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Everything posted by alvordr

  1. I always make sure to only check "Don't snap subdivision vertices to the surface" and maybe "Swap Y and Z" options. I've found that weld vertices and/or Auto smoothing groups can cause problems like the seams you're showing.
  2. Sounds like we're going in the direction Cheetah3D did years ago. I'm happy about that. It's great to have the ability we do now in 3D Coat to paint, and adding in nodal/procedural textures is going to be a big step up from that.
  3. I think a better snap retopo mesh to form would be a good thing to have. Currently, it doesn't work well when you've decided to make a symmetrical mesh assymetrical. Granted, there are limits to how well something like this could work. However, in an example where the right hand and arm were angled downward more, using a previously created symmetrical retopo won't snap to that arm and hand well. Improving the ability to snap/conform of retopo meshes would be super helpful. Something like what this program can do is what I'm thinking of: http://www.russian3dscanner.com
  4. You would have to ask Andrew. The technique I think you're suggesting sounds like being in Voxel Mode, but it going into a form of Surface Mode, selecting what you want, and then converting it back to Voxel Mode.
  5. I've done rocks in 3D Coat before: It's not hard at all, once you've gotten a good array of textures, brushes, and techniques.
  6. Try doing an elongated Cube Primitive (basically a rectangle) in the Voxel Room. Increase resolution of the layer it's one time. Make sure you're in Voxel Mode. Use the Scrape Tool with appropriate radius and just scrape away. You'll find yourself cutting away at the surface to get the smooth shavings with hard edges. I use the Brush setting at the top right a lot for things like this, but you can select any of them to see what works best for you. Also, be sure to adjust the smooth and falloff settings as you brush to get further control.
  7. I noticed while in the Voxel Room, that under the Voxel menu there is a Torno option. What is that?
  8. Frankly, I thought about the idea of having a "clear stray points" feature, but then realized the software should have a toggle that allows or disallows stray points. I can't think of why you would want them, but perhaps there's a use. Otherwise, it should always disallow points floating in free space.
  9. That's odd. Gamma shouldn't have anything to do with that. Anyway, glad you figured it out.
  10. ..and if you find that some of the blue dots you hover over don't turn white, rotate your camera around that particular blue dot a bit and make sure your brush side is big enough to pick it up. Eventually you'll get the hang of this 'til you may only get one or two of those at most.
  11. Interesting information. I get those artifacts, at times, as well. Especially when I'm using the Move Tool or the Smooth. It fixes when I restart the app and try again or delete the Options.xml. It's odd that the Nvidia setting would only affect it sometimes.
  12. In addition to what Javis said about increasing resolution of the layer, you might also consider using the T-smooth (Tangent smooth) option while in Surface Mode. It is best not to have a perfect 90 degree angle on your edges for baking purposes, anyway...assuming you're using normal maps.
  13. You can also subtract or add volumes that already exist...say if you had 2 different ones in separate layers in the Voxel Room. You can right-click on one layer and either add or subtract it from another of your choosing.
  14. It's likely inverted on one channel, like Carlosa said, but it also can show up like that when you're Merging for NM or whatever your option in the Retopo Room to send it to the Paint Room, having Auto Smoothing Groups selected. Normally, I don't smooth or change anything, but rather only have "Don't snap subdivision vertices to the surface" selected. Other than that, I'll choose my resolution for the texture. That's it.
  15. Yes, I that's a symmetry plane...I believe it's the Y plane. Anyway, you've got to turn off symmetry for that plane to get it to go away.
  16. This issue seems to be solved in 18. Not sure why, but it works now. However, it appears that symmetry while painting on the UV Texture editor doesn't work...can anyone else confirm for 18? One other question...if deleting Options.xml fixes some issues that come up, why not have 3D Coat do this automatically each time it loads up...auto delete that file, re-establish that file in the process it normally does and then any other issues that pop up are strictly due to bugs?
  17. It's not a laptop and my specs are in my signature for this machine. I doubt it's overheating. I don't have these problems in any other program, whether it be modeling or gaming. I was only asking if anyone else was having the same problem. Otherwise, it suggests it's something to do with my machine.
  18. Actually, I normally do mine in ZBrush if I'm using a 3D pattern, or simply put a tileable (custom or purchased) texture in PixPlant.
  19. In 17 and 17A, I keep getting a hard freeze (have to reboot, no cursor movement) when I go to the Render Room. In 17, it was when I turned on "Real-Time Lighting," but in 17A, it's when I turn on wireframe and then try to turn the model. Anyone else getting that?
  20. One thing I've noticed quite a bit is when Microsoft does patch Tuesdays, they sometimes cause a ton of problems in random places. I've been getting that a lot, lately. I restore to a good point in time back can do the trick most of the time for me. I'm not saying this is the issue, at hand, but that it could be.
  21. Andrew, I understand where you are going on this, but when we have 3 toggle buttons at the top (Depth, Color, Spec), I think that adds to the confusion. Perhaps add buttons for the others? That way we can turn on and off various combinations. Also, when exporting models and/or baking them, those separate maps exports should be there, as well...unless I'm mistaken. Nice work on the many updates, as of late, by the way.
  22. Nice job on the hands. I find it's necessary for me to take a difficult body part like that and just do as many as I can to get it right. Even if you have one completely done, and keep it in Voxel mode, then it's easy to just merge into another mesh you're working on and tweak.
  23. Yeah. I think it has great potential, but I've told them that as it is, it doesn't really offer much more than I can already do with other programs. It's supposed to be a beauty-shot renderer that speeds up the productivity of getting your shots done fast, but I can do most of this more easily and faster in at least 1-2 other programs and with more capability. I would like them to give us multi-UV capability, material layering, customizable and player-defined lighting presets, movie file export, and a few other things.
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