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Blender Applink


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  • Advanced Member

Can you take a screenshot about the error box and also shot from you applink panel in blender.

I haven't seen this kind of error. hmm. Which blender version number you are using and is it trunk version?

It's the last beta 2.54. Downloaded straight from blender.org. Not sure what trunk is actually.

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  • Advanced Member

I can see that there is only Cube.obj on object path. You need to set the full path of the object something like c:\temp\Cube.obj.

Maybe this will fix the error.

I already tried this with even setting other than C: path since I believe win7 doesn't allow to write to C without privilege. All the same, nothing changes

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  • Advanced Member

No, it looks like not. Win7 allows to write in a user folder. Also I have just tried to start Blender with administrative privilege. Nothing have changed.

Maybe it's because I use zip file from Blender.org, not exe installer?

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  • Applink Developer

okey, I hope I found the reason. The blender version you downloaded from blender.org is quite old version number. something like v.31878. The script dosen't work in that old.

But from www.graphicall.org you can download the newer version. v.32615 and the script works with those newer versions. Here is blender link you can download.

http://www.graphicall.org/builds/builds/showbuild.php?action=show&id=1592 (Win 64 version)

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  • Advanced Member

I found a bug -

If i use the Export To > Blender option and select the location of the obj and overwrite it then it loads fine with the textures applied. It positions it slightly above the grid surface in blender though, if i click Import after on the applink options (in blender) the object lowers with the textures looking fine still.

Now the part where you get a bug is if you now use the undo shortcut (Ctrl+Z) in blender as the textures will go but it will also sometimes distort the mesh. Other than the undo thing though the applink seems to work great now.

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  • Advanced Member

Thanks, i don't own V-Ray but i am sure this would make anyone that has it very happy. This has given me the idea to try this applink with the freestyle version of blender to see if that works, it could have very cool results.

By the way have you thought of trying to get this added to the main addons listing? That would be cool, it would mean we could then just download the latest blender builds and enable the addon making things even simpler and also more people would get to know about 3DC. :)

I found this on the wiki if you are interested in doing this -


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  • Advanced Member

Very nice and useful work!

Three issues I've found when exporting for VRay:

- Displacement gets applied both as a modifier and as a texture. Should be either/or

- Normal map gets applied but as type "bump". Should be type "tangent map"

- Object is rotated when imported in 3D-Coat

I don't know in how far you can change these or if they are user error.

Anyway, thanks!

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  • Applink Developer

Thanks GeeJay for testing. But in my tests it works as expected. The script should already do those things automaticly. Make

sure that you have choosen V-ray to render engine, before pressing import.

And which blender version you have. You should use custom blender(V-Ray) version.

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  • Advanced Member

I get this far

3. Open blender. Now you should be able to see 3d-coat applink area under the scene tab.

don't have a clue how to do this! what is an exchange folder?

4. select your 3d-coat exchange folder (works when you see "connected")

sorry if i'm asking dumb questions.

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  • Applink Developer

No worries Denis. Exchange folder is a folder that 3d-coat creates into /Documents/3D-coat/Exchange. Blender and 3d-coat will read

applink info from that folder. There is that empty room for Exchange folder in applink. Select yours and then the status should change from

not connected into connected. Hope this helps but dont hesitate to ask if there is something odd still.

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  • Advanced Member

got this far

4. select your 3d-coat exchange folder (works when you see "connected")

3d coat exported to blender(1624.png)

open blender and get(1626.png)

don't know what I'm doing wrong?



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  • Applink Developer

Couple things to check. First make sure that vieport shading is "textured". The other thing is when pressing import button check if the textures will come into blender.

You can do this by going into texture panel. And if they will come into texture list then applink is working. By looking your blender picture, displacement map is

working, you just have to tone down it a little bit.


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  • Advanced Member


Thanks for the cool script,

Just an announcement here that of course we will put your script in Blender Trunk.

Thanks for the hard work,

I'll chat to you in the projects page or you can mail me at meta.androcto1 (at that place) gmail.com

Thanks again!


Great to hear Brendon. You and haikalle are the MEN! Thank you both for all you're hard work. :drinks:

P. Monk

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  • Applink Developer

Thanks everyone. So now on the applink is included when you download latest blender version. There is some changes in the script, so new bugs

might be there also. I will update the video tutorials and manual this weekend. Thanks.

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  • Advanced Member

You have done the wiki page very well already, there was a few typos like Rememeber which should be Remember, also dosen't which should be doesn't. It might not need it but some possible adjustments could be -

Press the "Save as Default" button. You should now see a new 3D-Coat Applink panel under the Scene tab.


There are some very helpful video tutorials at the end of this document. Make sure that you watch them if you are trying the Applink for the first time.


Export Obj = If this is on it will export your model every time you press "export". If this is off then it only exports your model if it doesn't find the object. Also if you only set a folder into the object path then the script exports the model and automatically adds the name of the object into "object path".


No Import File = If this is on then the script doesn't write a import.txt text file. You can use this option when you don't want to take your models into 3D-Coat and just want to quickly find and update all the textures that are linked into the object.


Remember Position = If this is off then when you export objects into 3D-Coat they will be placed into origin. If this is on then the object location in blender is stored and the object is placed at the same location in 3D-Coat.


Auto Smooth = Automatically smooth the object

Bring Textures = If this is on then it will find any new textures and bring them into your active material. If you turn this option off then it will not bring any textures, it will just reload the image textures you already have.


It was simple enough to understand the wiki page already though so even if you just correct the typos it is good. I might have made errors myself (Someone please check it and also feel free to make adjustments to my changes also) but this might be helpful or a good starting point if you want to make adjustments.

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