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good work.

@greglo, Modo pen tool is too slow to be use as a topology tool.Just my opinion. I think Andrew might have faster method closers to some of the awesome Maya/3DSMAX plugin.

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good work.

@greglo, Modo pen tool is too slow to be use as a topology tool.Just my opinion. I think Andrew might have faster method closers to some of the awesome Maya/3DSMAX plugin.

Hi SonK

I know the pen tool is slow, I just wanted to show how subdividing and adding loop slices still allowed it to constrain to the background. Besides, I didn't want to have to go and study for my exam, so I wasted half an hour practicing the video. :)


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did you planned to add to the retopo tool :

an Add edge loop tool

a slide edge loop tool

a collapse edge ring tool ?

Add edge loop tool - done (it seems to be the same like split edge ring)

a slide edge loop tool - will do

a collapse edge ring tool ? - will do

The most complex thing was to make universal connect tool - now you will be able to connect edges, verts with line or curve. That lines/curves will split faces in two parts.

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Hi SonK

I know the pen tool is slow, I just wanted to show how subdividing and adding loop slices still allowed it to constrain to the background. Besides, I didn't want to have to go and study for my exam, so I wasted half an hour practicing the video. :)


ic. funny thing is i just tried it in Modo...subdividing or adding loop slices doesn't really constrain to the background. When i add a loop it doesn't pop to the background object(even in your video i notice it doesn't do that either). maybe im doing something wrong? :P

@Andrew, will 2.10 be release for the Mac also? (note: i don't own a Mac, but i know people who do and are interested in 3DC).

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ic. funny thing is i just tried it in Modo...subdividing or adding loop slices doesn't really constrain to the background. When i add a loop it doesn't pop to the background object(even in your video i notice it doesn't do that either). maybe im doing something wrong? :P

@Andrew, will 2.10 be release for the Mac also? (note: i don't own a Mac, but i know people who do and are interested in 3DC).

SonK, my young apprentice... I think you're right. I just tried it again and I definitely see what you mean, I just assumed it was due to the fact that the pen tool is not too good itself at getting the exact angles. But even when I try with geometry snap I get some pretty weird results.

I must admit though, before I embarrass myself further, that I have never actually needed a re-topo tool: purely because I am yet to finish any sort of organic model. :unsure: And when I do it's normally beyond saving, so I am quite.. well.. noob, when it comes to them.

Thanks for the lessons.

PS: Have you got your PS3 yet??

Edit: I just saw some TopoGun videos and *think* I see what is supposed to happen.

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PS: Have you got your PS3 yet??

Nope, are you offering to buy me on? rofl. MGS4 is almost out. I was suppose to do some freelancing but that job hasn't kick in yet..so no PS3.

I think there will be time differennce in 1-2 weeks. We plan to make Mac version until 9 of july, but 2.10 will be done in 2 weeks (I hope).

thats great news! 1-2 weeks isn't bad really. July is just around the corner. I think you'll get alot of sales on the Mac because there isn't really any good 3D painting application at the price point of 3DCoat. Ever thought about doing a Linux port(not that i need a linux version)., with new engine being OpenGL it should possible. then again i haven't seen any ask for a Linux port...but that might be a chicken and egg issue.

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Nope, are you offering to buy me on? rofl. MGS4 is almost out. I was suppose to do some freelancing but that job hasn't kick in yet..so no PS3.

Keep an eye on forums like fatwallet.com, in November I combined a few deals and picked an 80GB PS3 for $350.

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Retopo tool is done on 60%


- adding polygones on surface

- deleting edges/edgr loops between polygones

- tweaking(moving) verts, edges, faces, edge loops &rings

- splitting edge rings

- erasing faces

- adding quads strips (like in Silo)

- connecting vertices on polygon

Should be done:

- splitting single faces/edges

- symmetry

- mesh projection on new surface

- sliding vertices

- move/relax with pen

I think that most complex part was done.

How do you do with symmetry?

1) make one side of model and mirror

2) construct symmetical figure from the beginning

To what extent will this allow you to use 3DCoat as the initial modeller of a model? Im trying to figure out how these tools will add to the production pipeline?

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To what extent will this allow you to use 3DCoat as the initial modeller of a model? Im trying to figure out how these tools will add to the production pipeline?

It will not make 3DC a seperate 3D-editor, bot it will allow add some detainls loke coat or cloths. Also, it will allow to change topology of model, for example to make something non-trivial from the sphere. Of course, after retopo tool there is only one small step to 3d-modeler, but I want to make next step in other direction - volumetric sculpting. Of course, painting tools will be updated regularry also. I want to make curves control for pen pressure / tilt like it is in all professional painting apps.

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It will not make 3DC a seperate 3D-editor, bot it will allow add some detainls loke coat or cloths. Also, it will allow to change topology of model, for example to make something non-trivial from the sphere. Of course, after retopo tool there is only one small step to 3d-modeler, but I want to make next step in other direction - volumetric sculpting. Of course, painting tools will be updated regularry also. I want to make curves control for pen pressure / tilt like it is in all professional painting apps.

I am happy that 3DC is just the best 3D Paint and 3D Displacement app.

Specialist apps are best when they remain so!


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It will not make 3DC a seperate 3D-editor, bot it will allow add some detainls loke coat or cloths. Also, it will allow to change topology of model, for example to make something non-trivial from the sphere. Of course, after retopo tool there is only one small step to 3d-modeler, but I want to make next step in other direction - volumetric sculpting. Of course, painting tools will be updated regularry also. I want to make curves control for pen pressure / tilt like it is in all professional painting apps.

Ah, that's very interesting Andrew. I would like to see an all encompassing 3D painting/sculpting application one day but the ability to tweak a model will be more than welcome. :)

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