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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. Hi, are you using latest version ? I've never seen this bug before and cant replicate. Please send support question to Andrew Shpagin at support@3dcoat.com Thx
  2. Hi, When you finally export, you will have the option of exporting the initial low resolution mesh, or the higher resolution subdivided mesh. If you wish to export the mesh just as it was when you first imported, always choose to export the low resolution version of the mesh. More is discussed on this topic in the Import and Export sections of this document.
  3. Hello http://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?/forum/31-3d-coat-exchange-library/
  4. When you are going to be painting on your model, you are using the paint objects. This video covers the basics of how to import an object into the 3d Coat workspace. This covers how to import to the painting section of 3d Coat.
  5. To substance painter use the paint objects. - You can select objects to be painted using: Windows > Popups > Paint Objects or Windows > Popups > Surface Materials
  6. Sphere is not affected by pressure but radius and tool option. Can you try another tool as build please ?
  7. Have you tried using GL version ? It could improve your performance.
  8. If after scale the model a bit you have wrong voxels density. over the layer use RMB > To Globals Scale command too avoid that error.
  9. Here Sorry i forgot to addt the link
  10. Hi, Yes, a similar problem was reported before. Please contact support@3dcoat.com to ask about this issue. Thank You.
  11. Hello, Hope this docs help. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cwZAOxv6Hbt86-ktPv5uJBLJ4-7TdWFIjJUc_FV7_s/edit
  12. Hi, It seems that the retopo in/out cage needs better adjustments.
  13. The problem you face, is caused at simple New scene ? Sounds like a bug, as I've never had anything like that occur. Sometimes closing the app > deleting the Options.XML file (MyDocs/3D Coat V4 directory) and re-starting the app fixes odd behavior, but that may not be the source of the problem. Or before reinstall you have to delete your 3DCoat folders...delete the one in your program files directory and delete the 3DCoat folder in your my documents (you may want to backup a duplicate)...try that.
  14. http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_education/art_process_overview/art_process_overview.htm You have two choices with this lesson, watch me discuss the issue in the video below, or read the full text. Whether you're doing concept art, video games, animated films, visual effects, etc, we're all doing the same basic thing, trying to create compelling imagery (unless you're doing motion, but that portion won't be taught here). I've split up my image making process into 20 stages: No matter what job you do, you are basically doing some subset of these stages.
  15. 你好 向Andrew Shpagin发送任何与支持有关的问题,功能请求 support@3dcoat.com
  16. Updated to 4.8.04 - Sticky keys activation time increased to prevent false sticking.
  17. Updated to 4.8.04 - fixed problem of very long importing for PPP in some cases.
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