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  1. Hi. This is a short summary to get Applink working for Blender. If you have a brand new 3dCoat version, (compare the date and) copy COATs Applink from: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C:\Program Files\3DCoat-2023\data\ToolsPresets\InstallAppLinks\Blender\files ----------(please modify the this path for yourself, example look for "3dCoat-2024", as copy and paste would not work in this case) to your Blender Folder: ..\blender\(version)\scripts\addons\io_coat3D\. For installed Blender versions this is in the Roaming folder. The versions shipped with 3DCoat are likely newer -->new features. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Right now April 2024, there is no need for the forked version. 2. There are a lot of folders for Applink. I try to clarify the dependencies in the Image. The most important file/folders seem to be ->'documents\3DC2Blender\exchange_folder.txt' ->'documents\Applinks\3D-Coat\Exchange\' Look If you have the same or similar folders. If Applink is not working, then one of the files is maybe pointing to wrong or outdated direction. 3. Open Blender and make sure 3DC Plugin is enabled. Then look on the right for scene properties. There you can set the exchange Folder, which should be: C:\Users\'Username'\Documents\Applinks\3D-Coat\Exchange\. The other 'Object/Texture' Field can be left empty. 4. Open 3DCoat, we take Modelling Room. 5. Back in Blender select the fancy Cube. In the 3D View 'Applink Window' select 'Retopo mesh as new layer' and Send. 6. In 3D Coat you should now see the placement arrow. Scale it Up or Down to see if something arrived in Coat and hit Apply. There should now be a new layer named '__something'. 7. If you get so far then there should be 'Export to Blender' under File. If 3DCoat asks for a filename it is working. The Folder should already be 'ApplinkObjects'. 8. Choose Name and use fbx format. 9. In Blender hit 'GetBack' from Retopo * 10. On new versions the last step changed a little. Before had send the mesh from Blender to 3DCoat, to get Getback applink working, you need to use this command first: File > Open in external app. Do not use Export to Belnder and then GetBack. This should be it for now. I hope it works! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Export to Blender missing? Have a look: Check my 3Dcoat Script for this: Blender_Export_to_Button.as or install it as 3dcpack: Blender_Export_to_Button.3dcpack Then 'run script' from Menu in \Documents\3DCoat\UserPrefs\Scripts. Its function is displayed in the linked post, it makes the missing folders and files. I've tested it sucessfully. Edited just now by Ctc_nick
  2. Hi all! I created repository on GitHub https://github.com/sshumihin/3DCoat_Applinks/tree/master/Applink_Cinema4D. There are plugins and source code for Win and Mac by Cinema version. Usage: Unzip zip, install, enjoy. Video tutorial on Vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/19510449. Svyatoslav S. Note: This seems to have an updated applink for R17: https://github.com/sshumihin/3DCoat_Applinks/tree/master/Applink_Cinema4D - If the "Import From 3D-Coat" feature doesn't work: Going to File>Open in Original App and in C4D clicking on "Import From 3D-Coat", does work.
  3. Hi all, Simple3DCoat addon is for Blender+3DCoat production. This is a fork of the official one made by Haikaikalle . Blender 2.93+ 3DCoat4+ Features: Set the Exchange Folder of 3DCoat manually. Custom Textures Path for export/import. Export/Import through Obj/Fbx formats. ExportMaterials, ApplyModifiers checkboxes. No PBR Materials support. Sorry. Simple to Use Screenshots: How To Use: - Enable the Addon and set the Exchange Folder. - Export/Import models back and forth. Download: Sources: https://github.com/mifth/mifthtools/tree/master/blender/addons/2.8/io_simple_3dcoat Latest MifthTools Master Download (ZIP): https://github.com/mifth/mifthtools/archive/master.zip Enjoy.
  4. I'm using Maya 2022, but I'm having trouble loading the 3dcoat applink plugin. Is anyone aware of what the latest working version of the applink I should be using. I'm using 3dcoat applink for maya version 2.2.2. Is there a newer or more recent one? Thanks!
  5. Hello there, I was wondering if the new Textura program supports the Blender Applink plugin. I have tried but failed to make it work.
  6. At first I tried this with my complex model I've been trying to work with, and it would show up in every window but the sculpt window. I also tried it with a basic starter block to see if it was a problem with my model, the same thing happened, the model showed up in every window accept the sculpt window. This is unfortunate, because I was trying to do some surface sculpting. I have tried hiding and unhiding layers to no effect. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug? I'm currently using Blender 2.92 with 3D Coat 4.9.60.
  7. Hi, I'm new to 3DCoat, and just discovered the applink functionality. I set up the built in plugin in blender as instructed, however it doesn't seem to interact with 3Dcoat and give me an import dialog like the videos. I'm using 3DCoat version 4.9.60 (consumer) downloaded from steam, and Blender 2.91.0, also downloaded from steam. I've done a lot of watching and re-watching the lessons on using the applink, and I can't actually get the two programs to talk to each other. Am I missing something?
  8. Hey I am using 3D coat version 4.9. I sculpted this desk in 3d Coat then took it into blender. In blender I used the applink to send it to 3d coat for Painting it, as shown in the top image, I send the desk back to blender, but the object seems to have no texture on it in the view port. The UVs all seem to be intact. I tried this method with the gun model too (sculpted in 3dcoat- taken to blender- painted in 3d coat) and it seemed to have been working fine. I have also attached an image of the shader editor. Thank you very much for your time. You may download the blend file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11QKtjRTN-r2zBM99MPgy2g6o_bHLq2xR/view?usp=sharing
  9. OD_Copy paste allows you to copy and paste geometry between applications. Please somebody do 3dcoat version https://heimlich1024.github.io/OD_CopyPasteExternal/ The following applications are supported: Modo : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps Lightwave : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps Blender : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps Maya : Vertices / Polygons / Weights (via Vertex Normals) (Implementation by Andre Hotz) Houdini : Vertices / Polygons / Weightmaps, UVMaps (Paste Implementation by Chris Wells) Others : Looking for contributors to write implementations for other 3d Apps (see TODO)
  10. Several objects are merged into one when I export them to 3dCoat via AppLink. How can I export several objects SIMULTANEOUSLY, and that they do not merge together during the export ? I just want to get separate objects in 3D-Coat - which will be the same as in the my 3ds Max scene
  11. Free Upgrade to ZBrush 4R8 is out now. There is no more version of 32 Bit. http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?207225-ZBrush-4R8-Available-Now!&p=1210646&posted=1#post1210646 Please help with a ZBrush 4R8 AppLink - Many Thanks
  12. I'm painting in 3D Coat and i have everything organized inside groups, whenever I send to photoshop and saved there, the groups get messed up. Already tried everything, I have removed all the groups and created new ones, already changed the name of each layer (with and without "_" ) and each group, this always happens. There is no space in the names, everything works normal until i save in photoshop and return to 3D Coat. The bottom group is added to the top group creating a ladder of groups, one inside the other. I already exported all layers as .psd, opened in photoshop, saved and reimportei in a new file in 3D Coat and the same happens How can I fix this problem? Even if i put all groups inside a main group holding all groups this happens after i save in photoshop EDIT: Also tried with 3D Coat 4.7.23 64-bit. Same problem
  13. Can some one tell my what I am doing wrong? I'm using blender 2.76 and 3dcoat 4.5.16 and trying to get the applink to work. I have followed all the tutorials I can find and still nothing. can someone walk me thru the work flow Please.
  14. Hi All I've been trying to come up with a solution for this for a while - I think I've found one - but figured I'd post about it in case there was a possible solution I've missed. My issue is that I work in iclone - we don't have a rigging set up, but what we do have are characters we can customize - ie make more clothing for....we can export these characters as fbx, and re-import them as fbx. Problem is, I can't import the fbx characters and their rigs to 3D Coat to customize without a host software. I can't import the fbx skeleton / character to blender to host, ( breaks up the rig ) - I have messiah, but you can't import fbx there either..... I can import to shade 3D for Unity - but their tutorials are very scarce and there is no applink ...so that's a drama to figure out. any ideas on how to do this in a way that doesn't take a month of tutorials, or 1,500 - $4,000 worth of software to host the rig so I can work on the mesh in 3D Coat ? The only solution I've found so far is carrara 8.5 - even thought it doesn't have an applink, it has a good selection of tutorials, the process of skinning looks pretty straight forward - so in theory, I should be able to update the mesh relatively quickly and affordably in comparision to all other softwares that can host. would be great if we had an applink to 3DX5 pipeline. which is the module that allows us to import / export fbx to iclone. Cheers
  15. Hello there! Recently I bought 3D-Coat so I am quite new to this program. There is already one question I would like to ask: How do I export Textures from 3D-Coat properly so I can use them in Blender? I have already found this video: http://vimeo.com/10890641 But when I export the diffuse map, the specular map and the normal map by clicking Textures -> Export, they will either be empty (when exporting as .png) or completely black (when exporting as .tga). Hopefully someone can help me here as I would really like to use both, Blender and 3D-Coat at the same time when working on something. Oh, and one more thing which might be important: I also used Photoshop in order to paint on the object by clicking Edit -> Edit Projections in Ext. Editor.
  16. Hi! I have a problem when exporting a mesh for any option in 3d-coat (PPP, Autopo, Ptex, etc) from maya with Applink. I can't seem to find the reason, but no matter how much I "clean" the object (by erasing history, parents, inputs, etc), I get this error in the command line " Some objects have wrong type or number of shapes. Please select correct objects and try again". Does anybody know what this could be? Thanks!
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