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    • can i see your shader graph? also are you baking for opengl .. ?
    • by Michael_Knubben Source...  This top section is where you’ll customise what the mousewheel does Here are my settings
    • Hi Carlosan, yes I always keep auto snap ON, as I might use the brush tool or anything to polish the retopo, I deactivate it in very special cases. I think Auto snap should have no relation to the baking process, if it has some currently. (it would be very counterintuitive, as when you click bake, you're not doing retopo anymore, you want your low poly to just stay as you finalized it.) A small issue I'm seeing is that any decimated fbx export seems to have totally broken split normals, it's easy to remove, reset, in blender, but I hope retopo obejcts do'nt get this kind of issue (I don't think so, low poly normals are clean), but sculpt obejcts exports always look like this:
    • I can confirm it was with the mask selected. ( Loving the potential workflow here  )
    • Did you send it with the layer selected... or layer mask selected? Bug confirmed, - sync it is not sharing layer mask... - edit all layers... it is working
    • Just some info regarding the Layer mask. So, I created a Dirt layer, then created a layer mask and then painted that mask using 'more on convex' - works great: But the moment I sync that one layer with Photoshop to make edits and send it back it corrupts the appearance/use. The result: ( and all I did was paint the white * directly onto that layer )  
    • source... CHARACTER BASES - FREE DOWNLOAD Discovering the optimal character base for 3D artists is challenging. Reallusion is democratizing the CC3+ character standard to expedite 3D character production. This initiative includes offering CC3+ character bases to everyone for free. Leveraging the comprehensive CC base mesh accelerates character design and improves animation workflows with precise rigging and skin-weights. For those already using Character Creator, rest assured that the same character bases are readily accessible in your character folder for immediate production. GET STARTED Register or log into your Reallusion account to access this free download. DOWNLOAD NOW Please refer to the End-User License Agreement (Section 5: Character Creator Base Model License) for the usage regulations and limitations.   INCLUDED FEATURES Five character base models, provided in FBX (fully-rigged), OBJ and ZTL formats, with accompanying texture files. Optimized topology, featuring uniform quad surfaces and anatomically optimized edge loops tailored for animation, morph design, and sub-divisional sculpting. Textures are provided in a UDIM layout, covering the head, torso, arms, legs, eyes, and teeth. Includes 150+ facial morphs designed for expressive and accurate lip-sync animation. (FBX file) Compatible with ZBrush, Blender, and other major 3D tools, with dedicated plugin support for seamless integration.
    • Oooh good question....this will add to my original response. ( Also this is turning into a very valuable thread for me as its helping me think about my workflow. ) ---------------------------------- For me, the biggest reason to use 3DCoat over the Zbrush workflow would be the ability to create a textures and a morph simultaneously. Example would the LI Skuttlebot - I created 7 individual damage morphs for it in ZBrush...but it's lacking because there are no textures to support it. If I wanted to, I'd have to export the out model each time and import for each one. Now, if I go in, and sculpt and paint that damage in, while creating a morph and a L.I.E. texture at the same time.....wow, how awesome that would be. ----------------------------------- Having the ability to open the basemesh ( or model that in 3DCoat, or retoplogize ) and UV map it ( with multiple UV's/UDIMs) Texture it while adding details. ( Micro details would be amazing ) I only found this tutorial recently. ---------------------------------- At the moment though, to create quick simple morphs to DAZ & ZBrush via GoZ is very efficient. As an example, lets say I am creating a scene for rendering and the clothing isn't fitting quite right. I can hit GoZ and send Genesis along with the attached clothing to ZBrush with deformations, sculpt and smooth that issue out on that piece of clothing. Then send it back as a corrective morph....super quick fixes. Now 3DCoat has a cloth tool....imagine being able to use that to create clothing morphs on the fly via a bridge. Another asset DAZ has is the bridge to Hexagon 3D - I've used this to create morphs on simple assets ( containers for my VDB Assets ) The problem was I had to keep creating duplicates of each mesh for the morph. I could have done this with ZBrush but I needed exact precision with numeric values for each panel placement: This is an area where Blender falls short too. Basically, if we could create morphs like this in 3DCoat's Modeling room ( with precision placement ) I'd be super thrilled....but emphasis on bridge tool to speed workflow. ---------------------------------
    • Yes please! Like you say the clone brush doesn't cut it when you need to 'heal'.
    • Thanks a lot Grakino! Very thorough description. After a bit of fiddling with the variables it finally works! I had to add the tablet name a first time before it revealed more input device names. One of the new ones revealed was the correct one. In my case  "XP-Pen Pen Pen (0)". Also for me adding the mouse device made the scroll wheel stop working inside 3dcoat - however leaving the mouse variable empty worked for me. Thanks again!
    • Hi Liok When you bake, do you have autosnap active?
    • I mean, I just did that, created a sculpt object without symmetry, then did something, re-baked.. AND it still symmetrized the bake, because obviously I just selected another sculpt object at some point just before baking. This bug makes it virtually impossible to bake, without a massive headache of having to realize you failed (sometimes after the end, after the export..), then restart from scratch your painting room work by really making sure super sure sure sure that you selected the dummy sculpt object without symmetry active, before re-baking. That's an urgent bug to address since many years, no one can properly bake at the moment since all these years.  
    • I think we still have this annoying bug that baking takes symmetry into account, which there is no reason to, as it takes the symmetry of the current Sculpt object, which we don't really care about in the retopo room as we mostly dealwith retopo objects. And it automatically destroys any bake attempts if symmetry is ON, without providing any usefulness I guess ? as it's either the sculpt objects and/or retopo objects that you want to be symmetric or not, not the bake & paint object independantly. It seems like 100% of users will bake while having a sculpt object active that has symmetry, and that means that 100% of users will have 100% of bakes failing, destroyed, until they realize they need to create a new dummy sculpt object without symmetry, select it, and then bake. (without breaking the bake with this random symmetry)
    • Hi Carlosan, Was the re-quote above for a reason mate? Also, I've made decision today. Normally, when I start a project that's generally all I focus on but that comes with sacrifices. So what I am going to do...is set a very small allocated window each day to work on fix a whole bunch of old freebies. That way I can spend more time in 3DCoat texturing....that will help with 'muscle' memory.
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