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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Hi Could be the Options.xml file got buggered up, which can happen once in a while. If you notice strange behavior, navigate to MyDocs/3D Coat 4.8 directory > delete the OPTIONS.XML file. Hope it help
  2. Try using latest version please macOS Mojave [4.8.41]: http://www.pilgway.com/~sergyi/3DCoat/3DCoat-4.8.41.dmg Ensure to check "System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the "lock" > select "App Store and identified developers" (when only "App Store" is selected error message is displayed "3DCoat" can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store)
  3. https://80.lv/articles/game-art-tests-and-how-to-approach-them/ Jonjo Hemmens wrote an amazing article that covers game art tests and their importance and gathered numerous pieces of advice from the artists working in the industry.
  4. Hi, sorry i am working on windows version. Cant find any issue. Could you please try latest version 4.8.41 ?
  5. Try this version please 12.07.2019 4.8.41 - CutOff in surface mode completely redone. Now the shape of cut is very uniform and accurate. Depth and back plane limitations produce accurate sharp cut. Soft booleans supported. This is how it looks - - Better quality of the edge for curves filled inside with the polygons patch (in Coat tool). - Much more stable and powerful Geometry->Close holes - More stable autoretopology. - Set of pose selection issues fixed. - Text updater polished/ Press F2 to correct any text in 3D-Coat. - Moving smart materials to other folder takes less space in RMB menu, it is consolidated into the single line wit submenu. - Generally I developed new quadrangulation routine for arbitrary closed contours. Now it is used in RFill tool, later it will be used for wide variety of tools.
  6. Another option Download CrazyBump Beta 3 for Macintosh
  7. It is the internal nomenclature: If you bake for painting PPP, depth channel is used for normals. If you bake for Microvertex, depth channel is used for displacement.
  8. There are two specific ways you can get your maps out when done texturing/sculpting: 1) Go to File>Export. In the export prompt will be an option for displacement maps (with further options for displacement maps). Choose your options and hit export, save to disk. 2) Go to Textures>Export>(Choose your Displacement map option), you'll be prompted to save to disk. Different formats allow for higher bit depths too. For example choosing TIF will save a 16-bit greyscale displacement map and EXR will be 32-bit. That message on output is explained on this video
  9. If you like try awesomebump, its free. What can AwesomeBump do? convert from normal map to height map, convert from height map (bump map) to normal map, extract the bump from the arbitrary image, calculate ambient occlusion and specularity of image. perspective tranformation of the image, creating seamless texture (simple linear filter, random mode, or mirror filter), generate roughness and metallic textures (different types of surface analysis are available), real time tessellation is available, saving images to following formats: PNG, JPG,BMP,TGA edit one texture which contains different materials add some grunge to your map with grunge texture. mix two bumpmaps togheter with normal map mixer. and many others, see our videos on YouTube
  10. Hi To edit imported normal map in the paint room is not possible, sorry. Normal maps dont modify geometry mesh, is a technique used for faking the lighting of bumps and dents. It is used to add details without using more polygons.
  11. Are you exporting as 32bit file ?
  12. Another option New > Perform retopology > Import reference mesh Then you could use (Paint Room) "Texture"-"Import"-"color/albedo maps" to adding texture to your reference meshes.
  13. Hello, please try this steps 1) Go to the Sculpt Room. 2) Select the Import Tool. 3) Turn on "Import without Voxelization". 4) Select your mesh with the file browser. 5) A preview of your mesh will be generated. If you can't see the mesh, most likely you will need to scale it up with the Transform Gizmo. As you scale it up you will see the "Estimated Poly Count" go up (shown in the middle of the Tool Options panel), but that number doesn't mean anything if you are importing without voxelization. Therefore in this case you can safely ignore the "Estimated Poly Count". 6) Once your mesh fits into the viewport nicely, then click on Apply and your mesh will finally be imported into 3D-Coat. The import preview however still remains, so you need to switch to a different tool to get rid of the preview.
  14. Hi Is this video useful for your workflow ?
  15. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/jobs-in-unreal-engine-surface-artist Real-time technology is the fastest growing skill in 3D graphics and is driving the transfer of skills across a vast amount of industries. As real-time technology continues to influence the job market, more and more high-profile organizations are looking for candidates to fill both creative and technical roles that are traditionally associated with game development. One role with a considerable amount of transferable skills is that of a surface artist. What is a surface artist? Typically seen in the gaming industry, a surface artist is responsible for defining the look and feel of all kinds of surfaces in an environment. Through the use of materials and textures, they describe how objects’ surfaces respond and interact with lighting. A surface artist’s role is centered on a combination of art and tech. Surface artists must excel at painting and sculpting, but also need to be well-versed in the technical aspects and workflow of real-time projects. Surface artists have a strong focus on: Textures Materials A surface material variation from Paragon’s Crunch character
  16. Hi No it is not possible to import sbsar files. You need to export textures and use it to create a new smart material inside 3dcoat.
  17. Sadly no, stamp tool dont let you to scale that alpha large and beyond the boundaries of the model. Workaround is to use Stamp Drag mode scaled to the needed size.
  18. As far i remember, is not possible to hide wireframe on retopo objects.
  19. Layer 1 / Layer 0 are tools for Paint Room or for Sculpt layers. To hide/unhide sculpt models use windows > popups > voxtree
  20. Hi Are you working on paint room ?
  21. Hi - 3D-Coat uses AngelScript. - Script is a text file. It is helpful to view and edit it in Notepad++ (choose "C" syntax). - Run script via file menu "Scripts / Run Script". related http://signmotion.blogspot.com/ The documentation added to official site http://3dcoat.com/scripting Hope it help.
  22. Hi Can you share the file to take a look ?
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