. I have used SurfHide to hide unnecessary parts of the layer, so they do not obscure my view while manipulating the model. After sculpting I used Voxels->Unhide all to reveal all hidden parts of the layer, but it seems that the layer have somehow duplicated itself and merged into one (see picture)! Please help!
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