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How to reunwrap certain island ?


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So, I have my model already unwrapped in the UV room. Once I add extra UV seam, I need to unwrap certain part of my model again. How to reunwrap certain island?

The way I do:

  1. Add new temporary UV set.
  2. Move selected island to the new UV set.
  3. Unwrap everything there.
  4. Unify UV (thnx God!).
  5. Remove temporary UV set.

Too robust. Is there a better way to do that?

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When you select a UV island you want to re-unwrap, choose To GU, To ABF++ or To LSCM to unwrap it with the selected algorithm without altering other islands. You will still have to rotate, translate and scale your island into position. Unfortunately layout and auto scale affect all UV islands. But if the position, rotation and scale of other islands don't matter for you at this stage, then do shuffle, pack or auto-scale them. :)

Edited by ajz3d
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On 9/25/2016 at 4:02 PM, ajz3d said:

When you select a UV island you want to re-unwrap, choose To GU, To ABF++ or To LSCM to unwrap it with the selected algorithm without altering other islands. You will still have to rotate, translate and scale your island into position. Unfortunately layout and auto scale affect all UV islands. But if the position, rotation and scale of other islands don't matter for you at this stage, then do shuffle, pack or auto-scale them. :)

for me this causes a crash every time :(

MacOS, 3D-Coat v4.9.42 (but older versions too)

Any advice?

--shift studio.

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17 hours ago, Carlosan said:

If your model have nGons, use the command 

Retopo > Remove nGons

Thanks Carlosan!

In recent case, the mesh is 181 quads, 0 triangles, 0 nGons. Moving them to their own retopo layer (but same UV) and calling 'To GU' is an instant crash.

For a test,

I exported the little mesh to .OBJ,

started a new 3D Coat project as UV a mesh,

Imported the .OBJ, selected the island (its already UV'd but needs to be redone)

Call 'To GU' .... and ...

Instant crash. :(

I've attached the file incase you want to try.

Thanks, Shift Studio.


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Using win version cant replicate, sorry

Testing original and inverted normals, mesh is ok and no crash

no crash.jpg


My steps:

Import the model for poly paint modeling on Paint Room.

Switch to UV room

Select island


no crash


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Thanks for testing Carlosan.

this is the inside of a concave surface (a mouth) so thats why normals are facing in.

I actually have several issues with 3D coat that I think are macOS related. But can't be sure as I don't have a windows machine to test.

--shift studio.


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Hello! In "3DCoat 4.9.42A" for macOS (http://www.pilgway.com/~sergyi/3DCoat/3DCoat-4.9.42A.dmg) I have performed such steps:
Paint UV Mapped Mesh > folder icon > your "test.obj" > Ok > room UV > click on small island in window UV Preview > button "To GU" works identical to "3DCoat" for Windows (like the other To ABF/LSCM/Planar). Old builds of "3DCoat" for macOS crashed because of problems in linking with MKL. But now the buttons "To ABF/GU/LSCM/Planar" should work. If they do not then try to rename the user data folder "Finder > Go > Home > 3D-CoatV49" into something like "----3D-CoatV49". Then start "3DCoat 4.9.42A" and perform the steps above.

To GU.jpg

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@SERGYI I installed v4.9.42A and followed your instructions. I still had a crash.

So I follows the second set of instructions (rename the data folder to '----3D-CoatV49') and followed instructions and it 3D coat crashes still.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Shift Studio.


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On 5/8/2020 at 12:46 AM, Shift Studio said:

I still had a crash.

Hello, Shift Studio! It turned out that actions To ABF/GU/LSCM/Planar crashed "3DCoat" under older macOS 10.13 (but they worked under new macOS 10.15). This was because MKL required an additional dynamic library under macOS 10.13 (it was not required under new macOS 10.15). I have uploaded new build http://www.pilgway.com/~sergyi/3DCoat/3DCoat-4.9.42C.dmg in which buttons To ABF/GU/LSCM/Planar should work under older macOS 10.13 and new macOS 10.15.

To GU 10.13 Ear.jpg

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20 hours ago, Shift Studio said:

macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave)

Hello, Shift Studio! Please run Terminal. In Terminal enter:
% cd /Applications/3DCoat-4.9.42C/
% ./3DCoat.app/Contents/MacOS/3DCoat
This will run "3DCoat". Select Paint UV Mapped Mesh (Per-Pixel) > select "sphere" > Ok > click room "UV" > select any island in window "UV Preview" > click button "To GU". After the crash send me a screenshot (support PERIOD linux AT 3dcoat PERIOD com) of the Terminal window. There should be some message below the text "libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile".

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1 hour ago, SERGYI said:

Hello, Shift Studio! Please run Terminal. In Terminal enter:
% cd /Applications/3DCoat-4.9.42C/
% ./3DCoat.app/Contents/MacOS/3DCoat
This will run "3DCoat". Select Paint UV Mapped Mesh (Per-Pixel) > select "sphere" > Ok > click room "UV" > select any island in window "UV Preview" > click button "To GU". After the crash send me a screenshot (support PERIOD linux AT 3dcoat PERIOD com) of the Terminal window. There should be some message below the text "libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile".

Hi Sergyi - I followed your instructions and sent you the Terminal screen after the crash. Please let me know if you don't get it. Hopefully it will help.

--shift studio.

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