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Everything posted by ajz3d

  1. 3D-Coat's import to PPP does seem to apply an arbitrary UV mapping to geometry that does not have it. I imported this FBX to Houdini. It threw some warnings: The FBX does not have any UVs. Understandable, because they were never created. I exported the object as FBX from Houdini, without adding any UVs. And it loaded properly in the paint room. With many materials and without crashing. So I assume that 3D-Coat automatically generates UVs in the Paint Room when they're not present (if the file is imported directly for Paint Room's PPP): Unless Houdini's FBX exporter automatically applies UVs on export. This I don't know.
  2. I'm facing the following problem... I imported a light bulb to sculpt room. A complex object that has several sub-objects. Then, I created several of its VoxTree instances and transformed them into specific positions (their empty parent object was what I transformed). I have a retopo mesh already done, so what I want to do now, is to apply the exact same transformations, that I applied to my object's VoxTree instances, to my low-poly clones. So it would result in each of the retopo groups being in the EXACT same positions (and orientation) as their VoxTree counterparts that appropriate retopo groups need to cover. I suspect, though I might be mistaken, that it might be possible with the new scripting classes that were introduced in the recent BETA version. The thing is, that I do not have time ATM to study the new docs. I had a thought of reimporting hipoly and lowpoly files, enabling conform to retopo and transforming each instance and its corresponding retopo group at the same time, from world's origin to destination, but I fear that the retopo geometry that is inside the light bulb will start to snap to nearest hipoly geometry on each, hmm... "tick", and would end up all garbled up. Do you have any suggestions guys? PS. I wish each object that we have in 3B files (be it retopo group or a VoxTree layer) held easily accessible numerical values of its current translation, rotation and scale values (and order of transformations) in relation to the world coordinate system. PPS. I know how to do this with the involvement of 3rd party software. The question is can it be done in 3D-Coat only.
  3. 0002106: Subdividing a retopo group will often break it if symmetry is enabled: http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2106
  4. Tony, do you mean that you can export a VoxTree object with "Save Volume as 3B" or "Save Volume w/ Sub-Tree as 3B" and then load it without crashing 3D-Coat?
  5. 0002104: 3b files saved with "Save Volume as 3B " are corrupted! (and will crash 3D-Coat when loaded) http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2104
  6. ajz3d

    Red Skull

    Another 5 stars.
  7. If Kargall faces the same problem as I do, then yes.
  8. I am experiencing similar issues if imported file holds more than one object. This also applies to mesh imported directly from sculpt room and I believe I first noticed this in the latest beta version.
  9. I'm not sure why anyone would want to use VDB in Houdini for sculpting. I worked with VDB and it's very slow - completely incomparable to 3D-Coat's voxel sculpting. VDB in Houdini has its uses, but IMHO sculpting it's not one of them. It's way faster to export a mesh to 3D-Coat, sculpt it (either in voxels or surface modes), and import it back to Houdini for conversion to VDB. I did this more than once.
  10. You can try decimating the mesh by a very low percentage*. Sometimes even a slightest change in the topology is enough for the boolean operation to succeed. You can also try slightly smoothing out all hard edges near intersection areas with the geometry that you want to merge or subtract. In general I don't use booleans on surfaces, and not only because of the problem that is mentioned here, but also because it's hard to smooth super hard edges (the result of boolean operations) with surface smoothing tools. * - or subdivide the object once and then decimate it to its former polycount.
  11. Are there any advantages of Save/Load Retopo State over Export/Import Retopo Mesh?
  12. Yea... Almost, almost... there. I have completed the undercarriage, with wheels and stuff, and I'm currently retopologizing lights. Blaster, have you made your decision of choosing between Sketchfab and Marmoset Viewer as your final rendering engine? (Great Scott, don't pay attention to the grammar in this sentence, please!)
  13. Works fine on my side: 1. I started a new scene with a voxel sphere. 2. Went to render room and back to sculpt room. 3. Selected Cut Off tool and it cut off a part of the sphere.
  14. Darn, the price of the R9 390X 8GB has gone up by about $51 since 2016-03-22. Not good. I feel that companies will announce their new GPU technologies, new cards will hit the stores and then... the stores will drop prices of older cards back to their former amounts and claim that those cards are now cheaper then ever.
  15. Over 6 hours of manual retopo. 23,740 triangles so far: And it's not even half of the starship (objects-wise). Sorry guys, I won't make it on time.
  16. Sort of. I'm using a Houdini script that semi-automates bake cage creation, explodes the object and passes output geometry (lowpoly, highpoly and cages) to xNormal. However I can't find time to complete its XML export module, so some actions in xNormal still need to be set up manually.
  17. Okay, so In sculpt room shaders you should have one called "skin". It has SSS enabled by default and is preconfigured to act as a human skin shader.
  18. Are you sure that you have 3D-Coat version 4.5.33 installed? It has two main sculpt shaders. The new PBR one, which supports SSS among other stuff, and a legacy PicMat one (now called a MatCap).
  19. Andrew, I'm having a very hard time working with radial symmetry in the retopo room. I have symmetry set to radial on Z-axis and order of 6 and it constantly falls out of synchronization when I create new geometry. What's more, when I hit the Apply Symmetry to Current Layer, it removes a lot of faces from my retopo group and stacks polygons on top of each other, creating a very dirty topology! It's impossible to work with radial symmetry ATM. --- I sent you an e-mail regarding this issue.
  20. You can enable Cast Shadows in the sculpt room for a rough SSS approximation.
  21. I'm done with the two most time-consuming retopo parts. The rest should be a breeze. BTW, I'm baking my normal map in xNormal. I hope it doesn't disqualify me?
  22. Andrew, I sent you an e-mail regarding that UV (and geo) issue. --- @Beat, top notch "doodles". Jolly good show! --- REGRESSION: Andrew, the red circle manipulator that is used for determining a sphere primitive's diameter... It does not work in 4.5.33. To reproduce, enter Primitives tool and select a sphere. Grab the red circle and resize it.
  23. I thought the texture was 4096px, it's so nicely sharp. Good job.
  24. Neat bat! It would fit well as a weapon for those punks from Bullfrog's Syndicate Wars. Good work with the textures, Liz. How much resolution do they have? --- PS. When I hear goodnight I simply can't help myself not to recall one particular conversation from The Man with the Golden Gun:
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