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Everything posted by spacepainter

  1. Like the history in Photoshop, but with save. That's very usable.
  2. And it's a bronze/steel alloy that is suitable for outside. Printing in full colour would'nt be bad too! http://demoparts.zcorp.com/
  3. No, I was about to buy Zbrush when I had the misfortune to find 3dcoat and now I am an addict. The testing period of Zbrush did not get me hooked but made me buy a book to try and understand their interface. While in 3DCoat it's plug and play. A fine difference is you can paint in space with voxels, without an armature. Which opens up possibilities for a spacepainter with a spacemouse.
  4. Well maybe if it looks like voxels, feels like voxels and behaves like them, your argument is valid. But I'll have to try these metaballs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaballs ) or zspheres2 first to believe that. Right now voxelscupting is entirely different from polygons. You know Tom Dobrowolski? http://plastic-demo.org/ Nice to watch. He invented Real-time Voronoi Fractals and Procedural Creatures, but it is a slightly different approach to voxelsculpting, or is it metaballs??? :p
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voxel What is a voxel? Jeez, I like that Zbrush workflow example.
  6. You can also create a new layer before sculpting and delete the one with the sphere. I often do that.
  7. In the paintmodule and socalled sculptmodule using depth you are altering the maps , normal or displacement, not the mesh.I think the manual says nothing about this , or I have read over it.
  8. Yeah, thanks, I read the manual but I'll try a reread at my current level. But not to sound too dreamy, in a few years time who needs displacement mapping if you can work on a quadrizillion polygons with that hardware coming up. Or am I wrong here? Ah I found the tutorials by Jones here Had not seen them yet, thanks! http://www.vimeo.com/user1652304/videos
  9. It's like fractal-painter, nice painterly approach.
  10. Hey LBJ Can I paint your devil?
  11. Wow, I did not know, thank you. What is DP then? I thought it meant displacement? In the paintroom I do produce a diffuse map as well don't I? Sorry to sound confused ( I am ) , I have no knowledge about UV's and mapping. And really hoping to get to grips with the subject, but don't know how to learn it. I understand, I guess, it all has to do with the limit of actual RAm and CPU's to work on hires models, but simple it's not.
  12. Wonderful isn't it. Check this shop: http://www.bathsheba.com/ She makes a living selling sculptures online.
  13. Did I understand well it's 20 hours?Wow. I hope it encompasses all aspects of the sculpting, painting, retop, mapexporting and above all an insight that explains short and clear principles of CG like UV, Ambient Occlusion, Raytracing, Global Illumination, Displacement vs bump, normalmapping, exportproblems, importproblems, Pointclouds and its uses, voxels vs polygons, resolutionlimits in relation to hardware, how to navigate through the different rooms and why?
  14. After you transformed your model into poygons you could make sharp edges with all the tools available. Voxels rely on the handyness of the sculptor. If you'd build from sharply defined primitives and use some booleans it might get real sharp though, with a higher resolution. Very thin things like eyelids or part of the ears remain tricky like in real sculpting.
  15. Thanks! I need more study for the mouth, that little thing is harder to sculpt. I really like painting on the sculpt. I don't really know what I'm doing, making a normal or a realtime displacementmap as I draw with depth in the pen? Great for pores, I guess.
  16. First painting on head...used a mirror for sculpt. Next time I'll use ref images.
  17. Is it compatible with voxels? Well I've seen videos from Sensable ( voxelssculpting combined with curves ) exactly working like that so it may be very nice. http://www.sensable.com/industries-automot...otorcycle.htm#A Example video:
  18. don't be angry, only spoiled children get angry about such things.
  19. http://vimeo.com/5761958 It's a voxelpaint application for the Iphone. Very basic .
  20. Yes, that 'd be the 64 bit supercomputer style, all in one room, wysiwyg ( what you see is what you get ).
  21. You can change the color of every layer seperately by using the default shader, then changing the colour in the paintmodule, then the default shader colour is changed for that layer only.
  22. Another possible method would probably be to keep the cloth on a different layer. Make clothlayerinvisible, Then put more clay on the model, make visible cloth layer and remove clay from model...
  23. Is the space mouse only usable for navigation or also for painting spheres or 3D snakes or is this only possible screenbased??
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