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Try this: sudo apt install adwaita-icon-theme-full
Unzip into any folder. For example, "Downloads", "Desktop", "Home". The error "Couldn't make the context current" has been investigated and fixed. Please re-download and try the following: Note, that the current "3DCoat 2024.27-01" has visual glitches that are under investigation.
There is no simple solution for the "3DCoat", mainly because it is a Windows-only app. I am porting the central part of the "3DCoat" code that doesn't have Windows-specific calls by isolating that code with custom-developed layers. Whatever libraries those layers will use will not make the process simpler. The Ubuntu distro was chosen because it is simply available in WSL, under which "3DCoat" is built. The migration to GTK3 from GTK2 will hopefully allow "3DCoat" to work successfully on other distros.
I have finished the "TestStroke" framework. All old code that uses X11 has been removed. Only plain GTK3 calls remain. Modern OpenGL uses the appropriate GTK3 code instead of the old X11. The stylus and eraser code are replaced with appropriate new GTK3 structures. Press the key "O" for the "Load Image" dialog. Key "S" for the "Save Image" dialog. Key "B" for the "Browse for Folder" dialog. Key "I" for the "Input Text" dialog. The download link is here: Using the finished framework from the "TestSroke", I built the "3DCoat" from the repository. The current version is "2024.27-01". The "3DCoat" building process incorporates more libs than the "TestStroke". These libs are dl, expat, util, fbxsdk, and python3.8. It is essential to ensure that these libs do not break the "3DCoat" behavior compared to the "TestStroke". If the file dialogs are successfully working on your system in the "TestStroke", they should work in the "3DCoat" too. The link to the "3DCoat" build is in the links file above. Note, that the "3DCoat 2024.27-01" has visual glitches that I will investigate. For now, focus on running the executable and displaying the file dialogs. Please provide feedback here or on my email sergkryzh AT gmail dot com.
Please start your tablet troubleshooting from the "3DCoat" framework that is called "TestStroke" for Windows: This app is the first stop when narrowing pen-related problems. It contains all the system code without the "3DCoat" tools. Note that Mouse mode is unsupported (Wacom Tablet Properties > Mapping tab > Mode should be Pen, not Mouse). Make the strokes on your tablet and ensure the displayed strokes are correct. The strokes should depend on the pressure. Press keys "1" and "2" to switch between "Wacom" and "WindowsInk" tablet interfaces. Note which of them is working for you. Later, you will select between them in "3DCoat" using Edit > Preferences > Brushing > Tablet Interface. After making sure that the "TestStroke" is working, rename the user data folder "Documents\3DCoat" into something like "--3DCoat". This renaming is crucial because corrupted or incorrect "3DCoat" settings can lead to unlogical behavior of the "3DCoat". After renaming, run the "3DCoat". It will create a new user data folder with default settings. Ensure the tablet works correctly, as in the "TestStroke". Switch in "3DCoat" preferences between "Wacom" and "WindowsInk" in case the "TestStroke" revealed that it was needed. Manually restore your assets from the renamed user data folder into the newly created one.
Broken file dialogs are a known problem on non-Ubuntu distros: "3DCoat" is built under Ubuntu 20.04. The problem occurs inside the function gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new. I am porting the system code from GTK2 to GTK3 to overcome this. Here is a raw framework of "3DCoat" for Linux that uses GTK3: The framework is still built under Ubuntu 20.04, but the file dialogs should work on other distros. Press key [O] for "Open Image File Dialog" to test. Key [S] for "Save Image File Dialog". Key [B] for "Browse for a Folder". Key [I] for "Input String Dialog". The tablet support still needs to be implemented. Please provide feedback on my email sergkryzh AT gmail dot com
I have checked the Resample to 10K on the standard body model inside "3DCoat 2024.20" for macOS, and it works. Try to rename your user data folder "Documents/3DCoat" into something like "--3DCoat". Start "3DCoat 2024.20" and it will create a fresh user data folder with default settings. Restore your scenes manually to filter out settings. There were cases when corrupted settings affected the app's behavior.
Hello! Despite several complications and trash in our country, I am actively working on the build for Linux using GTK3 and feel optimistic about it. As I said, the code has already been successfully compiled and linked. The problem is that some things are not working as expected. Again, it's worth waiting for the build because I have restructured the code, and it seems like it will be possible to migrate to GTK4.
GTK is the bridge between the app and Linux. Although it may seem that "3DCoat" does not use GTK widgets, several thousands of GTK/GDK code lines are inside it. This code handles the main window, input events, and file dialogs. Input string dialogs appear above every entry inside "3DCoat," using GTK widgets. So you are right about proprietary GUI, which is drawing using OpenGL. Still, app and OS links are implemented using platform-dependent libraries. Web apps are free from such dependency. As an example, I have ported the core engine to WebAssembly and made a demo: As you can see, it works on any platform. Using Cocoa to run under macOS, Win32 API for Windows, or GTK/GDK under Linux is unnecessary. I hoped to port "3DCoat" in such a way, but the web has enormous limitations. They are related to stripped OpenGL support, the absence of third-party libraries, and no multithreading. Therefore, for "3DCoat," there is no other way except to maintain and update platform-dependent APIs. I have installed Ubuntu 24.04 under WSL to try GTK4. I could write and build a simple GTK4 app, and it ran. Still, the resulting window has visual artifacts, and the console has several errors related to visuals/graphics. The standard and default "gedit" is not showing its window when running in Ubuntu 24.04 under WSL and the console has the same visuals/graphics errors as running my simple app. Therefore, I cannot get a working environment for GTK4 under WSL.
Yes, GTK4 is very welcome. However, the difference between GTK2 and GTK4 is greater than between GTK2 and GTK3. So, I plan to make steps from GTK2 to GTK3 and then from GTK3 to GTK4.
Hello Sorn! I am porting from GTK2 to GTK3. The code is compiling and linking, but it is not working yet. The step from GTK2 to GTK3 was needed because GTK2 is deprecated. Some distros don't have GTK2 by default. Also, there is a probability that the deprecated GTK2 causes the problem with file dialogs under some distros. As soon as I will get a workable build, I will upload it.
The log shows "Renderer: GDI Generic". This message means that the proprietary graphics driver is absent from the system. Please install the proprietary driver: NVIDIA AMD If your system is a laptop, plug it into the power adapter. The laptop on battery may use an integrated Intel adapter (older versions of Intel adapters don't support OpenGL properly). But when the laptop is plugged into the power adapter, it uses a dedicated graphics chip (check for dedicated graphics in [RMB] START > Device Manager > Display adaptors). Note that "NVIDIA Control Panel" in "Manage 3D settings" allows you to select between "High-performance NVIDIA processor" or "Integrated graphics".
Thank you all for the feedback. I have uploaded "3DCoat 2023.31" for macOS: The build is for Intel (not Universal). Here is the reason. I have bought a Mac mini M1 and investigated the cause of the issues you have encountered. It turned out that the "AngelScript" library does not support the native calling of functions and methods on the Apple M1 chip. "3DCoat" is heavily dependent on the "AngelScript". All functions and methods (thousands and thousands of them) are registered in "3DCoat" in a way that counts on the native calling of functions and methods. We will discuss this situation at the meetings to understand what we can do with this problem.
Thanks for the details. I have testes your steps in "3DCoat 2023.27" for Linux under Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04. No crash. Frankly, I want to fix this. But I don't understand the source of the problem.