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Found 20 results

  1. Hey Gang, Just wondering if anyone knows a way to fill only 1 UV island at a time in the 3D Viewport with freeze or just colour? Would save me a lot of time instead of hunting down the island in the Texture Editor. The program got into a weird state the other day and was doing this, and I'm unsure if it just bugged out or I found it by accident. Cheers
  2. I've never had this issue with prior version but with both the latest update of 4.9.15 & 4.9.17 the UV unwrap feature not working properly. I'm working with a 30,000 poly model and 3d-coat freezes for like 30 seconds every time I mark a seam or edge loop during UV unwrap. The issue doesn't happen when I use UV Path features. It has been doing this for hours. I might get a rare snippet of time where I won't get any brief freeze ups. I mainly work in the retopo room but I tried it in the UV room and it freezes up there too. I normally run GL mode in the because my computer is fast enough but I might try DX mode to test.
  3. I would like to ask if there would be a way to use the Freeze (mask) in Voxels Mode in the Sculpt Room. I know that Freeze is used in the Pose Tool, Vox Extrude, Vox Layer ... Is it possible to use the Freeze with the Move Brush and the other sculpting Brushes in Voxels mode? Or some masking technique for sculpting tools on Voxels? Thank you
  4. Hi all, quick question... Is there a way to mask an area from the 'Geometry>Decimate' command, would be great to have a bit more control over that and allow me to be more aggressive with the Decimation. Cheers. ^^
  5. I've been using 3DC on both a Windows 10 machine and Linux(both with nvidia graphics) and noticing some problems with tools like Surface Hide and Freeze when in Sculpt Room with Surfaces(haven't tried voxels). Hiding triangles, then garbage triangles sometimes appear, even though they're not really there. This is happening quite a bit with a cube model(primitive) in the linux build(4.8.04, GL64), issues are far more prominent in linux build so far(just testing it now). Freeze often leaves areas still marked black even though the selection is invalid. This can usually be corrected by getting the surface hide tool and going over it(just holding ctrl to keep it from actually being hidden works). Had quite a few problems earlier today on Windows with Freeze acting up, I think I had to reload 3DC to get proper accuracy on what was freezed and what wasn't. Side question, Surface Hide, the brush had "Ignore backfaces" enabled, I hid a ring of faces around the cube, then "Geometry > delete hidden" the mouse would hide surface if I selected from inside the cube(even though backface culling was enabled and showing the BG). Is this expected? Sounds like the feature being ticked would avoid that from happening from the internal faces that don't render a surface(unless unchecking View->backface culling).
  6. Is this a joke ? I where painting with freeze to hide parts, i screwed already a bit. and i do not find the erase freeze pencil. So what you do, make a save to disk. before things get worse. Now the night mare, i load the save back , Freeze mask gone ! Is this a joke ? or complete missed important functionality ? It's very important that you can save freeze painted work including the mask. Is this not possible ? Would be good function to add. Some hint at the bottom of the screen in the text that ctrl is to erase the paint work would be nice. Add: hold Ctrl to undo freeze. Sorry for the question if it's somewhere hidden on unexpected place.
  7. Is this a joke ? I where painting with freeze to hide parts, i screwed already a bit. and i do not find the erase freeze pencil. So what you do, make a save to disk. before things get worse. Now the night mare, i load the save back , Freeze mask gone ! Is this a joke ? or complete missed important functionality ? It's very important that you can save freeze painted work including the mask. Is this not possible ? Woudl be good function to add.
  8. Hello all, Before I did not have this problem, but now 3d Coat freezes my computer and the only way out is to shut the computer down and start new, this is in surface mode. Both openGL64 and the Dx version 4.7.06 gives me this trouble :-( Even a restart would not work. I attached a screencap of the memory taken by my loaded model. Surely this should not be a problem right? Many thanks, Robert
  9. Определился с топологией, перешёл в работу с мешем, для снижения нагрузки и хочу попросту зачистить часть сетки от лишней детализации. Маска не предохраняет высокодетализированные области к сожалению. На картинка видно полосу, прошедшую через ухо.
  10. Have searched online, in this forum, with no luck, so I'll jsut shoot question here. Is there a way to make frozen selection invisible? I mean not the selected part, but to make that pattern dissappier. I know that that place is froze, but when I am painting texture, I want to see how frozen texture looks like, not somekind flashy effect. And yes I tried toggling effect (the closest to what I want is the one that makes texture whitish..). Show/Hide Freeze (CTRL+F by default) only works in UV map window, not viewport. At least for me... Thanks for help!
  11. Hiya, currently cleaning up a gun from 3dsmax and wanted to created some sharper surfaces by freezing an area and using the cutoff tool to create a nice planar surface... sadly it seems that the tool ignores frozen areas which makes me a sad panda Is there an option I'm missing? Or maybe I should use surfhide instead? This is in surface mode btw thx
  12. It would be great to have the ability to have 3D Coat identify unsymmetrical areas via an automatic paint that could essentially not only show where you have regions like that, but also to be able to ignore those areas when doing retopo/paint work.
  13. Hi, Is there a way for me to freeze parts of a mesh based off their UV patches? Cheers
  14. Is there a way to mask off an area of a Voxel mesh in Voxel sculpting mode, as you can with the Freeze tool in Surface mode? I do a lot of sculpting in Voxel mode and cannot figure out how to set a mask.
  15. Hello. I have another thing that's popping up. When I try to Freeze by Sub-Object, and pick button1, which should be the middle button here, I get the top one frozen in a particular area, also. Meanwhile, I even if I try to freeze just the top one, it's got an area in the top left that doesn't want to texture of freeze properly. I've tried going into Max, where I created these, and assigning a new Material ID to each. I tried UV unwrapping these again. I also can't paint a freeze on the top one complete, by hand. Nothing works...
  16. I find that having to click points around geometry to freeze complex areas can sometimes be less helpful than being able to freeze by geometry. If I could also have the option to pick points or faces from the actual geometry in the paint room, it would make painting/freezing, etc., a lot easier for certain things.
  17. I'm just now getting into the freeze operations in the Paint Room and noticed there's an Unfreeze All/Object, etc. Can we also have a Freeze All/Object, etc.? I'm trying to texture an object, whereby it would be much easier and less time consuming to Freeze the whole object and Unfreeze the portions I want, rather than the other way around. EDIT: Never mind. I found the Freeze Sub-Object. It's confusing because I had only the one object to work with. I suggest renaming this to Freeze Object/Sub-Object. The other thing I'm seeing is that because my object extrudes towards me, it's hard to see what is frozen without wireframe on. I suggest giving an option to have a shaded freeze.
  18. When I load this PNG or JPG as the background image for the y-axis in an empty/new file, 3DC hangs/freezes. Any ideas? Thanks, Gamal
  19. Hi everybody! I have recently been learning 3D Coat and its intuitive interface, incredible speed and robust and "full pipeline" (sculpt-retopo-UV-paint-render) tools continue to amaze me. However I miss some tool for masking, or freezing the voxels that I don't want to be affected .. I know in surface mode, there is the freeze tool and it works exactly as I would expect, but why is it not in the voxel room? It would be awesome, to be able to mask out some areas and sculpt without worying of unwanted modification of voxels I don't want to sculpt.. Or am i missing some other way to mask voxels in voxel room? Thank you for any answer and suggestion! Happy voxeling to you all!
  20. Hi, It would be very useful to be able to copy channels to freeze, perhaps inside the copy channel tool. Eg. Replace freeze with luminosity, or add red channel to freeze
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