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Found 25 results

  1. Hei Guys! new here, I have installed 3d coat just few weeks ago. I recently opened it and started sculpting a mesh circa 1 mil tris on voxel mode and I started playing with some brushes, however the whole program was not responding at any brush stroke. it completely froze down. After few minutes it would start again, but just to go back to program not responding after another brush stroke. In surface mode it works fine, all the others rooms are fine. I have this issue also on textura. I have a - nvidia 3070 - i9-10850k - 32gb ram 3200 mhz - ssd 980 samsung not really a monster of a pc for high 3d stuff, it is good for most of the things and will run for another 3-4 years however for rendering, maya and others with heavy assets...it really show what a bad choice of components i did 3 years ago. What am I doing wrong? thanks
  2. Hi guys and gals, I have issues with keeping 3dconnexion SpaceMouse settings for 3D-Coat. I'm still using 3DC 4.9 but I also have 3DC 2023 installed (different directory/drive), as I'm trying to make transition. For now, V4.9 is still more stable/reliable for me and it is heavily used in my workflow, so I would like to keep both installations. Anyways, thing is 3DC doesn't handle SpaceMouse settings correctly... it either work flawlessly in V4.9 and mess up 2023 settings or vice versa. I've been using SpaceMouse with 3DC for years and it worked great. Well, it still works great, but only with one instance of 3DCoat. Inside 3Dconnexion app, there are two 3DC instances listed( 3D-Coat and 3DCoat), but unfortunately only one keep parameters that I set up - if I change settings for 2023 version, it goes to defaults inside V4.9 and if I change settings in V4.9, it goes to defaults in 2023 version. Pretty weird and very annoying situation. Unfortunately, using V4 api in 2023 version doesn't work very well, not all parameters behave as the one set inside 3dconnexion app. Any idead what is going on and maybe some fix?
  3. Retopo stroke tool doesn't slice when I drag from empty space. I see the red line dragging, my fps going down, but when I release - nothing happens, no stroke that loops around the mesh. Everything else works, can still draw strokes and make polygons on the mesh.
  4. Hi all.. mediocre texturerer here so somewhat on the amateur side.. As you can see the attached image is a part to a model I've downloaded. Its triangulated to which I've unwrapped it myself in 3ds Max, though when imported into 3D Coat & apply a preset texture, the curvature map, calculates every triangulated edge & not just the physical corner edges. I have considered retopology but then I'd have to re-unwrap again which is more time consuming.. Is retopology the only solution around this?.. Thanks in advance...
  5. Hey everyone! Newbie sculptor and 3DCoat user here. After closing and opening my program the sphere tool always creates a flat-ish circle now. No matter what brush or lasso i use it all comes out distorted. Any help on what i may of accidently changed?
  6. Hi, can someone tell me what is wrong with 3D-Coat transparent/translucent shaders? Trying to use glass like shader and allways get some weird view issues, no matter if it's a viewport or render room. 3D-Coat doesn't show layer/object that is directly behind glass, instead it shows layer that is behind the layer that is directly behind glass!?
  7. When I am using .obj files and using the "Edit Projection in External Editor" feature, it doesn't work. I can get the OBJ into Photoshop, do whatever I need, then once I hit "Save" by doing CTRL+S, it doesn't save my changes into 3DCoat. Does anyone know of a fix to this?
  8. I'm currently texturing a character, and between the torso and the arms, there's a big ugly seam I want to get rid of. I've tried painting/blending over it in 3DCoat, or gone over it a bit to then carry on back in Photoshop. However, exporting the texture out and loading it in Photoshop just gives me a single image file and I lose all of my layers. What would be ideal is loading up my Photoshop file in Coat with all my layers and then exporting it back into Photoshop with all the layers in tact. Is this possible at all? Because when I tried doing it, I get this weird mess in 3DCoat... :-\
  9. I recently can across a issue where I heavy need to import a obj file with textures already applied. For context I have a model that had multiple texture sheets and UV'd pieces that have existing textures I need to edit. Problem is that when importing any type of geometry file the program does not apply textures automatically. Ordinarily this wouldn't be a issue as having only one or two texture sheets wouldn't take much time to import the textures manually. Thing is that this project has upwards of 12 separate UV'd pieces, each with around 4 textures. Meaning that I would need to manually apply 48 textures for this one model. If there are any tricks or ways around this problem please reply back, as I will even try external plugins a try for fixing this issue. This is urgent as the window on this project is closing quickly. Thank you for reading and hope to hear back soon.
  10. Hey folks, Just a quick question. I love using the stamp, click and drag with the alpha on the brush to create interesting forms when making concepts. My only issue is that I can never drag beyond the limits of the mesh. By that I mean, if I click a point to start my stamp and drag out it works fine as long as my cursor is over mesh. Once it leaves that area and essentially is over the background my stamp disappears. Anyone else have this issue?
  11. Hi, I bought 3d coat and I have some issues with the PBR materials, when I click on a PBR shader, nothing happen. Only the description appears when the mouse goes over, nothing else. It's as if I click on an empty box. Need help. DxDiag_joachiml_09_27_18.txt Log_joachiml_9_27_18.txt
  12. In the paint room, I have a particular layer with an old retopo-bake that need`s deleting. The delete button does delete other layers, but not this particular layer. (There are newer, baked layers in the list, so deleting this particular layer would not leave the room empty of content or other layers) Deleting "Layer 0" is seems impossible.
  13. Hey guys! So I just picked up the trial for 3Dcoat today after watching most of the videos, and I imported a model I have from zbrush (that is a little bit off of 0,0,0 but I figured no biggie cause local symmetry) but when that is enabled in the symmetry window in the retopo room, nothing seems to happen at all?? I've read through this post on the issue and there doesn't seem to be much of a fix? Also how does the bounding box selection for symmetry work exactly? Couldn't find any explanations on that but it sounds like it would be helpful
  14. Hey guys! So I just picked up the trial for 3Dcoat today after watching most of the videos, and I imported a model I have from zbrush (that is a little bit off of 0,0,0 but I figured no biggie cause local symmetry) but when that is enabled in the symmetry window in the retopo room, nothing seems to happen at all?? I've read through this post on the issue and there doesn't seem to be much of a fix? Also how does the bounding box selection for symmetry work exactly? Couldn't find any explanations on that but it sounds like it would be helpful
  15. Hi! I am making a texture for a gun and encountered this problem. The texture in 3d-coat texture editor looks nowhere same as the exported one. This is from 3d-coat texture editor: And this is what is being exported: First of all the look is really different. And more importantly the exported texture has random stuff around the edges of texture. It looks like it just filled the free space of texture for some reason. Any way I can fix those problems and get the look I see in texture editor? Thanks in advance!
  16. Hello, I've been using 3D-Coat for a good while now but I've never run into an issue quite like this. When I import this particular model that I've been given to texture, I noticed that there were these strange diagonal bands in the texture editor. I didn't think much of it at first but when I paint with depth information, the depth gets applied at maximum strength when inside these bands regardless of what the brush strength is. This only seems to happen with this particular model. I've included the .obj version, but I can't figure out what aspect of the model may be causing this. The bands don't seem to correlate with any of the edges on the model. There is only 1 UV set on the mesh (I've checked it in 3ds Max, Blender, and Maya, all showing the same thing). The problem occurs regardless of whether I export it as a .fbx or a .obj. This problem occurs with this model in both 3D-Coat 4.5 and 4.7 regardless of the texture resolution I specify when I import the model for per-pixel painting. Any ideas on what might be causing this? You help is much appreciated! HumanShip01_Arm.obj
  17. I've been having a problem with the transform tool, in the Sculpt room. Whenever I put more than one mesh objects and use the transform tool, it is "focused" on both of them. How am I able to get it "focused" on one mesh object, rather than two mesh objects. Please respond ASAP, thank you!
  18. Hi guys! When switching to certain tools I am experiencing a significant delay. Mostly happens in Voxel mode. Cut Off, Pose and Grow brushes are a guaranteed 2-4 second freeze. Some tools work fine, but others take quite some time. It's been happening for a few versions now.. I am wondering whether it is a proper behavior, or there is something wrong on my end. I remember tool switching being instant in the past. Here's a video illustrating the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lq7mrqjcj6ex3y5/3DCoat_SwitchingToolsLag.mp4?dl=0 3DC Version: 4.7.24 Tested in both GL and DX versions CPU: i7-4770 3.40 GHz Ram: 32GB GPU: GeForce GTX 1070 / Driver Version 378.49 Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Cheers,
  19. Mid way through texturing, I decided to export my textures to see how it would look in marmoset. Upon export, and many alternative attempts to export later, it has become apparent that something wrong has happened. My model, which is comprised of 6 different meshes, is being hand painted (no pbr textures), and only has a few layers. When I try to export them however, all I get is a black texture with some squiggles. If anyone could help, that would be very nice. I am using version 4.7.06(DX64)(educational) on windows 10 Link to the file on my drive since it is too large to post here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwWtNA0OwLazdThWcVkwWnhFR1E
  20. Mid way through texturing, I decided to export my textures to see how it would look in marmoset. Upon export, and many alternative attempts to export later, it has become apparent that something wrong has happened. My model, which is comprised of 6 different meshes, is being hand painted (no pbr textures), and only has a few layers. When I try to export them however, all I get is a black texture with some squiggles. If anyone could help, that would be very nice. I am using version 4.7.06(DX64)(educational) on windows 10 Link to the file on my drive since it is too large to post here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwWtNA0OwLazdThWcVkwWnhFR1E
  21. Hi there amigo's, I am having an issue with my reflections not showing up when I am previewing smart materials, and even when I paint an object. I am getting the lighting info, but not the reflections. Please see the image attached. Any ideas? Is this a reinstall situation? Thanks again.
  22. EDITING NAVIGATION PRESET FILES I often edit the 3D-Coat "Navigation Preset"-files using a programmer's editor, because I find the existing "Setup Navigation" UI-dialog limiting and hard to use. This is the dialog I'm talking about: One of the things I like to do, is to use "XML comments" to indicate different "sections" or "blocks" of controls. (Examples of this can be seen at the bottom of this post.) 3D-COAT XML PARSER ERROR Here's the problem... the XML parser in 3D-Coat that reads the "Navigation Preset"-files does not understand XML comment tags. If I try to load a "Navigation Preset" that has comments inside, 3D-Coat will throw up an "XML Error!"-dialog and stop processing the file. The error looks like this: So, before I can use "Navigation Presets" containing comments in 3D-Coat, I will have to run them through a regular expression that removes all of the comments, and save the output as an uncommented "Navigation Preset" into the 3D-Coat "NavigationPresets" folder. However, I would like to avoid stripping the comments. Normally, a well designed XML-parser would simply ignore and skip the comment tags, and continue processing the remaining tags without an error. FEATURE REQUEST My hope is that the XML parser in 3D-Coat would be enhanced to handle (skip) XML comment tags. Andrew, could you please enhance the 3D-Coat XML parser so that it skips any XML comment tags that it encounters inside the "Navigation Presets" and other XML files that 3D-Coat uses. Before anything more comprehensive can be implemented in terms of a better Custom Navigation UI-interface, this would help me so much in keeping my presets well organized internally. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMER'S NOTES The structure of the "Navigation Preset" files could be further enhanced by adding proper tags for sections, which could be displayed in the 3D-Coat "Navigation Setup" UI as a treeview, allowing control definitions to be categorized by section. Here's a draft of the proposed enhanced XML-structure, with sections. Note that this is just a draft of concept, which can be even further enhanced: <NaviSystem> <Events> <Section name="PANORAMA CONTROLS"> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> </section> <Section name="VIEWPORT NAVIGATION, ROTATE"> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> </section> <Section name="VIEWPORT NAVIGATION, ZOOM"> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> </section> ... </Events> </NaviSystem> EXTRA, SOME EXAMPLES OF MY USE OF COMMENTS IN XML I added this sub-heading to my post, just to give my request some context; so that you could see why these XML comments are important to me. (And after I have demonstrated this, possibly to others also!) Here's an example of a "Navigation Preset" inside the editor, with all sections fully collapsed. You will notice that I use the "XML comments" to indicate different blocks of control definitions. This helps me keep everything organized. Here's an example of a "Navigation Preset" inside the editor, with all sections expanded further to reveal the "hotkeys", while still keeping additional "NaviEvent" details hidden. This gives me a simple overview of what controls are defined in any section. Last, here's an example of a "Navigation Preset" inside the editor, with two fully expanded subsections, when I want to edit additional "NaviEvent" properties. Cheers, AgentSam PS. In regard to what Javis posted here: http://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17192, I'm a bit confused about where to actually post FEATURE REQUESTS, because it looks like this forum section about feature requests has been about to "go away" for two years now, but it hasn't... so I guess this is the place to post in. However, for what it's worth, I think this board might be the perfect place to post feature request even in the future, because here we can use much richer formatting with embedded images and whatnot, than we could in Mantis. EDIT: Just fixed a typo.
  23. Alright i texture my model at uni and home, both of wich have paid versions of 3d coat, at home i can save normaly but at uni it doesnt let me save because it says its a trial or something. so i usualy just quit the program and then for some reason it askes me 'do you want to save' and i click yes, so thats my workaround for uni, also this means i cannot export textures at uni because of that stupid bug i guess.. But the thing is now im at home on my paid version and it will not let me export my texture. Somehow the version at uni has infected my save and i dont know if ill be able to get my hard work out of 3d coat
  24. Hi folks, First post here, so nice to meet you all ^^. I have a bit of an issue, not a big problem when you know how...but I dont. I am exporting a large amount of obj's to be used in external package. But, when I open it in another package the Mesh is always way bellow the center on the y axis. Its centred in 3DC from what I can see but not in other software. I could edit it in said software but I have a lot and would like to know how to export it correctly from the start. Screenies bellow. Thanks in advance.
  25. Hello, I have a frustrating issue with 3D Coat where the only voxel tools that behave as expected are Grow, Smooth and Clay, all the other voxel tools (carve, scrape, pinch, smudge, plane, 2d paint, sphere, airbrush, blob) draw a green marquee which origin starts from where I click with my brush and adds or removes rectangular shape of the marquee orientated towards the camera. I have looked at many written and video tutorials and these tools are not functioning as demonstrated (Attached is an image of the behavior). I will be very thankful if someone can help explain why this is happening? Note: I have re-installed 3D Coat and run the software in all DX and GL 32 & 64bit mode. 4.1.04A (CUDA)(GL64) Windows 7 Ultimate Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07GHz 12 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForece GTX670 2Gb
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