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    • What is the purpose of turning them into voxels? Is there something that can only be done in voxels, and nothing else? I love voxels, but I usually create them inside 3DCoat, and work from there. If you import your meshes as surfaces then maybe the triangle count won't skyrocket so quickly, of course depending on your incoming model's density. I'm also trying to work out a good workflow between blender and 3Dcoat. I'm still stuck at bringing in the exported model from 3DCoat using the app-link. there needs to be a new tutorial where someone goes through all the possibilities of the exchange between thetwo apps (3DC->B3D->3DC->B3D etc. as many times you need to)  
    • Was able to launch 3d coat, but there are viewport errors. The grid overlaps all models in voxel and surface mode. Models themselves have strange artifacts, like objects are confused about what is in front or occluded. Showing 385FPS when vertical sync is enabled in prefereces. Working with a fresh install and fresh 3DCoat documents folder.
    • Does everyone's renewal start after a different time? I guess it's obvious now that everyone should be entitled to a full year. I passed on the last sale because I was going by calendar year. I thought the middle of the year was premature. I then found that My updates just ended in August. Oh well. just thought I'd say it out loud.  
    • On EndavourOS (Arch Linux variant), GNOME 46.5 and Wayland, after unpacking the 3DCoat-2024.27-01.tar.bz2 file and running ./3dcoat I get this: $>./3dcoat                                    Exit code: 134 Gdk-Message: 18:00:01.039: Unable to load sb_up_arrow from the cursor theme Gdk-Message: 18:00:01.039: Unable to load circle from the cursor theme I tried changing the cursor theme but it says something very similar, but slightly different cursor theme error message. $>./3dcoat Exit code: 255 Gdk-Message: 18:06:29.629: Unable to load sb_up_arrow from the cursor theme Gdk-Message: 18:06:29.629: Unable to load tcross from the cursor theme free(): invalid pointer zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) ./3dcoat 3DCoat just doesn't launch after that. Edit: I tried it in Gnome X11 and it launches successfully, but crashes on attempting to save the scene to a file.
    • Glad to see improvements are being made to modernize the Linux version, thank you for the hard-work.
    • Unzip into any folder. For example, "Downloads", "Desktop", "Home". The error "Couldn't make the context current" has been investigated and fixed. Please re-download and try the following: https://pilgway.com/~sergyi/links-Linux.html Note, that the current "3DCoat 2024.27-01" has visual glitches that are under investigation.
    • There is no simple solution for the "3DCoat", mainly because it is a Windows-only app. I am porting the central part of the "3DCoat" code that doesn't have Windows-specific calls by isolating that code with custom-developed layers. Whatever libraries those layers will use will not make the process simpler. The Ubuntu distro was chosen because it is simply available in WSL, under which "3DCoat" is built. The migration to GTK3 from GTK2 will hopefully allow "3DCoat" to work successfully on other distros.
    • I have finished the "TestStroke" framework. All old code that uses X11 has been removed. Only plain GTK3 calls remain. Modern OpenGL uses the appropriate GTK3 code instead of the old X11. The stylus and eraser code are replaced with appropriate new GTK3 structures. Press the key "O" for the "Load Image" dialog. Key "S" for the "Save Image" dialog. Key "B" for the "Browse for Folder" dialog. Key "I" for the "Input Text" dialog. The download link is here: https://pilgway.com/~sergyi/links-Linux.html Using the finished framework from the "TestSroke", I built the "3DCoat" from the repository. The current version is "2024.27-01". The "3DCoat" building process incorporates more libs than the "TestStroke". These libs are dl, expat, util, fbxsdk, and python3.8. It is essential to ensure that these libs do not break the "3DCoat" behavior compared to the "TestStroke". If the file dialogs are successfully working on your system in the "TestStroke", they should work in the "3DCoat" too. The link to the "3DCoat" build is in the links file above. Note, that the "3DCoat 2024.27-01" has visual glitches that I will investigate. For now, focus on running the executable and displaying the file dialogs. Please provide feedback here or on my email sergkryzh AT gmail dot com.
    • 3MF format is not supported. A request has been sent to support.
    • 请教各位大神,视角拉近后就画不上,老画到模型背面,是怎么回事,这里跪谢了 May I ask all the experts, once the perspective is zoomed in, it cannot be drawn? What's the reason for drawing to the back of the model? Thank you kneeling here
    • This can happen if you have a complex Sculpt Tree structure. Regarding the error with ctrl +z, a quick test did not reveal the problem. Perhaps the error is in your specific scene. You can share the scene and then I will test it.
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