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Found 12 results

  1. Hi all! Is there a way to masking (a smart material, for example) by using a map? I´m able to use a map as a stencil, and I also can import maps as curvature, AO, etc However, I´m not able to find the way to use the map based on the UVs (I also try the Preferred Mapping set as UV mapping, however, the result is this: The UVs are correct (I´ve tried them in other softwares). I´m a beginner in 3DCoat, so I´m sorry if this is a really basic question (however I did not find anything in the forums or internet or tutorials. The same way to import the ID map (In other topic on this forum I saw this tutorial: It´s useful and I´ve been able to import the ID layers. However, when I apply a Smart material on one of the ID layers I brought, it is applied on the entire object. What I´m doing wrong? Thank you very much!
  2. When I Painter the Texture need the Mask,But the 3Dcoat Can`t support the Mask...So i need to merge the layer to show ,if the effect it`s wrong.i need to change the PSD layer merge...It`s hardly to use .. So could you support the PSD file the mask on the 3Dcoat . Thank you :)!
  3. Do we have clipping mask support that is compatible with photoshop clipping mask. I currently still bounce back and forth ps and 3dc but the clipping mask doesn't work. Wish there was a way to support this non destructive workflow between ps and 3dc.
  4. Hi all, quick question... Is there a way to mask an area from the 'Geometry>Decimate' command, would be great to have a bit more control over that and allow me to be more aggressive with the Decimation. Cheers. ^^
  5. Определился с топологией, перешёл в работу с мешем, для снижения нагрузки и хочу попросту зачистить часть сетки от лишней детализации. Маска не предохраняет высокодетализированные области к сожалению. На картинка видно полосу, прошедшую через ухо.
  6. Как получить маску или Color ID для раздельной покраски деталей? Я сделал небольшой объект для примера. Будет сделана ретопология этого объекта. Шестерёнка и кубик будут цельным объектом. И только кубик будет сделан геометрией - а на месте шестерёнки будет плоский полигон. Шестерёнка будет запечена в карту нормалей и после этого покрашена. Как сделать так, чтобы шестерёнку можно было красить отдельно от кубика? - И так чтобы не рисовать заморозку вручную. Можно ли как-то запечь отдельную маску для шестерёнки? Или любым другим образом автоматически разделить её с кубиком - так чтобы при покраске кисть не красила кубик, а красила только шестерёнку. Шестерёнка и кубик находятся на разных воксельных слоях - это может как-то помочь в создании масок?
  7. Is there a way i can use one object as a sort of mask for another, I know the "subtract from" does this essentially, but I want to use one object as a selection tool to freeze an area of another. Also, Does 3dcoat have an invert selection function for the freeze tool?
  8. Hello, I working on figuring out a good workflow to create tileable normal maps for use in unreal engine. In 3d coat I'm in the paint room trying to use 2d images that I create as masks to paint on normal depth. When I try it I seem to get some sort of banding in the depth. It's hard to explain so hopefully these sample give an idea. Is there some setting I'm missing or a specific file format to import that would smooth these out? I can't upload the original mask I used since its over 10meg but here's one at half res to show what I was working from. The mask I used was 2k and the UV map I was painting on was also 2k. The mask I created was uploaded from a png file. Any ideas? Thanks
  9. I would like to see a feature where I can limit the painting of an area by the angle adjacent faces. Similar to the "ingore back faces" option in the E-panel. There should be a limiter where one could set the angle which allows or prevent the painting or modelling of the area. MeshMixer or 3ds max has this option in the face selection dialog.
  10. We really need a rotate by degrees on materials and masks.
  11. Is there a way to mask off an area of a Voxel mesh in Voxel sculpting mode, as you can with the Freeze tool in Surface mode? I do a lot of sculpting in Voxel mode and cannot figure out how to set a mask.
  12. Here's a quick video demonstrating how to use a layer to mask another. Vimeo: Youtube:
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