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Everything posted by stusutcliffe

  1. It would be nice to see the render frame in the sculpt room/module ( what do you call the sections of 3dCoat?) When you are in the render room and set a render size you see a nice yellow box....if we could have this in the sculpt room ,perhaps linked to the "make camera" function. That would be just fine and dandy!
  2. Use the "split" tool. In voxels there is a "split border" width number to adjust on the top menu. Surface mode doesn't have this apparently. ( not the split tool, it has that but you do not get a border width option.) The voxel split border is defaulting at 2.5 for me , just make this zero for a clean cut.
  3. Excellent work! Always nice to see a finished piccy.
  4. Mission accomplished ......move along.......nothing to see here..... Ta for the brush.
  5. Your Trim brush is my fave Artman! I will try trim 2 if I can figure out how to install it.( yup I know its prob easy,but Im cursed when installing stuff......)
  6. Yup, darn tootin' a pose would be nice, with maybe a couple of nice cacti in the background .
  7. I dont pretend to understand layer blend modes . But everything I bake usually arrives "Multilplied" I just go through each layer and change it to "standard" So is this baking the shader that does this? I sculpt and bake using the clay depth picmat shader. It took me ages to notice this, When I first started with coat I was exporting my painted models with multiplied paint jobs! Then in Carrara I was having to boost my lights to 300 percent .....doh!
  8. Sorry , this wont help, but you may find it amusing... I had a similar thing......what it turned out to be after 10 minutes of frustration, was my space navigator mouse leaning against the top corner of my keyboard.....DOH!
  9. I used the ed version for a year before I felt I needed to upgrade. Navigation is more fluid than zbrush for me, seems to be around 8-12 fps for my computer with z ( like watching an anime cartoon!) , pretty fluid in Coat.( 5 year old quad core). I use mostly 2k and 4k maps, my comp ground to a halt when I tried 8k! .
  10. stusutcliffe

    skull render.jpg

    Very nice render. Is the metal a marmoset preset or is it hand painted ?,it is very nice . I was looking at Marmoset but my workflow uses Carrara hair,which does not export. But recently introduced zbrush to my workflow so maybe I should look again as fibremesh will export, Have you any experience in fibremesh to Marmoset?
  11. I found one or more layers when baked always default to "multiply" so when I bake I just go through the layers and change to standard/normal or whatever the top blend mode is . It took me ages to figure this .I was baking stuff then having to boost the light to compensate . When I am sculpting I tend to have the light set to 100 ish, but when I paint 50 seems ok?
  12. Try hitting "E" key, look in the box that appears for "Depth limit" check box,switch on or off to suit. This could be your problem.
  13. I think the head model has developed a fault some where. Thanks for the advice Creator. ( though uv stuff does fry my tiny brain!) I found a work around before I saw your reply. I finished painting the model with half of it reversed ,then did the -1 thing that you said then painted the other bit. I imported it to Carrara and there are " Flip x and y " buttons for the normals ,that seemed to work. I will stick it in my gallery in a couple of days .
  14. Ok.... I have sought of got a decent normal bake of my head,though with A few anomalies I will suffer through... but now everything else has a reversed normal map?? ,after I made the blending mode -1 for the head . I think I will just have to paint things separately for this one ,which is not the perfect solution.
  15. Thank you so much Creator that did the trick! It sure is a mystery this one . The normal map was baked in Coat.( I did surface and vox to make sure) I've retried other models and they were baking fine. I've also tried repairing the mesh using various methods. I really think the mesh got broken during a "re sample" along the way. Unfortunately I had deleted a really earlier version so I could not regress to try it again. Thanks again ! This project was ready for the bin, but now I can attack it again with renewed vigor!
  16. I wonder if any one can help me with this, I have not a clue how to fix this. The normal map is reversed after I merged to normal map? It is likely a setting is wrong, but other parts of the same model seem to work ok. Could the sculpt be "broken" I have used a retopo mesh done by hand in Coat and also imported a mesh for retopo from zbrush...same result.
  17. Been away for a few days cos I was cross! Thanks for the the colour thing.
  18. I got over that hurdle and now I have just wasted another day jumping more hurdles ..... taking a break from all this pain....bye for now....
  19. Hi Andrew, Yes ,every added poly .Here is what happened .( it has happened in the past, but it is not a regular occurrence, just every now and again.) I started laying down polys on a head sculpt . 1st poly =colour.....add a new poly= colour change.....add a new poly = colour change. I tried a seperate batch of polys , the first one was ok , it changed colour like it normally would do and the previous batch of polys stayed as they were . But when I added a second poly to the second group that changed colour as did the first group. So basically getting all the colours of the rainbow giving me a headache! ( just to be clear.. ALL the polys were changing to the SAME colour , not all different colours!) I dowloaded the "stable" version , because I remembered this sorted out a different problem I had a while back. But this did the same. So I just cleared the polys I had done, and wouldnt you know it it worked ok when I resumed again. So I re installed the latest beta again and did the same , it seams ok now. I guess it is a mysterious 3dcoat hiccup ! ( if only I had thought of starting from scratch before all that downloading and reinstalling.....you live and learn. Thanks for all the work you are doing Andrew. I must be difficult to concentrate with all the **** that is happening in your part of the world!
  20. ......to cut a long story short....it fixed itself by the clearing of them all and starting again.......( it would be good if you could pick your own colours when retoping?)
  21. This is really annoying..... currently retopo ing .Every new poly that is made changes ALL the colours to the previous polys that have been made!! As I do this quite fast ,it is making me physically sick....its like LSD or something. Is ther a work around to snap this back to normal or a Pref setting to reset......or anything.
  22. Wow! thank you! This will make a change from the usual four I normally use! Now I just need to make something...
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