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Everything posted by Malo

  1. Sorry für die späte Antwort. Mein Router ist im Arsch. Konnte nichtmal Online gehen am WE. Also das artman penpack hat dich nicht zu interessieren. Das ist sozusagen nur ein Zubehör für die Presets. Die Presets müssten alle da sein wenn Du 3d coat komplett neu installiert hast ab V4.05 und höher. Einfach mal in deine Preset List reinschauen. Kann Dir leider keine Bilder oder ähnliches Zeigen da ich die Presets gelöscht bzw umbenannt habe. Soviel ich noch weiß, heißen die auch nicht Trimm oder ZBrush ähnlich, die haben ihren eigenen Namen.
  2. @Elowan You dont have to switch to artman pens or something like that, they are only needed for some tools. After your install, you should see the Artman Tools in your presets.
  3. Ach so, ja dann. Dachte schon ich bin da aufn Holzweg, oder hab da irgendwas übersehen mit den Kugeln. Aber es ist gut erklärt und der Teil erfüllt auch seinen Zweck. Neu machen oder extra erläutern würde ich das jetzt nicht. Ja, Tutorials zum Baken würden nicht schaden. Ich habe meistens immer schwierigkeiten mit Hard Surface Objekten. Irgendwie will das bei mir immer nicht so recht. Aber das ist ein anderes Thema. Jedenfalls Danke für dein Zeit.
  4. Thats why we post some links for you. You only need the model and textures from 3d coat, there is no need to understand the nodes compledly in cycles. Simple put your Albedo, Normal, Metallic and Roughness maps into the right slots and hit render, thats all. But no, there is no way to create a Cycles material that works in 3d coat, or in the other way. Both use its own shading and material system.
  5. Ähm, nein. Dein Beispiel mit Hand und Finger verstehe ich und ist auch klar soweit. Doch dein Knoten und die Schnüre verhalten sich nicht wie eine Hand. Deine Schnüre sind am Knoten nicht angewachsen wie die Finger an der Hand. Sie sind eigenständige Objekte wie ein Ring am Finger. Durch die Name Correspondence werden ja Ring und Finger beim Baken auch als Einzelnes Objekt berechnet. Genau das Gleiche passiert auch bei den Schnüren und dem Knoten. Du hast Band1, Band2 und Knoten (Layer, jeweils als Voxel und Retopo Objekt). Es gibt keine Überschneidungen. Würde es welche geben, müsstest Du die Kugeln auch bei Kopf, Schaft, Kralle usw setzen. Machst Du aber nicht wegen der Name Correspondence. Darum meine Frage, Wieso?
  6. Edge ring and loop are included. Select on Edge and then klick on Edge Loop or Edge Ring in Commands. Extrude Normals are included. Select some Faces and klick on Normal Extrude in Commands. Snap to Surface is included. Select what you want and klick on Snap in Commands. Yes, a easy ways to make something planar would be nice. At this time you could only try to scale your selected elements in the right direction.
  7. I use this for my projects http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/76325 There is another Shader Setup. https://matthieubarbie.wordpress.com/2014/11/23/pbr_shader-1-5-for-blender-2-72b-documentation/ This one have more options and an extra Node for IBL lightning.
  8. Mal eine Frage. Wieso nutzt Du diese Kugeln bei dem Knoten und Schnüren? Verstehe das nicht so recht oder übersehe ich irgendwas. Du sagt, es ist wegen den Überscheidungen, aber durch die Name Correspondence wird ja jedes Objekt sowieso einzeln Berechnet und somit gibt es keine Überschneidungen. Könntest Du das ein wenig erläutern.
  9. It depends on the More on Lit and More in Shadow Option for the Contition Mask. If one of the options is used in you Material, you need an AO map. Maybe there are more options that needs an AOmap. I dont have tested every option in the Editor.
  10. Two Questions 1. Are there any plans about Fill Layers, similar to that we have in Substance Painter? I like the workflow realy much. It is non destructive, you see in realtime what you did and you could modify it on the fly. 2. How did the Material converting works? My folders are empty, and if use Convert Materials, nothing happens. I get only one new Default Material.
  11. Wiedermal ein Danke von mir. War recht interessant mit anzusehen.
  12. I have no Problem to UV your file now. I use Beta5 Import for UVs, then Autoseams, Sharpseams and Manualseams, no problems with unwraping. Anyway. This model is never every remade in Retopo Room, or you have no experiance about Edgeflow. There are so many glitches. Maybe you have tried to rework your old model but that have an ugly topology, too. Setting Seams on a nice retopod mesh, gives better UVs and is easier to create your seams. And you dont run into problems like you have now.
  13. @Artman Yes, thats correct, i am sorry. If i say all materials are useless is wrong. Only the half or more are useless. Every material that have an edge effect or dirt effect. @ABNRanger I dont think that would solve the problem. If i start in PPP, i dont have a displacement map to bake the AO. Anyway. I see i have to start in VoxelRoom.
  14. You missunderstand me. Take a look into my WIPs There are 3 new Turrets, all are Lowpoly created in Blender. I have paintet it in Substance Painter. I only did some Normalmap stuff in 3d coat in Paint Room. Now i want to do do the same in 3d Coat. So i start in PPP. No sculpting, no retopo, no uvs and all the stuff. I hope you understand it what i am trying to explain and to do. Ok, now i want to paint over my lowpoly object. I start with PBR Material -> Metal -> Metal_Old If i click on it, a Cavitymap gets created and an AO map. Cavity is not a big thing, but with the AO the problems begins. No option of the 4 bakeoptions creates a similar map like i get if i bake a AO from Retopo Room. That means. if i want to start in PPP, the AO baking is unusable, because of ugly or wrong calculation. I think there is a missing option like i have in Blender, Xnormal, or Substance Designer. How should i use a PBR Material like Metal_Old on a lowpoly object if i start in PPP ? I remeber, you prefer, i have to start in Voxel Room to get nice results. And if i think more about it, to start in PPP is useless, too.
  15. Thanks artman for the help and infos. I bake now AO in Blender and send it to 3d coat. The baking in 3d coat for PBR material is unasable as far as i see, as long as you work with Lowpoly objects only.
  16. Malo


    From the album: Malo

    Tools: Blender, 3d Coat and Substance Painter Render: Blender Cycles

    © Malo

  17. Malo


    From the album: Malo

    Tools: Blender, 3d Coat and Substance Painter Render: Blender Cycles

    © Malo

  18. Malo


    From the album: Malo

    Tools: Blender, 3d Coat and Substance Painter Render: Blender Cycles

    © Malo

  19. Thanks for the reply. As you say, i have a hard surface object, from Blender. Is there a way to bake a correct AO map in 3d coat from the lowpoly? I could bake it external, no problem, but it would be nice to know.
  20. More Turrets. Createt with Lowpoly in Blender Normalmaps and Material IDs in 3d Coat Painting in Substance Painter Rendered in Blender Cycles
  21. Little question Some PBR Materials need a Ambient Occlusion Map. If i use the normal way, Sculp, Retopo, UVs and Baking. I get a nice AO. But if i start directly in Paint Room, the AO gets createt, but i dont get the same good result as i get if i bake it from Retopo Room. Long story short, what is the correct baking option in Paint Room to get the same result as get from Baking in Retopo Room? Any help would be nice.
  22. No, not realy. If you want to only paint without baking normals or displacement and auto uvs are enough, then it is the comon way to do so. Edit: Anyway. There are still problems in your fbx file. First of all, i was not able to import it. It crashes always. Second, after a look into your file into Blender and deletet some stuff like light and all emptys, i sent it to 3d coat. First try brings up some holes. on the chair and on the front of the car. Then i reworked that parts in blender, the front have overlapping stuff, and the chair have some non manifolds. After deleting that, i get a clean import. Nobody likes non manifolds and overlapping stuff. Keep your mesh always as clean as possible.
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