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  1. Inspired by the 1993 Mini-Series "The Tommyknockers" and the Stephen King book of the same name. 3D Coat was used for painting displacement and textures. Blender was used for everything else.
  2. Hi guys, I just created a second part to my Lego Man modeling in 3D Coat, where I create UV's and add some textures. Below is a link to both videos. Modeling in 3D Coat, as well as UV's & applying textures. Part 1 - Modeling in 3D Coat. Part 2 - UV's & applying textures
  3. This is an Alien Scorpion that I have created in 3dcoat and brought into Blender for rendering. This is an asset I will be using in a scene that is off world and going to be animated. This was modeled / retopo / textured all in 3dcoat. alienscorp0001-0250.mp4
  4. I would really love 3dc to support colour ID. Maps for assigning textures, I know it’s possible to do it, By using layers in photoshop, but it’s not great, especially when you only have limited layers on your license. i only use 3dc for texturing and this missing feature is driving me to use other (free) software, which is a shame. So, is this something that might be supported in future?
  5. Hi all, I have a material that I have made using the smart material editor, fine tuning it based on the smart material preview. However, when I use the flood fill tool or the paint brush, what ends up appearing does not reflect the Smart Material Preview. Does anyone know why this is happening? I have attached screenshots of the Preview, the model after it is flood filled, and the smart material. Thanks.
  6. Hey welcome! Hello everyone! I would like to share with this fantastic community my work in progress that I make using 3D-Coat. In this my sketchbook, I invite everyone to participate and that you feel free to say what you really think of my work ...No heartbroken!
  7. Hi, we are currently working on a project with 3D scanned products and are looking for a freelance 3D artist, who is available asap and has experience in amending/modelling/sculpting 3D scanned objects incl. Texture Maps (either in: ZBrush, 3DCoat, Mudbox, Blender, Substance Painter). If you are interested please message me, so we can discuss the project and payment etc. Best, Anne
  8. Hi all - I recently started learning Substance Designer, Painter, and 3DCoat. Usually one would take their materials generated in Designer and apply them in Painter, but after using 3DCoat for a couple of weeks, I'm just about convinced that 3DCoat's texturing setup feels much more accessible than Painter (lots of little 3DCoat advantages, like Zbrush-esque navigation which works wonderful with a tablet, able to quickly freeze/unfreeze UV shells, etc. but still learning both). I'm having a lot of trouble exporting my material maps from Substance Designer and importing them into 3D Coat while retaining the same look and feel of the original. Here are my current results, with the material applied to a cube in Substance Designer on the left, and those maps exported and applied to a cube in 3D Coat on the right. I have quite a few questions. Surely I'm doing something wrong? I created a new Smart Material, and for my "Color" Texture in 3D coat, I imported the base color texture from Substance designer. Depth texture in 3DCoat <-- Normal texture from SD. Roughness texture in 3DCOAT <-- Roughness Texture from SD. Metalness texture in 3DCOAT <-- Metallic texture from SD. Condition Mask Texture in 3DCOAT <-- Ambient Occlusion texture from SD (this one wouldn't be necessary, right?). I'm a bit confused, where does the height map texture exported from Substance Designer hook into 3DCoat's Smart Material? There seems to be no field for that. I made sure to generate the "CurvatureMap" layer in 3DCoat. With the SmartMaterial selected, I also used the buttons in the "Preview Options" window to adjust the size/position/rotation of my smart material being applied to the cube, but I still couldn't get it to look correct. In Substance Designer, notice my material intentionally has a large raised circle in the center of each face, but it's completely missing in 3DCoat, despite using the same texture maps. Just to note also, the default Smart Materials in 3DCoat work beautifully - it just seems to be these custom ones I'm making that just won't work. I've attached the maps exported from Substance Designer. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks! SD_to_3DCOAT_TextureMaps.rar
  9. Hi there, I've seen the possibility to export "Emissive" from the Texture menu bar (or when you export a model). But how to set up an emissive on a texture and a layer please ? Thanks
  10. I have made a sculpt and wondered if it's a way to not have to retopologise and bake in order to texture and color it.
  11. Talik


    From the album: Texturing

  12. Hello. It is already 6 hours of nightmare with textures export of Smart Material. I can't export texture with high resolution as shown in preview and viewport. I read all topics about this problem, tried to change mesh and texture resolution (I set 16384 on start but baking allows only 8192 resolution) , bake textures (I set 16384 on start but baking allows only 4092 resolution) etc. and I already tried with high-poly mesh and 16 384 texture size, but exported image is blurry and terrible. Whatever I do - the result is always low-resolution blurry map. Please, help me! I can't sleep!
  13. I stumbled upon this article and thought I should share it here as it maybe of interest to some of you, especially those new to texturing.... Elliminate Texture Confusion: Bump, Normal and Displacement Maps Cheers Ken
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