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  1. My 3rd speedsculpting video in 3d-Coat. This is my long W.I.P which I created in parallel work with a girl hair which you seen earlier =) I have many plans for this guy. I want use megascans to create an environment for him and many other tools to improve him =) So the new W.I.P. with a video will coming soon. And now enjoy from viewing this video. Hope you will like this guy and you will be interested in next WIP with him =) Happy viewing!

    © artofcharly

  2. zhoslen


    My new personal project, dedicated GITS, tried to make some concept design for metal armor, in 3dCoat, inspired by Gavriil Klimov
  3. Here is the process of creating a low poly skeleton and making sure we get the most important features of each bone. Thanks For Watching!
  4. Greetings,Darkzeroprojects here to make somewhat postings of my slowly develouping sculpting workflow. Now I admit Im currently got a lot to learn,but I have been for months learning and working on sculpts for my asset creation. heres a example of my wip of a stylized body of a character.
  5. Seems like the spline can't be transformed with Spline Menu / Transform All while the 2D/3D grid snapping is on. Does that work for you? Bug report: http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2204
  6. Is there actually a concept of local space in 3D Coat? When I import an FBX from Blender, seems like all local space information is lost, as I can't really use the Symmetry's local space options.
  7. From the album: Macalabs Sketch Dump

    Scifi environment workflow practice. P.S. This is a tweaked an edited version of my very first city image in this gallery.
  8. From the album: Macalabs Sketch Dump

    Alternative shot design with various camera POVs.
  9. From the album: Macalabs Sketch Dump

    Alternative shot design with various camera POVs.
  10. Good luck all! I've been trying to decide what idea i would stick to for quite a while now, and concidering how short the time is and that we also need to create a background i decided to do a bit of a smaller vehicle. An observer, made by a solitary scientist who wants to observe the sky without having to wait the weather to clear, so he designs and builds a constantly flying observatory basically
  11. Hey. I start to to model the steam tricycle. Will see what happens.
  12. Hello 3D coat dev team! I'd like to suggest a feature that would be vital to the 3D workflow. It would be invaluable if we could have preserved subdivision levels for surface objects like in Zbrush and Mudbox. The principal is that a surface object could be subdivided and manipulated at any level or resolution and whatever sculpted details or geometry shifting is made would be applied to every subdivision level including the lowest one. As it stands now, we are able to subdivide a surface object, but not return to the original version of the object. Once you subdivide in 3D coat, there's no going back to what you had. It would be useful to be able to manipulate a low-poly and high-poly version of the same object on the fly. Obviously this could not apply to a Voxel object, but it would be highly useful to be able to do this to surface objects. I've posted a potential example of how it could be integrated into the UI and a basic illustration of the concept below. Thank you for your consideration -Fletcher.
  13. I saw somebody over on the Newtek forums using Google Trends to gauge 3d software popularity over time, so I decided to try it out myself. Of course I don't know how scientifically accurate Google Trends is, but it is a lot of fun to put in some search terms and see what it comes up with! I decided to do two searches. My first search was to see which software programs are Autodesk's best selling products, and how their popularity has changed over time. I picked four that I thought would be big sellers, and I came up with this chart: According to this, it looks like Autodesk's AutoCAD products are currently their best selling software. 3ds Max used to be a really big one too, but it has declined quite considerably! Is Max losing popularity for architectural visualization? Maybe architects are just doing their visualization renders directly inside Revit now, or they are using visualization software like LumenRT, Lumion, Twinmotion, or even game engines instead. Also maybe game artists are quitting Max and moving to Maya LT. I also did a second search trying to see which 3d software is currently the most popular, and I came up with this chart: It looks like Blender and Cinema 4D are pretty steady over time. Maybe they have their user base locked in. That big decrease for 3ds Max and Maya is pretty stunning. But wouldn't the other software options increase if Max and Maya decrease? Where are those customers going? Have all the big studios just made their own software and they don't need Max or Maya anymore? Are there too many viable alternatives to Max and Maya out there now? I don't know, maybe these charts don't mean anything important really, but it is definitely fun to have a look and wonder about what is going on! What do you all think?
  14. Hi guys, I've recently attended industry workshops London and Jama Jurabaev did a super awesome presentation with 3D Coat and so I find myself trying to figure out how to use this new software. I love the fact that you can draw in 3D with 3DCoat. I think its the most awesome thing in the whole universe. But What I'm having issues with is importing an OBJ of a Daz model into 3DCoat. Whenever I do it, I get a hugeeeeeee lagg and my cores are going crazy at 100% but nothing happens.. it just kind of freezes. I'm just wondering if anyone has worked out how to get the Daz model into 3D Coat in a really basic way and if you wouldn't mind sharing your step by step process? I think it'd be a great help to all those who are newbies to 3D! Thanks! I'll be introducing myself in the intro thread soon
  15. Salut a tous ! j'ai réalisé dernièrement pour le compte de ma société, ma première figurine 3D imprimée! très satisfait du résultat, j'avais de me faire plaisir et de présenter a la communauté 3Dcoat (et je sais quel est nombreuse, y'a au moins frenchy pilou et moi, ça 2 !) alors la voila: May'O (de Ketch'Up & May'O) assis, prenant la pose pendant que le joueur est partit: La qualité est plutôt pas mal, je suis impressionné sur la taille des détails qu'on peut avoir, c'est plutôt pas mal respecté comparé au model 3D. je l'ai faite imprimer par sculptéo, qui propose en plus de shapeways, la possibilité de les faire en couleur en respectant l'image fournie, et ça c'est un sacré bonus je trouve ! maintenant je vous avoue que j'ai envie d'imprimer toutes les autres que j'offre a mes clients pour les avoir aussi ! http://blackantmaster.com/Shop.php et vous quel est votre expérience avec ça ?
  16. Funny thing...I used to bananas when I got a new version of ZBrush and while I'm happy they're working to improve it more, the announcement of 4R6 with ZRemesher didn't really hit home with me. I use 3D Coat for all of my retopo work and don't see ZBrush being a better alternative. It's OK in a pinch, but 3D Coat has had most of this functionality for a while, as far as I'm concerned. I would say that Autotopo is a tool I almost never use now, but I do use strokes pretty often. In ZBrush I had experience with QRemesher, Decimator, etc., but I'm just not all that excited. I wish they had done more with projection, shaders, the auto-updater, and paint layers in ZBrush. Even the auto-updater is a joke, as all it does is install the new version in a new directory and copy certain files from the previous install. This takes up TONS of room on the drive and is very archaic. I still use both apps, but I've quickly become a die hard 3D Coat user.
  17. Hi guys. Please take a look at this. I decided to make this thread when I have found this work by J0linar. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10817 It is enough for me. I am tired. Just ENOUGH!!! Of course you know the artists and works which I have posted here as an examples. Or at least you know something similar, because I point at the main stream of CG art. (Remove spaces in youtube-links, I don't want the embedded player to appear within the message) So... Please tell me, why THOUSANDS of artists paint and sculpt nothing except freaks, monsters, weapon, different kinds of violence? Why you, guys, are absolutely ignoring the real world? Why THOUSANDS of artists find their artistic interest only in violence, military spaceships and deformity?!! Ok, you are expecting to find the inspiration or fame at that resource, right? http:// www.youtube .com/watch?v=3nLp4ZP_6FY http://www.sketchtheatre.com/carlos-ramos/carlos-ramos-02/ Is it inspirational? Is it beautiful in any meaning? The games... The main themes are violence and war. So much efforts of artists, another reality is created, a lot of objects modelled and textured, so much money spent in the development of the code, stories told, all just to enable the player to kill someone. http:// www.youtube .com/watch?v=PjqsYzBrP-M Again, the main theme is NOT the friendship, love or something good. Main subject is the violence! The legend at the beginning of the video is just fooling us. Not the aliens really have arrived, but actually the player sits with this game at the computer and kills, kills, kills. http:// www.youtube .com/watch?v=qYDmq1TeDFs The well-known magazine. Hundreds of pages with excellent interviews, so much talented people are featured in the articles. But what they do really? To what do they invest their talent? http://shop.3dtotal.com/magazines/2dartist-magazine/2dartist-issue075-mar-2012-download-only.html It seems that the concept art and entertainment industry was made in order NOT to let people to have inspiration and joy, think about real issues and real ways to live together in peace. People are prohibited to know something different than comic books, blockbusters (violence, violence, violence and special effects to decorate the violence, to make it appropriate to the taste) and computer games (violence, freaks, violence, freaks and violence again). The killer's image nowadays has no soul, but has a carefully designed style. Killing became a STYLE nowadays, do you understand me? The killer (mage, knight, soldier, whatever) is usually depicted with a lot of decorative elements, but kills apriori, with no doubts. No one cares about the truth of the relationships between one and other sides of conflicts, no cons and pros, no dialogue. You are unable to find another way in the game. Just hatred and kill, illuminated and illustrated carefully with billions of poligons, lens flare effects and music. Ah! Furthermore. Love's meaning was degraded only to the sexuality in it's explicit form. http://cghub.com/images/view/190414/ No love! In the field of CG industry you are allowed only to paint hot chicks, stylised pin-up and so on. The creation of modern myths goes on. Maybe you think it isn't serious? http:// www.youtube .com/watch?v=Y_KGx0RYvDM Of course Russians are terrorists, yes! I am personally a badass terrorist, yeah. Because only terrorists want back "good old Soviet Union days". Then Hillary is laughing when she sees a terrible death of Gaddafi, and he was a leader of the independent country, btw. Was he good or bad, but he was not an alien gloomy monster. And of course USA is the one and only light of freedom and democracy, while the administration supports warfare all around the globe. The wars in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, support of "Friends of Syria" (don't you know about their real terroristic attempts to overcome "non democratic regime" of Assad?). But all the artists somehow are not exploring the truth, even in the sketchbooks. The mass culture always gives you something fantastic and bright, isn't it? http://puckducker.deviantart.com/art/Metal-Gear-Rex-Final-Renders-27734152 http://iunewind.deviantart.com/art/Mad-scorpion-Gold-Edition-98196991 Do you really think that war looks like this? Do you appreciate this? http://monsitj.deviantart.com/art/The-explorer-20703840 http://mikedoscher.deviantart.com/art/Siege-Mecha-Render-94312083 http://omen2501.deviantart.com/art/Shrapnel-117159284 http://omen2501.deviantart.com/art/Snatch-94494345 Do you think it is cool to spend your time and talent to make something like this? http://cghub.com/images/view/362789/ http://cghub.com/images/view/342132/ http://cghub.com/images/view/356579/ http://cghub.com/images/view/335305/ I am asking: WHY? Who forces you to sculpt freaks instead of something meaningful? Why you are using such a great tools and your talent just to sculpt freaks, decorate violence, hide it's pain and injustice? Why you are not exploring beautiful aspects of the real life? Why every one artist goes all the way to the virtual world while the reality is covered with cultural taboos? Why? Who forces personally YOU to go that way? Who attracts your attention with "beautiful fantastic world" filled with knights of all kinds, mages of all levels, dragons with a bunches of twisted horns and teeth? Why so much false? Is it a kind of obsession or what? Btw I am not even a christian or whatever. The question has nothing to do with religion or someone's commandments. I am just wondering, because I cant even turn on the TV without getting frustrated.
  18. Hey guys, Thought I would take this question to the community since I have been battling with it for years now. I jump back and forth while texturing between Photoshop and 3dcoat and eventually I'll start to get warping textures that only show up when im in the external editor(Photoshop CS6). Once saved and sent back to 3d coat the warping is completely gone.I still have no idea what this is or why it is. I'm currently using the 3d Coat 4.5 BETA but I've experienced this issue in every version of the program.It is not exclusive to the beta. I left an image to further articulate what I mean. Any help would be great.
  19. joshy


  20. Hello, all. I posted a link in the forums a couple of weeks ago about training that I put together for new and advanced artists going into 3D Coat for the first time. I'm currently providing a %50 off sale on this training (normally $29) until the end of Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 for the first 8 people to sign up! That's only $15 for 4 hours of instruction, introducing 3D Coat's main functions, internal workflow, some external actions, and customization! Don't miss out! https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-3d-coat/?couponCode=U3D002
  21. Iam in a situation were i have to sell what's possible. So i sell my License of 3D Coat Version 3Pro.When you bought it from me then they need your Name and E-Mail to complete the transfer,after that you will be able to download it from your account for PC/Mac,32 or 64 Bit (it will be Version 3.7) If you want to upgrade to version 4 then you can do so on the 3D Coat Website. I want 190,- US Dollar for it (via Paypal),you can upgrade for 99,- Dollar to version 4,this means you pay 289,- US Dollar for 3D Coat V4 Pro instead of 379,- US Dollar. If you are interested,have the money and want to help me out....then here is the chance to get a perfect sculpting and UV mapping Tool for a very good price. Have all a great week Dominik
  22. Greetings everyone! I've been active on this forum since I learned about 3D Coat and have learned tons from various sources, mostly being the kind folks here. Since then, I've also created a few free tutorials and tried to answer many questions for new users. One of the things I ran into both from my own perspective and from some users here is that organized and inexpensive training is very welcome. Therefore, I just published an Introduction to 3D Coat on Udemy.com or https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-3d-coat. I know there is lots of free training out there, and I'm very appreciative of that. Yet, I feel that an organized flow of instruction really helps me learn better. This course contains 22 lectures and approximately 4 hours of instruction. As a bonus, you'll receive custom themes created by me for use in 3D Coat. What are the requirements? Just an internet connection. No materials or software are required, but following along with at least a trial version of 3D Coat will help. What am I going to get from this course? 22 lectures and 4 hours of content! By the end of this course, you will have learned the user interface, understand 3D Coat's terminology, including what voxels are, and be able to move between the major functions of the program. What is the target audience? This course is intended for new to advanced users wishing to get familiar with 3D Coat for the first time. Normally, this course will go for the already low price of $29, but I'm giving away coupons for the first 6 people who want to purchase the course. Use coupon code U3D001, or simply click this link for a coupon worth 15% off until midnight 1 November 2013! That's just 3 days away. Be sure to visit UDEMY.COM or https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-3d-coat and take a look!
  23. As the title suggests, who is our expert in 3D printing with 3D Coat? I'm looking into using 3DC for 3D printing, but while I've gone to Shapeways and Cubicle, among others, I can't be certain from the information on their site how my models will turn out, in terms of scale and accuracy. I wouldn't want to waste money on something that doesn't print correctly.
  24. Hi guys. I am posting this for help and advise. I have been modeling human characters in 3d-coat, then rendering a scene with them in blender. But i just keep noticing that my characters aren't close to real, they look more like mannequins. Am i just lacking something, or am i just fundamentally wrong?? would really appreciate some advise for this... Here are some of my recent works (hair is done with blender hair emitter) Thanks
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