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    God, Drawing, sculpting, games, basketball, animation

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  1. If this is a real thing, I think 3D Coat should jump on it. One of the things that I'd like to see more is better overall pipeline integration and that would go a long way. Especially since as you've said, a lot of concept artist use 3D Coat. It would theoretically lead to a larger userbase. Look at what Eevee did for Blender and Lumen and Nanite for Unreal. Even Marmoset built a texture and baking tool around their render engine. Having a good built in render tool is a game changer. It sounds like you're not talking purely hypothetically and you're aware of a potential partnership, are you not at liberty to say with who?
  2. Something built with Godot is another option. It was my understanding that a render engine was in the works for 3D Coat, what is the progress on that? Has it been shelved?
  3. It would be awesome. I would settle for something like a realtime Sketchfab integration though. Which is actually something that could be easily achieved using Babylonjs which is a free open source webgl/webgpu game and rendering framework. It's basically Sketchfab, but free and with real interaction if you want to do some coding. https://editor.babylonjs.com/ - an electron based editor for Babylonjs made by someone in the community https://doc.babylonjs.com/features/featuresDeepDive/postProcesses - about Babylonjs render pipeline https://playground.babylonjs.com/#Y3C0HQ#146 - a Sketchfab style demo complete with post process fx that is easily integrated in a webpage for free.
  4. Nice, Are you a developer too? Have you tried Babylon and if so, why Threejs over Babylonjs? We're currently in the process of reevaluating our webGL library choice.
  5. Being able to export to glb would make a major difference. I use a webGL library called Babylon.js and it has a site for uploading glb files. sandbox.babylonjs.com Currently I have to export from 3D Coat to Marmoset or Blender to generate a glb. It was a request I made a while back, but I will echo @oiver55 that it would be very helpful. Also, to answer the OP, you can change to gltf in the model export options, so instead of obj or fbx, you can choose gltf. That being said, being able to export straight to glb would really help. Glb is the primary format for 3d on the web and it's also the primary format for Godot, which is a game engine with a growing user base. Incidentally, Babylonjs could be used instead of sketchfab for displaying 3d meshes online. There is a free editor here https://editor.babylonjs.com/ and there are several examples such as this one of https://playground.babylonjs.com/#Y3C0HQ#146 which could be easily prepared to allow 3D Coat users to have an alternate render pipeline that is more similar to what you'd get in Sketchfab or Marmoset Toolbag for free.
  6. Agreed, you need both. And I will echo the idea of having a button or option to convert the active frozen area to a layer mask.
  7. I think there needs to be an outliner that has filters for sculpts, retopo models, paint models and curves. This should replace all the separate little menu lists that need to be managed. This would open the door for useful drag drop operations and helpful mesh status visualizations such as having paint data on a sculpt mesh or being able to see sculpt layer relationships at a glance.
  8. This looks promising. But we need a way to manipulate the Nurbs. Some kind of fusion between Nurbs and curves to get Pseudo polygons, where you can inset, extrude, and move with soft selection falloff. To be able to go back and forth from Nurbs -> Retopo mesh or Nurbs to a voxel/surface mesh stamp or even better, a way to use Nurb patches as an advanced move tool for sculpts. This would be good if you could take advantage of the nurbs patches like my curves experiments from a while back. Nice to see the progress though! This looks promising. But we need a way to manipulate the Nurbs. Some kind of fusion between Nurbs and curves to get Pseudo polygons, where you can inset, extrude, and move with soft selection falloff. To be able to go back and forth from Nurbs -> Retopo mesh or Nurbs to a voxel/surface mesh stamp or even better, a way to use Nurb patches as an advanced move tool for sculpts. This would be good if you could take advantage of the nurbs patches like my curves experiments from a while back. Nice to see the progress though!
  9. Make the base forms a little thinner than you want, then increase the resolution. Apply procedural noise and then extrude a bit.
  10. I think 3D Coat could theoretically do some of this and I've been pushing for a similar approach. I'm still hoping for something like this, but it's hard to see where things are headed. Workflow is important and this looks like a really useful tool. I'm going to try it out. It looks like it has 3D Coats boolean simplicity without the brute force Voxels only approach. Seeing this makes me a bit sad that 3D Coat hasn't quite capitalized on it's potential in this area.
  11. Thanks Carlosan, but to be honest, this doesn't help much more than the tooltips that exist within the nodes. I know how to do basic things like use noise as a mask between two colours and the material IO nodes are similar to Substance Designer...but I don't know how to use the Cavity node and I don't know how to use the AVObject nodes. I was able to look up the functionality of some of the math nodes in an glsl reference, but I can't get the time node working and same thing for the AVObject nodes. What do I need to do to get something to display? Does it depend on the context I'm in? Like Environment Nodes/Shader Nodes/Post Process Nodes? Also, what is the reason for some inputs/outputs being green and others red? Is it just a partial implementation and some nodes don't work properly yet? I think there needs to be more communication around this feature and the current state of it's implementation.
  12. Also, is the Nodes developer able to join the chat? Better talk directly to the person in charge than try and figure things out on our own. @Carlosan @Andrew Shpagin Any insights there?
  13. I have some questions and some suggestions about Nodes. I'm not sure who can answer or if someone can point me in the right direction, but I figured here is a good place to start. Here are some preliminary thoughts and questions. I'm going to try to manage the ideas and questions using Clickup. The link is below. Nodes What can I do with AVobjects? What do they do? Better color coding or tooltips for various input/output types - I can't tell what is float/int/vector/color/b&w/ect. It is currently unclear what each i/o node is referencing - for example, how does the time node work? The Geometry nodes can be grouped into one node with selectable options The Blend nodes can be grouped into one node with selectable options The Math nodes can be grouped into one node with selectable options Add a blur node to modulate the transition between black and white Undo/Redo support Ability to save and reuse node groups as modular elements selectable from RMB menu Ability to dive in & out of grouped nodes Ability to group nodes into one node. Tweakable parameters for Patterns2D and Patterns3D nodes Drag/Drop auto attachment https://sharing.clickup.com/42618498/t/h/860q3qdqf/D6M24825PPN47G9
  14. There are certain tools in 3D Coat where you need to hold the 'alt' key to enable tumbling because those tools takeover left mouse click off the model. The sphere tool in Voxel sculpting mode is another example. Pressing the alt key will force navigation mode. so that you can tumble while your cursor is on top of the model as well. You could also tumble the view by dragging in the margin border around the 3d viewport, which also forces navigation mode. Hopefully you had already figured that out.
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