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Blender Applink


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  • Applink Developer

- Blender Applink 2.8  


- Also made github for this


- Blender Applink comes inside of Blender 2.8. Please download the latest blender 2.8 from here: https://builder.blender.org/download/


Enable Addon in blender:

  1. Open Blender.
  2. Go to Edit -> User Preferences.. Click addons tab. 
  3. Search '3D-Coat Applink' and press checkbox to activate it.

Blender -> 3D-Coat -> Blender workflow

  1. Select objects you want to take into 3d-coat.
  2. On right side of 3D View there is '3D-Coat Applink' panel. 
  3. Press Transfer and go to 3D-Coat. (You can also find these options when you press 'SHIFT + Q' key in 3D view.)
  4. Turn on 'Treat material as separate textures'. After you are okey with other settings press 'Ok' button
  5. After you are done with painting go to File -> Open in Original App. 
  6. Select what texture you want to export. When you done your other settings press Ok.
  7. Go back to Blender and press 'Update' Button.

3D-Coat -> Blender workflow

  1. When you are paint your painting go File -> Export to -> Blender
  2. Name your file and select type to .FBX and press 'Save' button
  3. You might have to play with 'Apply scale' setting to find the right scale for you. I have used 0.03. 
  4. Select which textures you want to export. Applink automaticly updates your: color, roughness, metalness and normal maps.
  5. Press ok when ready and go to Blender and press update. (You can also find these options when you press 'SHIFT + Q' key in 3D view.)

TUTORIAL VIDEO 1 (Blender -> 3D-Coat -> Blender workflow)

TUTORIAL VIDEO 2 (3D-Coat -> Blender workflow)

You can download special 3d-coat build for applink here. Think this like beta testing 3d-coat.exe for upcoming applink features:



Edited by haikalle
Update to Version 2.8
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  • Applink Developer

Thanks. I will do some cleaning this week. Today when I was looking the Applink in blender, it reminded me NASA spaceship panel. A lot of diffrent settings and buttons.

Didn't like it at all. Applink should be easy and fast to use. I would like to know your feedback about this. Do you like if there is all these small settings or should the

workflow be easier.

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  • Advanced Member

Thanks. I will do some cleaning this week. Today when I was looking the Applink in blender, it reminded me NASA spaceship panel. A lot of diffrent settings and buttons.

Didn't like it at all. Applink should be easy and fast to use. I would like to know your feedback about this. Do you like if there is all these small settings or should the

workflow be easier.

Thnx for your hard work haikalle.

I will try and test this week and give you some feedback.

I'm not going to try and tell you how to organize your tutes but I think it would be helpful to users if you you titled

the second lesson. Maybe like this: 3D-Coat Applink/Blender Lesson 2 :D

Thnx again,

P. Monk

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  • Advanced Member

On this computer it doesn't work still (E drive is default) but i am starting to think that is actually due to 3DC maybe.

I know this was the cause of it not showing in blender but you fixed that and it shows fine in blender always now. In 3DC i never see the app link menu though, i am just guessing here but even though 3DC is installed and working fine i am thinking it might use C drive as the default place to look for the app link exchange folder?

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  • Applink Developer

Very interesting. I will double check the code and if everything should work fine I will ask Andrew about it. Thanks for testing. Here is small update.

Now it will automaticly uncheck relative path and set graphics mode = 'GLSL', so my video tutorial 1 is almost useless. :)


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  • Advanced Member

Haikalle i was wrong before, it is working now :)

Sorry i had not watched the new video fully, i didn't watch it at first because i had seen the previous videos you made and thought it was the same as those. Basically the main thing needed was to set the extra things in blender like relative paths, GLSL and setting to textured view etc but it works now.

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  • Advanced Member

Thank you Haikalle,

You da'man. This is so awesome. :clapping:

What an awesome workflow. I'm now able to go from Blender to 3D-Coat to Photoshop back to 3D-Coat and back to Blender

so easily with everything loaded in Blender ready for a test render. It's just crazy fast. What a fool I am for not trying this sooner. :blink: You and Andrew are the greatest! :yahoo:

P. Monk

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  • Applink Developer

Thanks a lot. Glad you like it. I have big plans to improve the script so I hope I can take this into right direction.

My plan is to make seamless workflow even if your objects in your scene are in diffrent 3b files. Stay tuned :)

Right now one of the limitation is that everytime when you bring several objects into 3d-coat it will merge them into same

.obj file. I hope that when Andrew has some time he could think the workflow for situation where you bring several objects into

3d-coat paint room( not the same time) and taking them back into your 3d program.

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  • Advanced Member

One thing i noticed last time i used this was if i scaled down the model in blender then export to 3dc and if i re-imported from 3dc after and back to blender it had 2 models at different sizes.

Is the Modifiers option needed for this or is that different? when i think think of modifiers i think the blender effects but scale and rotations etc is a standard thing so different?

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  • Applink Developer

One thing i noticed last time i used this was if i scaled down the model in blender then export to 3dc and if i re-imported from 3dc after and back to blender it had 2 models at different sizes.

Is the Modifiers option needed for this or is that different? when i think think of modifiers i think the blender effects but scale and rotations etc is a standard thing so different?

Yes, modifiers are diffrent thing. They should not have any effect on behaviour you had. When you pressed export button did you have "export obj" on? Or did you use .obj file already there. And when you pressed import button was "Mesh" on or off?

Also when you see that something odd happens it help if you check your blender command prompt window. It usually say the root of the error? If there is an error, taking a screenshot would help a lot.

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  • Advanced Member

@haikalle -

That happened just with the default settings that are there as soon as you add it to blender, all i did was set the path to the object and exchange folder. The scale change was done in blender with it's shortcut (s key i think), I think i looked in the command prompt window also and it seemed fine so i just guessed you had to keep the model at the same scale but i guess not.

By the way with the model does it matter where you load it from to start with? By this i mean is it better to load it in blender or 3DC first or should either be ok?

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  • Applink Developer

Script updated 1.61


- Supports 3d-coat -> Blender workflow

- New video tutorials


You can try this script version. With this it dosen't matter where you start. You can start your model in 3d-coat or blender.


I posted a new tutorial. There is no talk but they show the basic workflow. Hope it will solve the issues you have. But if dosen't, let me know.

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  • Advanced Member

For some reason I can't find the same path you use when I try to extract from winrar. This is the only path I get (C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.54\python\lib)

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  • Applink Developer

Hi Denis!

Can you send the link where you downloaded it that I can test the same blender version you have. Did you use the installing program

when you installed blender? or did you use winrar program?

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  • Applink Developer

Denis. By default when using installer, blender puts those folders in diffrent place. You should find them here.

c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.54\scripts\io\

If you want to change this, When the installer asks "Please specify where you wish to install Blender's user data files"

select the second option. Then you should have them like in video tutorial. Hope this helps.

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  • Advanced Member

Actually nothing works in my win7-64. I coped with installing the addon to Blender (2.54 beta. Not sure if it's suited for the stable 2.49 release which I prefer) I see it in 2.54 but nothing goes to 3dcoat after I push export button . Is there a part that I have to install to 3dcoat so it would be aware of exporting from Blender?

ps. Found Blender write an error or something in it's small black window just after I push export button:

"Type error: bpy_struct.keys<>: this type doesn't support IDProperties"

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  • Applink Developer

Can you take a screenshot about the error box and also shot from you applink panel in blender.

I haven't seen this kind of error. hmm. Which blender version number you are using and is it trunk version?

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