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    • Hello People! Long time no see. Im still having trouble with PPP Mode painting. There is this Border created over Triangles. It is a quad mesh. All the best! PS: only luck I had now, with subdivision, catmull on, and hard edges set manually.
    • Oh this is confusing sorry. -Yes, Open in External App part is working!  But the "export to" works a little different. It should: 1.ask for a filename, 2.popup in Blender. But it doesn't.
    • I really want to use 3dCoat for our series and film productions, but I always feel like Pilgway only cares about game development. UDIMs are widely used in the industry and this is where the problem comes in. Here are a couple of scenarios that should work, but don't. 1. Creating UDIMs in 3dCoat is a paint in the neck. So easy easy to set up in other DCC's.  It feels like UDIMs or tiles are a hack in 3dCoat. You have very little control, and can't view all your UDIMs at the same time as 3dCoat only works with the first tile. We love the retopo and uv tools in 3dCoat, but have to go elsewhere to set this up. 2.  Probably the most important. The Texture bake tool is out of date and can't bake to UDIMs. It's so old that it still only bakes Glossiness and not Roughness for PBR.  This tool used to be a saving grace when higher ups changed uv's during the modeling sculpting phase but wants to keep textures as a starting point.  Now I have to save out 5 different models for each of my 5 UV tiles. Each with it's uv's moved one spot over (in another app) to line up with the first tile. Then I can bake each tile in it's own scene. This is ridicules. I have to do this for all channels manually.  When can we get a proper baker that just works from one mesh to any other mesh? 3. Workaround that also does not work anymore.   Importing a mesh into the paint room with all of it's textures does not bake the textures to the sculpt room. Normals and Displacement works, but no color. This would have been great, as I could get the model into the sculpt room with all of it's color info baked into verts (poly paint). If the model was high enough res, I could load a new mesh with updated UDIMs into the retopo room, and bake the color info back onto the model to the paint room. Here I want to keep the textures, and just change the UDIM tiles to get higher res. When can we see some serious thought and development for UDIMs in 3dCoat?  Not everybody works in game development.  
    • Before the mesh from Blender23DC... to get Getback applink working, you need to use this command first  -not Export to- and then GetBack
    • Hi. The script was for when the button " Export To" is missing. The Script works, the Button is there, it exports. The Auto-reception in Blender does not work! Maybe someone from the staff could give some hint.   All the best!
    • Thanks for your response. This is strange. I can't brush with any color at the moment so it's not just eraser, it's everything... No clue what I managed to break and how to fix it. No idea where to even begin...
    • Testing to erase glossiness - Using Erase after Fill the entire mesh - Using Brush pressing Ctrl after Fill the entire mesh. Sorry, I cant replicate the issue.  
    • This has been driving me nuts. I applied 100% glossiness with the fill tool and this looks great but there are specific parts of the gloss that I would like to erase with a brush. No matter what I try, I cannot erase any glossiness. I know this is possible because I did this over a year ago and it worked fine. Am I doing something wrong? These are my settings: I also cannot apply glossiness with the brush either, only with the fill tool. Oh and when I use the eraser, it's doesn't work either. And before you ask if I have the latest version, I don't. I'm not willing to pay to only check if this is fixed or not so please, if you can, check it for me.   Cheers
    • I would like to know if 3DCoat can use AI to create a depth map from a simple photo? Somewhat similar to what I do via this website (see my link to my demonstration video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bjogvtYHyCGmZKKV6).
    • My reply was from February I don't know the current agenda. Please contact support@3dcoat.com to ask for any feature request
    • That's very sad to hear. You are offering a texturing software, and it still being without non destructive adjustments in 2024, which one can't even tell ones coworkers about if you wanna recommend and praise 3d coat/textura, without receiving roll eyes, justified ones, I think you should reconsider the prio of this.
    • Ok, I'll try to resurrect this topic, let see what will happen. I'll show you my work and tell a little bit of the story. I'm working on the character "Lady of Snails", a concept by artist Serhii Davydenko. My goal is to learn how to create stylized characters, learn and practice with HandPaint style, get acquainted with the 3DCoat program, and expand my portfolio. Actually, this snail is my first work in this program. I did all the stages of work in 3DCoat. I wanted to familiarize myself with everything the software offers. At the moment, I almost done with the snail. I need to go through the character again, draw some details and play with Curvature, AO, Thickness maps. I want to try to add them to my HandPaint texture. I didn't start with the lady herself because I felt the need to practice with something simpler, so I started with a snail. I needed to gain experience and become more familiar with HandPaint texturing techniques and learn the 3DCoat interface. Preparation I set up a reference image and started creating a basic shape. I did it with the help of curves. The curves work like regular curves, like in Maya, 3DMax, Blender, and many other programs. In general, it is convenient and clear. I missed the Bezier guides a little bit, for more precise customization, but in general I managed to do it. Sculpting The tools are similar to ZBrush, so I mastered the brushes relatively quickly. I like voxel - it allow you to quickly gain mass and not think about topology at all. But there is a disadvantage - it is very difficult to make sharp details (for example, eyes and overgrown areas around it). I need to increase the mesh density, but then it becomes harder for me to work on other areas. It's not convenient to use Proxy Slider all the time. For such situations, there is Surface mode. Surface - is a bit like Sculptris in ZBrush. It's a handy tool for sculpting clear, sharp contours. Remove stretching is a very useful thing. But now there are restrictions on what you can do with the model. Surface also has a disadvantage - it is difficult to create a smooth surface because the surface topology is very chaotic and it often creates knots, spots that create unnecessary noise. You need to work a lot with Clean Clay to reduce noise. Reconstruct in most cases destroys the figure of the model. But in general, I like sculpting in 3DCoat. It's a nice process. Retopology This is an unusual experience. What fits in Maya's Quad Draw and Multi-Cut is split into dozens of separate tools here. It's hard for me to say whether this is a bad thing, but I think some of it could be "optimized". But I like how many ways the program provides for retopology. SmartRetopo and Strokes are my favorites.   Baking You can customize and save the cage right now, I like it. Baking good quality textures. RGB Curvature is something new, I don't know how to apply it, but it looks cool . Painting I very miss the non-destructive function and the Baked Light Environment filter. And I really, really missed Levels or Curves. Adjusting masks without them is torture. Using Brightness\Contrast for this is not serious, it's a big disadvantage. But you know what? 3DCoat has a Curve, but in the Smart Material Editor. But you can't use it to customize a mask - paradox. Drawing in 3DCoat is quite static. If you need to make a change, you can't "edit" it like in Substance Painter, you have to "redraw" it, that's the experience. But the HandPaint tools in 3DCoat are good. Brush, Coloring, Power Smooth feel nice. Smudge also feels quite nice. That is, everything that concerns literally HandPaint is well done here, but as soon as you want something more, something more procedural, non-destructive, then you will have problems. A little bit about Linux I'm a Linux user and I'm currently running Debian 12. I am very glad that this program is on this platform. And I hope that the team will continue to support this platform. It's a bit sad that Linux is the last one to get updates (and sometimes with long delays). On Debian 12, the program works well, but there are problems with the mouse wheel, 3DCoat refuses to recognize it if I have a tablet connected at the same time. GTK-2 - are serious? There is already a GTK-4 on the market. And your technology is outdated. Because of this, the program sometimes crashes when I call File Manager to open a file. But still, i'm glad 3DCoat is on Linux, but sometimes i run wine to test windows version new update he-he . In general, this is my work i wanted to show you. When I finish with Snail. I'll start making my Lady. I think I'm ready.  
    • Changed UI font size, and that works perfect! Thanks a lot!
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