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Found 13 results

  1. special thanks to Metin Seven Some hot keys changed where : ( change to your preferences ) redo - shift + ctrl + z perspective - 5 wireframe - shift + z 3DCoat .navigation 3d coat theme.options.xml 3D Coat.hotkeys
  2. I'm coming from Zbrush and would like to make the transfer easier by changing a few hot keys around and was wondering if it is at all possible to change alt and ctrl's use to help with muscle memory. Thanks in advance!
  3. I`m new to 3D coat. Early on I find many inconsistencies between tutorials (specifically shortcuts) and my own version of 3Dcoat. Problem 1: Using numpad keys to switch view (top, bottom, right, left, front, back) does not work. However, when clicking "camera" and selecting one of them, they DO work. Even more confusing, not only do they work there, but they indicate that the Numpad numbers are indeed the correct shortcuts. They just don`t work. Instead, they`ll gradually pan my viewport (8 = pan up, 2= pan down, etc., like arrow keys) Problem 2: my wacom pen has a button assigned as "MMB", but it doesn`t pan at all, even holding down ALT, in the 3Dcoat viewport. The pen works well in other programs, but it feels like 3Dcoat is overriding the tablet settings somehow...
  4. I know that my question and opinion can be misinterpreted and even cause some controversy, but I would like to say anyway. Why do we have a navigation preset for ZBrush? I ask this because I can't understand why 3D-Coat has something that "advertises" or mentions a competing program like ZB. I do not see and until today that I know, at pixologic Zbrush, any navigation reference or anything else for 3D-Coat inside ZBrush. If there is something inside ZBrush with the name of 3D-Coat, please tell me and correct me. I understand that people who use ZBrush and start using 3D-Coat with ZB-like navigation will feel more comfortable, because of course they use ZBrush. But honestly I don't understand having something with reference to another program like ZB-Like inside 3D-Coat, maybe someone please can explain it to me. After all, 3D-Coat is another program and 3D-Coat's navigation is very easy to use and much better. I would love to have a camera navigation preset that simulates 3D-connexion Space Navigator, that would be much more useful and important than having a Preset for ZB-like. Just my opinion.
  5. Hey everyone! I am currently running into a weird issue. When rotating the camera view with my mouse (in any room), there is a small lag between clicking and the rotating happening. Panning and zooming is not affected by this. Also, this does not happen when using my Macbooks trackpad. This does not happen when using the mouse in Blender either. Does anyone know what could cause this issue? Even though this problem showed up after tweaking the navigation settings to match the navigation I use in Blender, when choosing Custom Navigation -> 3D-Coat (it seems, this sets back the controls), the issue persists. This may seem like a small issue, but it has a strong influence on workflow performance since I'm rotating around objects quite a lot. Hardware used: Macbook Pro 2015, 16GB RAM, 2,8GHz i7 CPU Software used: Mac OS 10.11.6 3D-Coat 4.5.02 If possible, I'd like to not update anything since I'm in the middle of important projects. Best wishes, Shu
  6. Hello! I would like to know how would I reassign hotkeys for increase/decrease brush radius. I am very used to the Q/W keys instead of [ ], but the possibility described as "press the END key and then reassign" just doesn't' provide me with the desired result. I thought about trying to search for the list of hotkeys stored somewhere in the abyss of my computer drive, but I cant find it either. I would appreciate any tips as this small, huge monstrous flaw in the workflow slows me down. Don't hesitate to bombard me with all of your infinite wisdom.
  7. Проблема с target камеры при использовании манипулятора 3D connexion. Она частично исправлена, но она ещё осталась в режиме перспективы. Когда прокручиваю манипулятором объект в сцене - то центр вращения постоянно куда-то смещается. Это очень сильно замедляет работу - потому что участок модели с которым работаешь - всё время куда-то уплывает Я пробовал нажимать "F", "Shift+Z" - экранная камера фокусируется на точке поверхности под курсором, но если отъехать назад от объекта (вперёд или в сторону) - камера уже не вращается относительно этой точки. Камера при нажатии F как буд-то привязывается к экранному пространству - и пока камера не смещается, то вращение происходит вокруг выбранной точки, но как только я смещаю камеру манипулятором - то target камеры остаётся на месте относительно экрана - и вращение происходит уже вокруг пустого места. То есть выходит что target камеры не остаётся привязанным к точке на поверхности объекта - объект уже сместился относительно экрана в сторону, а target так и остался на экране на том же месте. Это присходит только если перемещать камеру в стороны манипулятором, если же мышкой - то всё работает хорошо - так же как и в ортогональном режиме. https://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2356
  8. I am not sure why, but it does not appear I can create post on Feature Request forum. Could this please be moved there? I'm aware VR sculpting feature requests have been made, but it'd be really nice if could have simpler feature without the controller support to just use the VR headset/tracking to move through and look around like camera navigation. I work on environment data so it'd be quite helpful to get a better idea/feel of the current state of the mesh data before decimate fully and other steps until it arrives in a game engine. I'm not too familiar with plugin development for coat or if this is possible for a third party to do or requires 3D Coat developer to create. I imagine that if one can get the sensor data for headset orientation and position, they could have a program that calls some API on 3D Coat to update viewport camera position/orientation?
  9. Hi, I'm very new to 3D Coat, and the first things I'd like to adjust to make my workspace more familiar are the viewport navigation controls. I'm very used to ZBrush's right-click viewport navigation controls: RMB = Orbit Control + RMB = Zoom Alt + RMB = Pan When I use the ZBrush-like navigation preset, the above-mentioned controls don't work. I've tried to customize the controls, but entering the above-mentioned controls doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance. Regards from the Netherlands, Metin
  10. Hi all, I've read the manual, and been watching hours and hours of tutorials--but I find navigation in 3DCoat bewildering. I would like to undo my last camera move (ctrl+shift+z in Cinema4D) and I just can't figure out how. Thanks, Justin
  11. Hi, two things. I tried 3D-Coat on my Surface pro 4 and was totally amazed how superb the navigation works with gestures on the screen. This is so amazingly intuitive that I tried doing the same gestures on my Wacom Intuos Pro with Touch on, but I couldn't get it to work. Neither on the Mac no on Windows. Any ideas if or how to get it work like with the surface pro 4?
  12. EDITING NAVIGATION PRESET FILES I often edit the 3D-Coat "Navigation Preset"-files using a programmer's editor, because I find the existing "Setup Navigation" UI-dialog limiting and hard to use. This is the dialog I'm talking about: One of the things I like to do, is to use "XML comments" to indicate different "sections" or "blocks" of controls. (Examples of this can be seen at the bottom of this post.) 3D-COAT XML PARSER ERROR Here's the problem... the XML parser in 3D-Coat that reads the "Navigation Preset"-files does not understand XML comment tags. If I try to load a "Navigation Preset" that has comments inside, 3D-Coat will throw up an "XML Error!"-dialog and stop processing the file. The error looks like this: So, before I can use "Navigation Presets" containing comments in 3D-Coat, I will have to run them through a regular expression that removes all of the comments, and save the output as an uncommented "Navigation Preset" into the 3D-Coat "NavigationPresets" folder. However, I would like to avoid stripping the comments. Normally, a well designed XML-parser would simply ignore and skip the comment tags, and continue processing the remaining tags without an error. FEATURE REQUEST My hope is that the XML parser in 3D-Coat would be enhanced to handle (skip) XML comment tags. Andrew, could you please enhance the 3D-Coat XML parser so that it skips any XML comment tags that it encounters inside the "Navigation Presets" and other XML files that 3D-Coat uses. Before anything more comprehensive can be implemented in terms of a better Custom Navigation UI-interface, this would help me so much in keeping my presets well organized internally. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMER'S NOTES The structure of the "Navigation Preset" files could be further enhanced by adding proper tags for sections, which could be displayed in the 3D-Coat "Navigation Setup" UI as a treeview, allowing control definitions to be categorized by section. Here's a draft of the proposed enhanced XML-structure, with sections. Note that this is just a draft of concept, which can be even further enhanced: <NaviSystem> <Events> <Section name="PANORAMA CONTROLS"> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> </section> <Section name="VIEWPORT NAVIGATION, ROTATE"> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> </section> <Section name="VIEWPORT NAVIGATION, ZOOM"> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> <NaviEvent> ... </NaviEvent> </section> ... </Events> </NaviSystem> EXTRA, SOME EXAMPLES OF MY USE OF COMMENTS IN XML I added this sub-heading to my post, just to give my request some context; so that you could see why these XML comments are important to me. (And after I have demonstrated this, possibly to others also!) Here's an example of a "Navigation Preset" inside the editor, with all sections fully collapsed. You will notice that I use the "XML comments" to indicate different blocks of control definitions. This helps me keep everything organized. Here's an example of a "Navigation Preset" inside the editor, with all sections expanded further to reveal the "hotkeys", while still keeping additional "NaviEvent" details hidden. This gives me a simple overview of what controls are defined in any section. Last, here's an example of a "Navigation Preset" inside the editor, with two fully expanded subsections, when I want to edit additional "NaviEvent" properties. Cheers, AgentSam PS. In regard to what Javis posted here: http://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17192, I'm a bit confused about where to actually post FEATURE REQUESTS, because it looks like this forum section about feature requests has been about to "go away" for two years now, but it hasn't... so I guess this is the place to post in. However, for what it's worth, I think this board might be the perfect place to post feature request even in the future, because here we can use much richer formatting with embedded images and whatnot, than we could in Mantis. EDIT: Just fixed a typo.
  13. Sometimes I accidentaly hit a button combo/key combo on my cintiq 21UX tablet and/or my keyboard and the pen axis seems to invert, similar to inversion in a flight sim game. Up is down/down is up, even the pressure arc for the pen tool, the arc drops below the horizontal line instead of staying above it. It's not fatal as I can obviously tell the diff and compensate, but the most annoying thing is when I'm using the pen tool or mouse to move around my model. Can someone tell me what I pressed/how to reset the viewport /orbit axis in my viewport?
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