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Found 25 results

  1. Hey Guys, Have a question for you. Is there a full transparency mode/or Xray Mode for the UV Room? So it's easier to select hard to reach edges or hidden edges (while marking UV Seams) on your models. I generally find this a necessary feature if you are UV Mapping a Sub-D model that has not been retopologized or a model that has overlapping polygons that hide some of the edges. In Lightwave and other 3D packages we a fully transparent Wireframe Mode and in the UV Layout Software we have an XRay Mode that you can adjust the transparency of the Polygons. Does this option already exist in 3DC? If so I'd love to know where it is. I've searched all over but can't seam to find it Thanks in Advance Guys Adam
  2. One thing I have had a continued issue understanding is how you paint a neat continuously flowing texture onto an organic surface, attached is similar to what I mean. This image was created in blender by creating a flat repeating texture, and then taking a copy the original UV unwrap, stitching it back together, and distorting parts of it to get the texture to shrink or grow in scale where smaller scales or larger ones need to be, this created a nice flow to the texture that looks like natural scales, this obviously created a lot of overlaps and a really bizarre looking UV map, but it works for getting the texture to flow around the body. I thought there might be a way in 3D coat to make the stencil use this UV for it's lay out while paint to the original UV map. However, 3D coat didn't like it at all, and basically re automapped the whole thing. So, if I can't do that, really I wonder what use the UV map mode of the stencils are? Also if I can't do it this way, how do you get this kind of result in 3D coat without using a custom UV map just for the stencils? Every time I try to use the stencils to paint a scale pattern, no matter what kind of other mode I use, I can't get it to flow together nicely, I end up with various sized splotches and muddy mixes.
  3. Hey Guys, I'm not that familiar with 3D Coat yet. For awhile I was mostly using Blender but more recently i've also grown rather fond of 3D Coat especially with the UV Toolset, Voxel Sculpting, and Retopo Tools it has which I happen to like a lot better. I'm working on a first indie game I started with most of my models done so now I just need to texture them decently so that they all look decent when used together for game objects. Originally I was exporting the UV Image only then opening that in Photoshop since I have textures I would then map over it because I'm not very good at texture painting yet so that is why I have gone that route for the time being until I can figure it out better over the course of time. Now, in 3D Coat I am looking for that but I can't seem to do that? Is there no option or way to do that or am I missing it somewhere? I have poked around and tried to look for clues and made several attempts to figure this out more but other than messing around with it more until I get the results I desire. Any advice about this or could someone at least help point me in the right direction that has more experience than me with this?
  4. Hi, i am trying to clone a painted part from one UV location to another UV location in the paint room. Is there a better solution other than using "transform/copy tool" and estimate the location in the UV map as shown in the image? This solution is kinda of hit and miss for me.
  5. I am opening a obj, and proceeding to create seams, but 3d Coat v8.v4.04 keeps crashing. I'm on an iMac using macOS High Sierra 10.13.2. I can save the file, and add a few seams, but it keeps crashing periodically (random moment), especially when I start working. Interestingly, it won't crash as long as I don't touch the object, but as soon as I start working to add seams it crashes.
  6. I tried to make uv of the following object in 3dcoat when i press the "apply the uv set " The triangle on top in someway is missing and shows the "effects " in ao if i try to texture these are results: Missing the plaster definition in same area. The model is in blender and exported in 3dcoat. Appreciate any help
  7. Regarding placing Images onto the unwrapped mesh in the UV Editor Window, - I need to print a UV Map with an image visible on it. Is it possible to DRAG'N DROP an image onto the UNWRAPPED MESH in the UV Editor Window, or save the UNWRAPPED part - flat - with the IMAGE on it? I need to wrap images on a 3d object - and then SEE IT on the FLAT UV - and EXPORT & SAVE that... flat - for printing. I purchased 3dCoat for this purpose, however, I havent' taken any lessons on how to use it. If I can print the flat UV surface - or is it possibly better if I UNROLL the round surface (flat) and then place the image on that, and if so, will I see the IMAGE in the UV Editor?
  8. I'm trying to mark some UV edges and cannot because the model goes 'behind' another mesh. Is there anyway to 'hide' the mesh associated with an island OR use wireframe view mode in the UV room? Choosing view Wireframe doesn't work for me in 4.8.03
  9. So I imported a low poly model and cut off a small portion of it. But when I unwrap it the UV Map is completely different from the original one and when I import the texture it had before it's all messed up because it doesn't fit the new uv map. So is there a way to make changes to a model and still have the original texture wrapped around where it was before? It's really frustrating not being able to keep the models original texture after unwrapping.
  10. Ok so I am a user who prefers blender for modeling and 3d coat for texturing, however i want to just make the model in blender and do the rest in 3d coat. so baking, uv mapping, and texturing. for the life of me i cant seem to understand this in 3d coat.. is there a step by step process i would need to do so i can import low poly, uv map it import high poly and bake it onto the model and move on down to the paint room to finish off? i basically have to skip the baking part and do it in blender or do the uvs and bake in blender.. which i really dont want to do. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  11. The problem i have is the following : -I unwrapped my UVs fine -I then baked my normals (with the default shader & name correspondance for baking unchecked as it seemed to cause problem) -Normals are fine in the paint room I tried exporting the object from the retopo room (Export Retopo Object) & from the paint room (Export Object & Textures), and in those 2 cases, i get a weird UVW mapping in C4D : Also, in the Retopo room, i can't move retopo meshes in other UV Sets. I tried with my mesh selected or not in the Retopo room, with the initial object layer selected in the Voxtree or not... Anybody has ideas ?
  12. After importing an obj for PPP i got this uv map. Is there something wrong with it and, if so, what could be the steps to correct it ? TIA for any suggestion.
  13. Hello, is it possible to project a stencil in "UV-Mapping mode" but without the tiling all over the object? I need to project a texture exactly and "From camera" is not helpful this time. Thank you. P.S. And positioning the projection seems a bit tricky, not so immediate like the "From camera" mode
  14. Hello all, I've been having this issue sometimes when trying to mirror my UV islands. My goal is to have a game-ready model that uses one texture for both sides of the model, thus mirroring the texture. I've been able to do this for a few models, but my newest test model is giving me trouble. The method is to copy the island from one side and paste it to the other one, which overlaps the textures. However, whenever I copy the islands here, I get this.... Some of the islands copied just fine, but no matter what I do, they stretch like this! Can anyone help me? I don't know what else I can do to fix this. Version is 4.0.04, I am running Windows 7. Thank you!
  15. Hey Guys, We are having a $7 Video Summer Madness Sale at Learn3DSoftware.com. All 3D Video Tutorials are $7 Each Until 500 videos are sold. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/ 3D Coat Tutorial Catalog ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat Version 4.5 Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#18-Smart Materials I- $7 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#19-Smart Materials II- $7 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#20-Smart Materials III- $7 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#21-Hard Surface UV Mapping- $7 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat Version 4 Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat V4-Volume #1-Getting Started - $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #2-Getting Started II- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #3-UV Mapping I- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #4-UV Mapping II- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #5-Retopology I- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #6-Retopology II- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #7- Voxels I- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #8- Voxels VI- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #9- Voxels III- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #10- Voxels IV- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #11- Voxels V- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #12- Voxels VI- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #13-Dino Detailing I- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #14-Auto-Retopology Secrets- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #15- Photo Painting & Masking Tools- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #16- Texture Baking I- $7 3D Coat V4-Volume #17- Texture Baking II- $7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat Version 3 Tutorials ------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat 3.5-Auto-Retopology - $7 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology- $7 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology II-Project Suchomimus- $7 3D Coat 3.5-UV Mapping- $7 3D Coat 3.5-Normal & Displacement Maps- $7 3D Coat 3.5-Painting Color- $7 3D Coat 3.5-Voxel Sculpting-Project Dragon- $7 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting I-Project Elephant- $7 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting II-Project Human- $7 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#1- $7 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#2- $7 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter UV Mapping-Quick Method- $7 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter Detailing-Normal Maps- $7 3D Coat- 2D Sci-Fi Alpha Brush Collection Vol.#1- $7
  16. Hey guys, This is the latest 3D Coat training bundle that I created. A great way for beginner 3D artists to get started learning 3D Coat. The bundle includes: 1) 21 Volumes of 3D Coat Training 2) Sci-Fi Alpha Brush Collection- Volume #1 (100 Alpha Brushes) 3) Sci-Fi Alpha Brush Collection- Volume #2 (50 Alpha Brushes) 4) Creature Eye Pack 5) Dinosaur Mega-Pack (40 Dinosaur Models) You can get it at Liberty3d.com for 25% Off the regular price until April 3rd. Coupon Code: L3DST2016 http://www.liberty3d.com/
  17. Здравствуйте. Второй день мучаюсь с этим. Проблема вот в чём - когда скрываю некоторые модели, поработав немного, а потом включая скрытые, получаю только сетку модели, с которой вообще никак нельзя работать. Поверхность возвращает только удаление одного из Surface материала, но при удалении ионного, убивается сразу и модель к которому была привязана карта. Картинку вложил. Пожалуйста помогите.
  18. Merry Christmas Everyone, We are having a 50% OFF all our 3D Coat Video Tutorials at LEARN3DSOFTWARE.com. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/50_percent_off_sale_dec_2015.htm Below is a list of all our 3D Coat Training: 3D Coat Tutorial Catalog ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat Version 4.5 Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#18-Smart Materials I- $9.50 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#19-Smart Materials II- $9.50 3D Coat V4.5-Vol.#20-Smart Materials III- $9.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat Version 4 Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat V4-Volume #1-Getting Started - $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #2-Getting Started II- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #3-UV Mapping I- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #4-UV Mapping II- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #5-Retopology I- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #6-Retopology II- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #7- Voxels I- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #8- Voxels VI- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #9- Voxels III- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #10- Voxels IV- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #11- Voxels V- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #12- Voxels VI- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #13-Dino Detailing I- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #14-Auto-Retopology Secrets- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #15- Photo Painting & Masking Tools- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #16- Texture Baking I- $9.50 3D Coat V4-Volume #17- Texture Baking II- $9.50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat Version 3 Tutorials ------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat 3.5-Auto-Retopology - $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology II-Project Suchomimus- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-UV Mapping- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Normal & Displacement Maps- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Painting Color- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Voxel Sculpting-Project Dragon- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting I-Project Elephant- $9.50 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting II-Project Human- $9.50 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#1- $9.50 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#2- $9.50 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter UV Mapping-Quick Method- $9.50 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter Detailing-Normal Maps- $9.50 3D Coat- 2D Sci-Fi Alpha Brush Collection Vol.#1- $9.50 Our Christmas/New Year's Sale also includes software training for other 3D packages including: Lightwave, ZBrush, Modo, Substance Painter, DDO. Hope you all having a Safe and Fun Holiday!!
  19. Hi Everyone, A feature that I personally would love to see added to the UV Room would be "Wireframe/Xray Mode". This would allow easier selection of edges (marking of UV Seams) for unfolding geometry that has overlapping polygons and hidden edges. UV Mapping in 3D Coat is already awesome. This would make it the perfect UV Mapping solution for me. Hope to see this feature in a future update of the software. All the best, Adam Gibson www.learn3dsoftware.com
  20. Hey Guys, Were having a Super Halloween Special at LEARN3DSOFTWARE.com. -Lifetime Memberships are 50% Off -Only $249 US (Reg.$499) Until October 31st!! -Training for 3D Coat, Lightwave, ZBrush, Modo, Substance Painter, and DDO training. -One Time Fee and you get Access to All New and Older Tutorial Releases!! -Over 157 Video Titles and More Being Added Every Month!! http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/membership_lifetime.htm
  21. Hey Guys, Were having a $7 dollar Video Sale at Learn3DSoftware.com on all our tutorials!! -Save 63% OFF all our Software Titles!! -Over 100 Titles to Choose From!! http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/7_dollar_madness_Back_to_School_2014.htm 3D Coat Version 4 Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat V4-Volume #1-Getting Started -$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #2-Getting Started II-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #3-UV Mapping I-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #4-UV Mapping II-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #5-Retopology I-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #6-Retopology II-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #7- Voxels I-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #8- Voxels VI-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#9- Voxels III-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#10- Voxels IV-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#11- Voxels V-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#12- Voxels VI-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#13-Dino Detailing I-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#14-Auto-Retopology Secrets-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#15- Photo Painting & Masking Tools-$7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat Version 3 Tutorials ------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat 3.5-Auto-Retopology -$7 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology II-Project Suchomimus-$7 3D Coat 3.5-UV Mapping-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Normal & Displacement Maps-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Painting Color-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Voxel Sculpting-Project Dragon-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting I-Project Elephant-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting II-Project Human-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#1-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#2-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter UV Mapping-Quick Method-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter Detailing-Normal Maps-$7 3D Coat- 2D Sci-Fi Alpha Brush Collection Vol.#1-$7
  22. when im baking thin objects, the bake just turns out wrong
  23. Hi I made my model I painted it and now i want to export it to cinema 4d r14. When I export my model with textures in cinema 4d i get only my model and no textures. I tried applink, but it does not work! So can you help me please! How to add textures to my model so when I will export it to cinema 4d i wil get everything that i see in 3d coat V4. Maybe there is something that i have to do with uv map or another things. I using 3d coat V4.
  24. Well, the thread title is pretty clear, but for the life of me I can not figure out how to properly manage multiple objects while uv mapping. For example, I have a ship consisting of multiple objects (in my case 66), and was really hoping to pick and choose the object to work on, or solo everything but the selected. ZBrush has its solo feature, Maya (and many others) have Hide Unselected Object features, but I can't seem to find anything similar within 3D Coat. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Currently I am going through my giant list of objects and manually hiding each one. This really can't be the only way can it? :P Thanks!
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