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Aya - Female character


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I'm working on this character based on concept art. It's actually from a tutorial but I'm not following the tutorial much because it's for maya / zbrush.

ayawip05.th.jpg ayawip06.th.jpg

Here's the concept art by Travis Bourbeau:


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G-Rom84: please, grow up.

Phil: Good start. sculpting anatomy is a big challenge, really big when you work with voxels. It's easier for us if we know what

are your goals, to make real based body or stylish/cartoon ?

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i think the good start would be to study some anatomy books, collect references of real people, some videos on female subj as variant porn or erotic clips which will help to understand better how body looks like from different angles, silhouettes and crossections. after that, the questions about why for example neck in reality doesn`t looks like that way - will disappear by itself. For this work i think arms looks very simple like they have no bones and muscles in them, the neck is overdone with muscles which also placed inaccurately, the rib cage looks odd, need to compare with references, clavicles sticking out too strongly, i dont know what to say about the head since its in such rough shape at this moment, and the other things which rips an eye, but i dont know english names of them.

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i think the good start would be to study some anatomy books, collect references of real people, some videos on female subj as variant porn or erotic clips which will help to understand better how body looks like from different angles, silhouettes and crossections. after that, the questions about why for example neck in reality doesn`t looks like that way - will disappear by itself. For this work i think arms looks very simple like they have no bones and muscles in them, the neck is overdone with muscles which also placed inaccurately, the rib cage looks odd, need to compare with references, clavicles sticking out too strongly, i dont know what to say about the head since its in such rough shape at this moment, and the other things which rips an eye, but i dont know english names of them.

He's just blocking out the base matter here.

Creating his own basemesh.:)

Phil has plenty of references avaible.

Its gonna be much nicer.

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Instead of this kind of basemesh you should start with simple cuttings on a cube or spheres, something more like cubism, more abstract I mean.

Classic sculpture is made this way, a visit and some studies from museums could help you more than you may believe. Anatomy wont give you much help to start. Anatomy can help you for finishing details not in composition.

I said this before but Phil doesn't seem to like this idea. Lets see now. We need to see some composition ideas.

Zbrush books are not good at all for 3DC users. We have voxels here, lets use them.

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The idea right now is to get the silhouette correct. Details come later. Please if you have suggestions for improvements share them , but if you have comments aloong the lines of "it's awful, do better" please keep them to yourself they do not help anybody.

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Trying to detail your character 4hours too soon ?

I'm absolutely no master at sculpting, i learned by trying and failing like everyone else, but you do the same thing you did with your bruce willis sculpt, you skipped the base shaping straight to details. Slow down man. I'm just saying what every reference artist will say in the industry, set the design "in stone" (so to speak, there's always liberty to make changes along the way) before going all wrinkle and shit. It's never been more true with voxe ls since when you move parts of your mesh with details on it you get smoothed details afterward.

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  • Applink Developer

Very nice update Phil. If you look side view. It seams that body is diffrent size than head/arms. But from these pictures

you can really see that those anatomy books makes the diffrent. You are heading the right direction. Just keep it up.

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Thanks that side view might be just a perspective thing. Of course some of these details will just get smoothed over or covered due to the clothing, armor, etc.

Edit: looking at it again, the arms could use a little more bulk on the front & back. Thanks.

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Yeah I'm going to work on smoothing, I must admit I've always had trouble getting things smooth in 3DC. I'm hoping the redone brushes will solve that. I'll look at the feet but I'm pretty sure they match the concept.

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+1 to what beatKitano said, Your basic shapes could do with being more resolved before you get to the finer details. At the moment the sihlouette reads as male. the torso especially has a male proportions. Do you have a concept or are you winging it?

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Makin' armor and stuff


Nice progress. :good:

If i may (I aint a real sculptor)....bring shoulder a little closer.

I undertsand it gives you space for good retopo work but you can still go with less broad shoulder and have good retopo time.

Also firmer butt,better defined forarms and elbow angle,biceps lack tonus,wrists lack definition.

...everything else is not bad.

But face needs a LOT of love.Guess n' Try until you get concept art's grin ok.

Face work will be really subtle and boring stuff to do to get right feeling.

Also,I dont think you are making any "wrinkly" details too soon.

You seem, (i may be totally wrong)to be using higher details to help you hint the basic shapes,

which is not a bad thing in itself...unless you give up on really perfecting those basic shapes and start baking/texturing too soon.

Hope that helps a little and doesnt sound too harsh. :)

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Well actually I was just following the reference, had it in the background while I worked, but yeah I could make the less broad. It would help the feminine look. :good:

BTW I forgot to mention this is entirely in 3DC so far. I really like how you can now use the retopo tools without the mesh sticking to the torso. So I cana have it stick to get the polys down, then turn off sticking to adjust the shape.

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My crit is still valid, observe some real people, right now she has broken arms, torn forearms muscles, dislocated shoulders, no crotch, no buttocks, ballon like biceps, no neck muscles.

It may sound like harrasment, but you don't follow your concept, you guess it. Get references of people.

On a side note, the pose on the concept is nice for a concept, for human being it's too uncomfortable to be used to "feel" a sculpt. I wouldn't follow it too much for that.

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My crit is still valid, observe some real people, right now she has broken arms, torn forearms muscles, dislocated shoulders, no crotch, no buttocks, ballon like biceps, no neck muscles.

It may sound like harrasment, but you don't follow your concept, you guess it. Get references of people.

On a side note, the pose on the concept is nice for a concept, for human being it's too uncomfortable to be used to "feel" a sculpt. I wouldn't follow it too much for that.

I'm hope you're keeping in mind that this character is wearing clothing where many of these things will not be seen. In fact the shoulder thing is already invalid since they're covered up. As for the pose I'm not sure what you're referring to, almost all characters are modeled in this pose or the similar T pose.

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