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Everything posted by chris_solo

  1. really like the atmosphere! congrats! I'm waiting the next up!^^ ++Chris
  2. hey Garagarape! all is well here but bad weather! I like your start scene but beware of the focal length of the camera... my thoughts. ++Chris
  3. Nice work, like his armor! ++Chris
  4. Nice work! voxel work? or surface work? ++Chris
  5. >>>> http://www.shapeways.com/
  6. always in progress...but slowly ++Chris
  7. Nice work! the low polys seems on very good way! keep it up ^^ ++Chris
  8. Nice finish takanari san! not agree with the glow too large and the background texture that interferes with legibility but it's an artistic choice. ++Chris
  9. I like your work! but you have holes in your mesh? no? Ooops sorry this is part of your creation!!! can you show your diffuse color map just to watch it, why did you put a map of specular in the function of translucency? while there is a function specular... ++Chris
  10. I don't have an account at CGSociety... but on CGHub I'm willing to support this request! so rather put the link of the topic you created. ++Chris
  11. Hello! evidence that 3dcoat is used in the video game industry! Here's a concept developed for the Crysis 3's game, apparently... it's unfortunate that these users don't post their works on the forum and also share their techniques! the link : http://cghub.com/images/view/451515/ artist : Timur Mutsaev 3dcoat + Photoshop ++Chris
  12. Nice sculpt on this bust, the effect of stone is nice too! ++Chris
  13. great work! ++Chris
  14. agree, cool your last doodle! ++Chris
  15. ...Lightwave integration too! ^^ I'm waiting... so you can still use it without plugin / gateway. ++Chris
  16. I agree with what you said , but I also like the how and why of things it's always interesting to try to understand... It's true that in the movement of creation, sometimes we can't forget to ask the right questions about the evolution of imaginary creatures. Otherwise I rather wait for Octane Lightwave interface ^^ ++Chris
  17. you are mysterious and you don't say enough .... I can tell you that the general representation of alien or creatures or has always been to show large skulls (Alien movie), but this approach is far from your mind, I think you talk about other things, right? ++Chris
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